Примечания книги: Парни и секс. Молодые люди о любви, беспорядочных связях и современной мужественности - читать онлайн, бесплатно. Автор: Пегги Оренстейн

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Онлайн книга - Парни и секс. Молодые люди о любви, беспорядочных связях и современной мужественности

Современное общество навязывает множество стереотипов о том, каким должен быть настоящий мужчина. Но эти стереотипы лишь приводят к проблемам во взаимоотношениях, росту сексуального насилия и психологическим расстройствам. Журналист Пегги Оренстейн провела опрос более ста молодых людей о том, что они сами думают об образе идеального мужчины. В результате получился очень важный и откровенный разговор о гендерных особенностях и интимной жизни молодых парней, о мужской сексуальности в новом тысячелетии. Книга будет полезна молодым людям, которые хотят больше знать о взрослении, о сексе, о любви и близких отношениях. А также родителям мальчиков, которым эта книга поможет подготовиться к разговору со своими сыновьями на эти непростые темы.

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MGTOW (англ. Men Going Their Own Way — «мужчины, идущие своим путем») — сообщество, действующее преимущественно в интернете и продвигающее отделение мужчин от женщин и от общества, которое считается испорченным феминизмом. Прим. ред.


Джордан Питерсон (р. 1962) — профессор психологии в Университете Торонто, писатель, автор каналов YouTube. В 2016 г. подверг критике законопроект парламента Канады об обязательном использовании гендерно нейтральных местоимений по отношению к трансгендерным людям, назвав законодательное регулирование речи фашизмом, чем спровоцировал бурную общественную дискуссию. Прим. ред.


Американская система школьного образования делится на три уровня: начальная школа — с дошкольного образования до пятого класса, средняя школа — с шестого по восьмой классы и старшая школа — с девятого по двенадцатый. Прим. пер.


Heilman, Barker, and Harrison, “The Man Box.”


Undem and Wang, “The State of Gender Equality for U.S. Adolescents.”


Heilman, Barker, and Harrison, “The Man Box.” См. также Gallagher and Parrot, “What Accounts for Men’s Hostile Attitudes Toward Women?”


Pollack, Real Boys; Kimmel, Guyland.


Porter, “A Call to Men”; Heilman, Barker, and Harrison, “The Man Box.” См. также American Psychological Association, Boys and Men Guidelines Group, “Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men.”


Heilman, Barker, and Harrison, “The Man Box”; June Gruber and Jessica Borelli, “The Importance of Fostering Emotional Diversity in Boys,” Scientific American, December 12, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y92mk2xg; Baugher and Gazmararian, “Masculine Gender Role Stress and Violence”; Wong, Ringo Ho, Wang, et al., “Meta-Analyses of the Relationship Between Conformity to Masculine Norms and Mental Health-Related Outcomes”; Alia E. Dastagir, “Gender Stereotypes are Destroying Girls, and They’re Killing Boys,” USA Today, September 21, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/yae8qajo; American Psychological Association, “Sexism May Be Harmful to Men’s Mental Health”; Lutz-Zois, Moler, and Brown, “Mechanisms for the Association between Traditional Masculine Ideologies and Rape Myth Acceptance Among College Men”; Gallagher and Parrot, “What Accounts for Men’s Hostile Attitudes Toward Women?”


Pollack, Real Boys; Kimmel calls it the “Guy Code” in Guyland.


Pollack, Real Boys; Kimmel calls it the “Guy Code” in Guyland.


Weinberg, Tronick, Cohn, et al., “Gender Differences in Emotional Expressivity and Self-Regulation During Early Infancy.” См. также Brody, “The Socialization of Gender Differences in Emotional Expression.”


Condry and Condry, “Sex Differences.” Если респондентам говорили, что это девочка, эмоцию чаще описывали как «страх». В аналогичной ситуации с детьми дошкольного возраста по отношению к мальчикам эмоцию чаще описывали как «раздражение», а по отношению к девочкам — как «страх». Widen and Russell, “Gender and Preschoolers’ Perception of Emotion.”


van der Pol, Groeneveld, van Berkel, et al., “Fathers’ and Mothers’ Emotion Talk with Their Girls and Boys from Toddlerhood to Preschool Age”; Johnson, Caskey, Rand, et al., “Gender Differences in Adult-Infant Communication in the First Months of Life”; Aznar and Tenenbaum, “Spanish Parents’ Emotion Talk and Their Children’s Understanding of Emotion.”


Gruber and Borelli, “The Importance of Fostering Emotional Diversity in Boys.”


Kristina Dell, “Mothers Talk Differently to Daughters than Sons: Study,” Time, November 13, 2014, https://tinyurl.com/y2fcwxos; van der Pol, Groeneveld, van Berkel, et al., “Fathers’ and Mothers’ Emotion Talk with Their Girls and Boys from Toddlerhood to Preschool Age.”


Noah Berlatsky, “How Boys Teach Each Other to Be Boys,” The Atlantic, June 6, 2014, https://tinyurl.com/y3rnb8mj; Vicki Zakrzewski, “Debunking the Myths About Boys and Emotions,” Greatergood.com, December 1, 2014, https://tinyurl.com/y45audg3.


Blum, Mmari, and Moreau, “It Begins at 10: How Gender Expectations Shape Early Adolescence Around the World.”


Pollack, Real Boys. См. также Way, Deep Secrets.


Molly Babel, Grant McGuire, and Joseph King, “Toward a More Nuanced View of Vocal Attractiveness,” PLoS ONE, February 19, 2014, https://tinyurl.com/y5u474ng.


Gruber and Borelli, “The Importance of Fostering Emotional Diversity in Boys.”


Lauren Bans, “Bawl So Hard,” GQ, June 8, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/y6alzpt4.


Michael A. Schottey, “The Rules for Crying in Sports,” Askmen.com, https://tinyurl.com/y4228smf.


Wong, Steinfeldt, LaFollette, et al., “Men’s Tears.” См. также Jared DeFife, “The Crying Game: Male Athletes Shedding Tears,” Psychology Today, January 14, 2012, https://tinyurl.com/y5la566s.


Lipsyte, “Jocks vs. Pukes,” The Nation, July 27, 2011, https://goo.gl/eoxXfF.


Lipsyte, “Jocks vs. Pukes,” The Nation, July 27, 2011, https://goo.gl/eoxXfF.


Lipsyte, “Jocks vs. Pukes,” The Nation, July 27, 2011, https://goo.gl/eoxXfF. См. также Steinfeldt, Foltz, Mungro, et al., “Masculinity Socialization in Sports”.


Pascoe, Dude, You’re a Fag. См. также Funk and Werhun, “‘You’re Such a Girl!’”


Paula Lavigne, “OTL: College Athletes Three Times More Likely to Be Named in Title IX Sexual Misconduct Complaints,” ESPN.com, November 3, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y5urjnbm.


Shreya Chattopadhyay and Trina Paul, “2013 DU Minutes, Past Members Provide Window into Culture of Frat,” The Phoenix, May 2, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y689j7bl; Julie Turkewitz, “Swarthmore Fraternities Disband After Uproar Over ‘Rape Attic’ Documents,” New York Times, May 1, 2019, A19; Bayliss Wagner, Naomi Park, Trina Paul, et al., “Cult of Misogyny: Leaked Internal Documents Reveal Silence Around Harmful Culture at Phi Psi,” The Phoenix, April 18, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y2cjzym7. Подробнее о характеристиках сообществ, отличающихся высокорискованным поведением, см. Boswell and Spade, “Fraternities and Collegiate Rape Culture.”


Jeanna Bryner, “Study Reveals Why We Laugh at Disgusting Jokes,” Live Science, August 10, 2010, https://tinyurl.com/yykeeqsa.


Thompson, Raising Cain. См. также Kimmel, Guyland.


Университеты Большой десятки (англ. Big Ten Universities) — сообщество из десяти ведущих государственных университетов США, организованное в 1895 году, в настоящее время включает 14 университетов. Прим. ред.


Даркнет — анонимная и неконтролируемая часть интернета, недоступная обычным поисковым системам. Он работает децентрализованно, доступ к нему осуществляется через специальные браузеры, которые маршрутизируют зашифрованные сообщения через несколько серверов, чтобы замаскировать местоположение пользователя. Таким образом, пользователи могут сохранять практически полную анонимность. Прим. пер.


Есть даже выступление TED Talk под названием “The Great Porn Experiment.”


Pornhub Insights, “2018 Year in Review,” Pornhub, December 11, 2018.


David Auerbach, “Vampire Porn: MindGeek Is a Cautionary Tale of Consolidating Production and Distribution in a Single, Monopolistic Owner,” Slate, October 23, 2014, https://goo.gl/5CNtjn.


Abby Young-Powell, “Students Turn to Porn for Sex Education,” Guardian, January 29, 2015, https://goo.gl/WMrqf8.


Herbenick, Paul, Gradus, et al., The 2016 National Survey of Porn Use, Relationships, and Sexual Socialization.


Herbenick, Paul, Gradus, et al., The 2016 National Survey of Porn Use, Relationships, and Sexual Socialization.


См., например, Wolak, Mitchell, and Finkelhor, “Unwanted and Wanted Exposure to Online Pornography in a National Sample of Youth Internet Users.”


См. Sabina, Wolak, and Finkelhor, “The Nature and Dynamics of Internet Pornography Exposure for Youth.”


Dill-Shackleford, How Fantasy Becomes Reality.


Dill-Shackleford, How Fantasy Becomes Reality.


Dill-Shackleford, How Fantasy Becomes Reality.


Wright and Randall, “Pornography Consumption, Education, and Support for Same-Sex Marriage Among Adult U.S. Males.” См. также Regnerus, “Porn Use and Support of Same-Sex Marriage.”


Wright and Funk, “Pornography Consumption and Opposition to Affirmative Action for Women.”


Undem and Wang, “The State of Gender Equality for U.S. Adolescents.”


Martellozzo, Monaghan, Adler, et al., “‘… I Wasn’t Sure It Was Normal to Watch It …” По результатам других исследований, парни считают интернет-порнографию более реалистичной, чем девушки, и подросткам она кажется более реалистичной, чем молодым людям. Peter and Valkenburg, “Adolescents’ Exposure to a Sexualized Media Environment and Their Notions of Women as Sex Objects”; Peter and Valkenberg, “Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Online Material and Recreational Attitudes Toward Sex.”


O’Hara, Gibbons, Gerrard, et al., “Greater Exposure to Sexual Content in Popular Movies Predicts Earlier Sexual Debut and Increased Sexual Risk Taking”; Wright, Malamuth, and Donnerstein, “Research on Sex in the Media”; Bersamin, Bourdeau, Fisher, et al., “Television Use, Sexual Behavior, and Relationship Status at Last Oral Sex and Vaginal Intercourse”; Fisher, Hill, Grube, et al., “Televised Sexual Content and Parental Mediation”; Primack, Douglas, Fine, et al., “Exposure to Sexual Lyrics and Sexual Experience Among Urban Adolescents”; Brown, L’Engle, Pardun, et al., “Sexy Media Matter”; Zhang, Miller, and Harrison, “The Relationship Between Exposure to Sexual Music Videos and Young Adults’ Sexual Attitudes”; Ward and Friedman, “Using TV as a Guide”; Ward, Hansbrough, and Walker, “Contributions of Music Video Exposure to Black Adolescents’ Gender and Sexual Schemas”; Ward, “Understanding the Role of Entertainment Media in the Sexual Socialization of American Youth”; Brown, “Mass Media Influences on Sexuality”; Klein, Brown, Childers, et al., “Adolescents’ Risky Behavior and Mass Media Use.”


American College of Pediatricians, “The Impact of Pornography on Children,” position statement, June 2016, https://goo.gl/kMokhA; Katherine Sellgren, “Pornography ‘Desensitising Young People’,” BBC.com, June 15, 2016, https://goo.gl/WzDeKP; Bridges, Sun, and Ezzell, “Sexual Scripts and the Sexual Behavior of Men and Women Who Use Pornography”; Sun, Johnson, and Ezzell, “Pornography and the Male Sexual Script”; Wright, “A Three-Wave Longitudinal Analysis of Preexisting Beliefs, Exposure to Pornography, and Attitude Change”; Braun-Courville and Rojas, “Exposure to Sexually Explicit Web Sites and Adolescent Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors”; Carroll, Padilla-Walker, Nelson, et al., “Generation XXX”; Peter and Valkenburg, “Adolescents’ Exposure to a Sexualized Media Environment and Their Notions of Women as Sex Objects”; Maas, “The Influence of Internet Pornography on College Students”; Peter and Valkenburg, “Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Online Material and Recreational Attitudes Toward Sex”; Bonino, Ciairano, Rabaglietti, et al., “Use of Pornography and Self-Reported Engagement in Sexual Violence Among Adolescents.”


Herbenick, Reece, Schick, et al., “Sexual Behavior in the United States.” См. также Susan Donaldson James, “Study Reports Anal Sex on Rise Among Teens,” ABC News, December 10, 2008, https://tinyurl.com/y3cpcd53; Bahar Gholipour, “Teen Anal Sex Study,” Live Science, August 14, 2014, https://goo.gl/iUiV3o.


Leichliter, Chandra, Liddon, et al., “Prevalence and Correlates of Heterosexual Anal and Oral Sex in Adolescents and Adults in the United States.”


Marston and Lewis, “Anal Heterosex Among Young People and Implications for Health Promotion: a Qualitative Study in the UK.”


«Агрессивное поведение» включает выдирание волос, оставление синяков или ссадин, эякуляцию на лицо, связывание, двойное проникновение (проникновение в анус или вагину партнерши одновременно с третьим партнером), анальное проникновение с последующим оральным, применение кляпа, пощечины, удушение, использование нецензурной лексики. Wright, Tokunaga, and Kraus, “Pornography Consumption and Satisfaction”; Wright, Sun, Steffen, et al., “Pornography, Alcohol, and Male Sexual Dominance.”


Wright and Tokunaga, “Activating the Centerfold Syndrome”; Wright, “Show Me the Data!”


Brosi, Foubert, Bannon, et al., “Effects of Women’s Pornography Use on Bystander Intervention in a Sexual Assault Situation and Rape Myth Acceptance”; Wright and Tokunaga, “Men’s Objectifying Media Consumption, Objectification of Women, and Attitudes Supportive of Violence Against Women”; Brown and L’Engle, “X — Rated: Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors Associated with U.S. Early Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Media”; Hald, Malamuth, and Lange, “Pornography and Sexist Attitudes Among Heterosexuals”; Foubert, Brosi, and Bannon, “Pornography Viewing Among Fraternity Men.”


Wright, Bridges, Sun, et al., “Personal Pornography Viewing and Sexual Satisfaction”; Wright, Steffen, and Sun, “Is the Relationship Between Pornography Consumption Frequency and Lower Sexual Satisfaction Curvilinear?”; Wright, Tokunaga, Kraus, et al., “Pornography Consumption and Satisfaction”; Wright, Sun, Steffen, et al., “Associative Pathways Between Pornography Consumption and Reduced Sexual Satisfaction”; Morgan, “Associations Between Young Adults’ Use of Sexually Explicit Materials and Their Sexual Preferences, Behaviors, and Satisfaction.”


Melissa Batchelor Warnke, “Millennials Are Having Less Sex than Any Generation in 60 years. Here’s Why it Matters,” Los Angeles Times, Aug 3, 2016, https://goo.gl/7ZpEcz; Dave Simpson, “Why Millennials Aren’t Fucking,” Vice, April 26, 2016, https://goo.gl/Nu6mvw.


Nagoski, Come as You Are.


Nagoski, Come as You Are.


John Eligon and Michael Schwirtz, “Senate Candidate Provokes Ire With ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment,” New York Times, August 20, 2012, A13; Garance Franke-Ruta, “A Canard That Will Not Die: ‘Legitimate Rape’ Doesn’t Cause Pregnancy,” The Atlantic, August 19, 2012, https://tinyurl.com/y3qcm9kl.


Mark Shrayber, “Here’s the Dangerous and Grotesque Anal Sex Trend You’ve Always Wanted,” Jezebel, June 19, 2014, https://tinyurl.com/y3rlzkyn.


Bryant Paul, author interview, December 7, 2017.


Sarah Rense, “The Human Race Really Outdid Itself with Porn Searches in 2018,” December 12, 2018, https://goo.gl/n9VT7r.


Hustler («Хастлер») — ежемесячный порнографический журнал для мужчин, издающийся в США. Первый номер выпущен в 1974 году Ларри Флинтом. Maxim — международный мужской (с элементами эротики) журнал, имеющий в том числе и русскую версию. Основан в Великобритании в 1995 году. Издается в 24 странах мира. Прим. ред.


Gamble, “From Sexual Media to Unwanted Hookups”; Ana Bridges, “Some Pornography Scenes Are Wholesome, Others Degrading,” New York Times, November 11, 2012, https://goo.gl/NN467B; Eyal and Finnerty, “The Portrayal of Sexual Intercourse on Television”; Eyal and Kunkel, “The Effects of Sex in Television Drama Shows on Emerging Adults’ Sexual Attitudes and Moral Judgments”; Kim, Sorsoli, Collins, et al., “From Sex to Sexuality”; Martino, Collins, Elliott, et al., “Exposure to Degrading Versus Nondegrading Music Lyrics and Sexual Behavior Among Youth.”


Davies, Spencer, Quinn, et al., “Consuming Images.”


Milburn, Mather, and Conrad, “The Effects of Viewing R-rated Movie Scenes That Objectify Women on Perceptions of Date Rape.”


Rudman and Borgida, “The Afterglow of Construct Accessibility.”


По системе рейтингов Американской киноассоциации: рейтинг G — General audiences. Фильм демонстрируется без ограничений. Данный рейтинг показывает, что оцененный фильм не содержит ничего, что большинство родителей могло бы посчитать неприемлемым для просмотра или прослушивания даже самыми маленькими детьми. Рейтинг R — Restricted. Лица, не достигшие 17-летнего возраста, допускаются на фильм только в сопровождении одного из родителей либо законного представителя. Может быть назначен из-за частого употребления непристойной лексики, продолжительных сцен насилия, полового акта или употребления наркотиков. Прим. ред.


Stacy L. Smith and Crystal Allene Cook, “Gender Stereotypes: An Analysis of Popular Films and TV,” The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, 2008, https://tinyurl/com/jdr33g6.


Brent Lang, “Movies Featured More Female Protagonists in 2018, but It’s Not All Good News (Study),” Variety, February 19, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y6xeulgz.


Horvath, Hegarty, Tyler, et al., “‘Lights on at the End of the Party.’” Among college students, regular readership has also been associated with lower intent to seek sexual consent or adhere to decisions about it. Hust, Marett, Ren, et al., “Establishing and Adhering to Sexual Consent.”


Отсылка к бестселлеру Гиллиан Флинн «Исчезнувшая». Прим. ред.


«Волк с Уолл-стрит» (англ. The Wolf of Wall Street) — американская черная кинокомедия режиссера Мартина Скорсезе с Леонардо Ди Каприо в главной роли. Прим. ред.


«Кремниевая долина» (англ. Silicon Valley) — американский комедийный сериал, созданный Дэйвом Крински, Джоном Альтшулером и Майком Джаджем о бизнесе в Кремниевой долине. Прим. ред.


«Миллиарды» (англ. Billions) — американский драматический телесериал с Дэмиэном Льюисом и Полом Джаматти в главных ролях. Прим. ред.


Undem and Wang, “The State of Gender Equality for U.S. Adolescents.”


Undem and Wang, “The State of Gender Equality for U.S. Adolescents.”


«Блудливая Калифорния» (англ. Californication, от англ. California — штат Калифорния, Fornication — блуд, внебрачная связь) — американский телесериал производства телеканала Showtime, повествующий о жизни писателя Хэнка Муди, роль которого исполнил Дэвид Духовны. Выходил в 2007–2014 годах. Прим. ред.


«Американская семейка» (англ. Modern Family) — американский комедийный телевизионный сериал. Премьера сериала состоялась в 2009 году на телеканале ABC. Прим. ред.


Sonia Elks, “‘I Will Rape You’: Female Journalists Face ‘Relentless’ Abuse,” Reuters, September 13, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/yyeavs2r.


Bиgue, Sarda, Gentile, et al., “Video Games Exposure and Sexism in a Representative Sample of Adolescents”; Stermer and Burkley, “SeX — Box”; Beck, Boys, Rose, et al., “Violence Against Women in Video Games”; Dill, Brown, and Collins, “Effects of Exposure to Sex-Stereotyped Video Game Characters on Tolerance of Sexual Harassment.”


Yao, Mahood, and Linz, “Sexual Priming, Gender Stereotyping, and Likelihood to Sexually Harass.”


Rose, The Hip Hop Wars. См. также Sharpley-Whiting, Pimps Up, Ho’s Down.


Rose, The Hip Hop Wars. См. также Sharpley-Whiting, Pimps Up, Ho’s Down. См. также Rose, “Jay-Z— Dropping the Word ‘Bitch’ Doesn’t Begin to Cover It”; Frank Benton, “Getting a Bad Rap: Misogynistic Themes in YouTube’s Top 100 Most Viewed Pop and HipHop/Rap Music Videos by Artists’ Gender,” CLA Journal 3 (2015): 11–35; Aubrey and Frisby, “Sexual Objectification in Music Videos.”


Mathis, “Dear Kanye West: North and Chicago Are Not Your Karma,” Bitch Media, June 12, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/yblb52o9.


Brian Wu, “Does Marijuana Cause Erectile Dysfunction?” Medical News Today, August 9, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y3yplxcb.


Джудит Батлер (р. 1956) — американский философ, представительница постструктурализма, оказавшая существенное влияние на вопросы феминизма, квир-теории, политической философии и этики. Прим. ред.


В 2015 году студент Стэнфордского университета Брок Тернер был признан виновным в «сексуальном проникновении» по отношению к женщине, находившейся в бессознательном состоянии, и в намерении совершить изнасилование. Дело вызвало широкий резонанс в США. Тернер был приговорен к шести месяцам тюремного заключения, но вышел из тюрьмы через три месяца после приговора за хорошее поведение. Прим. ред.


High school and college students are: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Fewer U.S. High School Students Having Sex, Using Drugs,” Centers for Disease Control News Room Press Release, June 14, 2018.


Ford and England, “Hookups, Sex, and Relationships at College.”


Ford and England, “Hookups, Sex, and Relationships at College.”


См. Wade, American Hookup; Kuperberg and Padgett, “The Role of Culture in Explaining College Students’ Selection into Hookups, Dates, and Long — Term Romantic Relationships”; Armstrong and Hamilton, Paying for the Party.


Wade, American Hookup. См. также Fordham News, “Sex and the Soul and the College Student,” September 29, 2014, https://tinyurl.com/yxespk3n.


Wade, American Hookup.


Wade, American Hookup.


Abbey, “Alcohol’s Role in Sexual Violence Perpetration”; Davis, “The Influence of Alcohol Expectancies and Intoxication on Men’s Aggressive Unprotected Sexual Intentions”; Foubert, Newberry, and Tatum, “Behavior Differences Seven Months Later”; Carr and VanDeusen, “Risk Factors for Male Sexual Aggression on College Campuses”; Abbey, Clinton-Sherrod, McAuslan, et al., “The Relationship Between the Quantity of Alcohol Consumed and the Severity of Sexual Assaults Committed by College Men”; Norris, Davis, George, et al., “Alcohol’s Direct and Indirect Effects on Men’s Self-Reported Sexual Aggression Likelihood”; Abbey, Zawacki, Buck, et al., “Alcohol and Sexual Assault”; Norris, George, Davis, et al., “Alcohol and Hypermasculinity as Determinants of Men’s Empathic Responses to Violent Pornography.”


Abbey, “Alcohol’s Role in Sexual Violence Perpetration”; Orchowski, Berkowitz, Boggis, et al., “Bystander Intervention Among College Men.”


Ford and England, “Hookups, Sex, and Relationships in College.”


Ford and England, “Hookups, Sex, and Relationships in College.”


Bedera and Rothwell, “Emotional Intimacy and Sex”; Nicole Bedera, author interview, September 29, 2017.


Wade, American Hookup. См. также Kalish, “Masculinities and Hooking Up.”


Братья-эскимосы — парни, которые переспали с одной и той же девушкой. Прим. пер.


Wade, American Hookup.


England, Shafer, and Fogarty, “Hooking Up and Forming Romantic Relationships on Today’s College Campuses”; Armstrong, England, and Fogarty, “Accounting for Women’s Orgasm and Sexual Enjoyment in College Hookups and Relationships”; Armstrong, Hamilton, and England, “Is Hooking Up Bad for Young Women?”


В целом предполагается, что гендерное соотношение в студенческом кампусе влияет на восприятие секса. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, “Imbalanced Gender Ratios Could Affect Views About Casual Sex and Hook-Up Culture,” ScienceDaily, December 9, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/y5we5c76.


Schalet, Not Under My Roof.


Giordano, Longmore, and Manning, “Gender and the Meanings of Adolescent Romantic Relationships”; Giordano, “Relationships in Adolescence.”


“Dating Abuse Statistics,” Love Is Respect, https://tinyurl.com/y3n2f9wt.


Wake Forest University, “Young Men More Vulnerable to Relationship Ups and Downs than Women,” Science-Daily, June 14, 2010, https://tinyurl.com/y2wmm3ow.


Wade, American Hookup.


Бланш Дюбуа — героиня пьесы Теннесси Уильямса «Трамвай “Желание”». Прим. ред.


“Attitudes on Same-Sex Marriage,” Pew Research Center, May 14, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/yxjjm2ro.


“Attitudes on Same-Sex Marriage,” Pew Research Center, May 14, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/yxjjm2ro.


Kitt Carpenter, “Gay Men Used to Earn Less than Straight Men; Now They Earn More,” Harvard Business Review, December 4, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y9w8cqtj.


American Friends of Tel Aviv University, “Age of ‘Coming Out’ Is Now Dramatically Younger,” ScienceDaily, October 11, 2011, https://tinyurl.com/y4x94jxd.


Harris Poll, “Accelerating Acceptance 2017,” Los Angeles: GLAAD, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/yx8w98zu. См. также Human Rights Campaign, “Growing UP LGBT,” Report, Washington, DC: Human Rights Campaign, 2012, https://tinyurl.com/y69yoz5a. 12% миллениалов идентифицируют себя как трансгендеров, то есть «не отождествляют свой пол с биологическим или их гендерное проявление отличается от традиционных ожиданий от маскулинности или феминности». Из них 63% также не идентифицируют себя как гетеросексуалов.


Harris Poll, “Accelerating Acceptance 2017.”


“STDs in Adolescents and Young Adults,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://tinyurl.com/y6yfzt9b.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “HIV and Youth,” September 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y5cs425y; National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, “National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, April 9, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/yyuzl8bx.


Ari Shapiro, “Why Men in Mississippi Are Still Dying of AIDS, Despite Existing Treatments,” All Things Considered, National Public Radio, February 14, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y37l6lup.


“GLSEN Calls for LGBTQ — Inclusive Sex Ed,” Press Release, New York: GLSEN, 2015.


Rosenberger, Reece, Schick, et al., “Sexual Behaviors and Situational Characteristics of Most Recent Male-Partnered Sexual Event among Gay and Bisexually Identified Men in the United States.”


Kendall, “Educating Gay Male Youth.”


Wade, American Hookup; Lamont, Roach, and Kahn, “Navigating Campus Hookup Culture.”


Halberstam, Trans*; Trey Taylor, “Why 2015 Was the Year of Trans Visibility,” Vogue, December 29, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/y2xv7wfq.


Кейтлин Дженнер — американская телезвезда. В прошлом — Брюс Дженнер, спортсмен-легкоатлет, получил международную известность как десятиборец. После развода с женой в 2015 году совершил каминг-аут как трансгендерная женщина. Ряд новостных изданий называли Кейтлин Дженнер самым известным трансгендерным человеком в мире. Прим. ред.


Лаверна Кокс — американская актриса, продюсер и ЛГБТ-активистка. В 2014 году актриса вошла в историю, став первой трансгендерной женщиной, появившейся на обложке журнала Time. Прим. ред.


Dawn Ennis, “American Medical Association Responds to ‘Epidemic’ of Violence Against Transgender Community,’ Forbes, June 15, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y4b6gxnt.


Sandy E. James, Jody Herman, Susan Rankin, et al., “The Report of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey,” Washington, DC: National Center for Transgender Equality, 2016. 36% опрошенных трансгендерных мужчин перенесли операцию по уменьшению груди, а 3% — фаллопластику. Еще 2% перенесли метоидиопластику, которая предполагает создание фаллоса из клитора. 14% перенесли гистерэктомию. Хотя, согласно опросу, еще 61% заявили, что хотели бы сделать операцию на груди, а еще 57% — гистерэктомию; 19% признались, что хотели бы фаллопластику, а еще 25% — метоидиопластику.


Квир (англ. queer) — собирательный термин, используемый для обозначения человека, относящегося к сексуальным меньшинствам, то есть того, чья сексуальность отличается от общественного большинства. Прим. ред.


Angie Leventis Lourgos, “Parents Often Struggle to Talk About Sex with LGBTQ Teens: Northwestern Study,” Chicago Tribune, April 9, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y3vwbn46.


Angie Leventis Lourgos, “Parents Often Struggle to Talk About Sex with LGBTQ Teens: Northwestern Study,” Chicago Tribune, April 9, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y3vwbn46.


Emily Tate, “Graduation Rates and Race,” Inside Higher Ed, April 26, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y9eqb6do. См. также American Psychological Association, Presidential Task Force on Educational Disparities, “Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Education: Psychology’s Contributions to Understanding and Reducing Disparities,” Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2012, https://tinyurl.com/mxtg59u.


Armstrong and Hamilton, Paying for the Party.


Armstrong and Hamilton, Paying for the Party.


Emily Badger, Claire Cain Miller, Adam Pearce, et al., “Extensive Data Shows Punishing Reach of Racism for Black Boys,” New York Times, March 19, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y3m34pp7.


Ispa-Landa, “Gender, Race, and Jusboysandsex_tifications for Group Exclusion.” См. также Holland, “Only Here for the Day.”


Фредерик Дуглас (1818–1895) — американский писатель, просветитель, аболиционист. Один из известнейших борцов за права чернокожего населения Америки, руководитель негритянского освободительного движения. Корнел Уэст (р. 1953) — американский философ, писатель, богослов, актер, борец за гражданские права. Значительная часть трудов Уэста посвящена проблемам расы, пола и класса в американском обществе. Прим. ред.


Kimmel, Guyland. См. также West, Race Matters.


«Любовь — болезнь» (англ. The Big Sick) — американская полуавтобиографическая романтическая комедия режиссера Майкла Шоуолтера. Фильм стал самым кассовым независимым фильмом в 2017 году. Прим. ред.


Aditi Natasha Kini, “I’m Tired of Watching Brown Men Fall in Love with White Women Onscreen,” Jezebel, July 6, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y3enxas3; Amil Niazi, “‘The Big Sick’ Is Great, and It’s Also Stereotypical Toward Brown Women,” Vice, July 7, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/yyjy9yuk.


K-pop (от англ. Korean pop) — музыкальный жанр, возникший в Южной Корее и вобравший в себя элементы западного электропопа, хип-хопа, танцевальной музыки и современного ритм-н-блюза; превратился в масштабную музыкальную субкультуру с миллионами поклонников во всем мире. Прим. ред.


Генри Голдинг — англо-малайзийский актер, модель и телеведущий. Получил популярность благодаря роли в фильме «Безумно богатые азиаты». Росс Батлер — американский актер. Наиболее известен по роли Бретта в фильме Disney Channel «Кей Си. Под прикрытием». Дэниел Дэ Ким — американский актер и продюсер корейского происхождения, прославившийся благодаря роли Джина Квона в сериале «Остаться в живых». Прим. ред.


“Race and Attraction, 2009–2014,” OkCupid, September 9, 2014, https://tinyurl.com/ktbxmgt; The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, “Sexual Racism,” Comedy Central, April 12, 2016, https://tinyurl.com/zt53dbc.


Gretchen Livingston and Anna Brown, “Intermarriage in the U.S. 50 Years After Loving v. Virginia,” Pew Research Center, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y6n6ukso.


Wong, Horn, and Chen, “Perceived Masculinity.” См. также Liu and Wong, “The Intersection of Race and Gender”; Cheng, McDermott, Wong, et al., “Drive for Muscularity in Asian American Men”; Wong, Owen, Tran, et al., “Asian American Male College Students’ Perceptions of People’s Stereotypes About Asian American Men.”


Chen, “Hooked on Race.” См. также Shankar Vedantam, “Hookup Culture: The Unspoken Rules of Sex on College Campuses,” Hidden Brain, National Public Radio, September 25, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y2nzz2c6.


См. McKee, “Does Size Matter?”


Акт об исключении китайцев (англ. Chinese Exclusion Act) — особый закон конгресса США, изданный 6 мая 1882 года в ответ на массовую иммиграцию китайцев на запад страны. Закон запретил любую китайскую иммиграцию, а также натурализацию уже проживающих в США китайцев (хотя родившиеся в США дети китайцев уже считались гражданами согласно конституционной поправке 1868 года). Изначально действие закона должно было распространиться на 10 лет, однако он действовал до 1943 года. Прим. ред.


Хо (англ. ho) в переводе значит «проститутка». Прим. пер.


Emily Yoffe, “The Question of Race in Campus Sexual-Assault Cases,” The Atlantic, September 11, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y9scsam2.


Самый высокий уровень сексуальных домогательств и насилия был отмечен в отношении чернокожих и бисексуальных женщин. UC San Diego Center on Gender Equity and Health, Stop Street Harassment, “Measuring #MeToo: A National Study on Sexual Harassment and Assault,” San Diego: UC San Diego Center on Gender Equity and Health, 2019.


Feminista Jones, “Why Black Women Are Jumping to Bill Cosby’s Defense — and Why They Should Stop,” Time, January 9, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/y2s94mpn.


Salamishah Tillet and Scheherazade Tillet, “After the ‘Surviving R. Kelly’ Documentary, #MeToo Has Finally Returned to Black Girls,” New York Times, January 10, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/ycqtfk8j.


Мнение о том, что афроамериканцы обожают арбузы и постоянно их едят, считается расистским стереотипом. Арбузы как бахчевая культура неприхотливы и устойчивы к засухе. Это породило ассоциации, что фермеры, занимающиеся выращиванием арбузов, ленивы. Кроме того, арбузы были одной из первых сельхозкультур, которые разрешили выращивать и продавать темнокожим после отмены рабства. Прим. пер.


Von Robertson and Chaney, “‘I Know it [Racism] Still Exists Here’”; Adrienne Green, “The Cost of Balancing Academia and Racism,” The Atlantic, January 21, 2016, https://tinyurl.com/y7jrwvfw; Joan Brasher, “Black College Students Face Hidden Mental Health Crisis,” Research News @Vanderbilt, December 30, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/y8bpcm4f; Yasso, Smith, Ceja, et al., “Critical Race Theory, Racial Microaggressions, and Campus Racial Climate for Latina/o Undergraduates”; American Psychological Association, Presidential Task Force on Educational Disparities, “Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Education: Psychology’s Contributions to Understanding and Reducing Disparities.”


Hammond, “Taking It Like a Man.”


Jake New, “Bad Apples or the Barrel?” Inside Higher Ed, April 15, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/y3bap7pw.


Ray, “Fraternity Life at Predominantly White Universities in the US”; Ray and Rosow, “The Two Different Worlds of Black and White Fraternity Men: Visibility and Accountability as Mechanisms of Privilege”; Ray and Rosow, “Getting Off and Getting Intimate.” См. также Allison and Risman, “‘It Goes Hand in Hand with the Parties.’”


Zaloom, Sex, Teens, and Everything in Between; Charis Denison calls this “the Platinum rule.” Charis Denison, author interview, June 26, 2019.


Zaloom, Sex, Teens, and Everything in Between.


Cantor, Fisher, Chibnall, et al., Report on the AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct.


Bedera, “Moaning and Eye Contact”; Nicole Bedera, author interview, September 29, 2017.


Scully and Marolla, “Convicted Rapists’ Vocabulary of Motive.”


Hansen, O’Byrne, and Rapley, “Young Heterosexual Men’s Use of the Miscommunication Model in Explaining Acquaintance Rape.”


Bedera, “Moaning and Eye Contact”; Nicole Bedera, author interview, September 29, 2017.


Brooks, Lang-Ree, Yuan, et al., “Campus Sexual Assault.” См. также Becker and Tinkler, “‘Me Getting Plastered and Her Provoking My Eyes’”; Jacques-Tiura, Abbey, Parkhill, et al., “Why Do Some Men Misperceive Women’s Sexual Intentions More Frequently than Others Do?”; Roni Jacobson, “Targeting Drunk Women Accounts for Sexual Aggression, Not ‘Blurred Lines,’” Scientific American, March 7, 2104, https://tinyurl.com/y2cdpr8z; Peralta, “College Alcohol Use and the Embodiment of Hegemonic Masculinity Among European American Men.”


Maya Salam, “Women, Alcohol and Perceived ‘Sexual Availability,’” New York Times, May 14, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y4n2kbpk.


Heather Murphy, “New Scrutiny for Men Who Rape,” New York Times, October 31, 2017, D1. См. также Edwards, Bradshaw, and Hinsz, “Denying Rape but Endorsing Forceful Intercourse.”


Pascoe and Hollander, “Good Guys Don’t Rape.”


Подробнее о том, как точки зрения на гендер могут дополнять и поддерживать друг друга, см. Tolman, Davis, and Bowman, “‘That’s Just How It Is’.” Zaloom calls it “the gender paradigm”: Zaloom, Sex, Teens, and Everything in Between.


Weissbourd with Anderson, Cashin, et al., “The Talk.” См. также Lisa Damour, “Talking with Both Daughters and Sons About Sex,” New York Times, January 11, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/yyoaxtju; Rothman, Miller, Terpeluk, et al., “The Proportion of U.S.Parents Who Talk with Their Adolescent Children About Dating Abuse.”


Jim Hopper, “Freezing During Sexual Assault and Harassment,” Psychology Today, April 3, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y4zl8rob.


Reidy, Early, and Holland, “Boys Are Victims Too?”; Shaffer, Adjei, Viljoen, et al., “Ten-Year Trends in Physical Dating Violence Victimization Among Adolescent Boys and Girls in British Columbia, Canada.”


Kashmira Gander, “90 Percent of Teens Killed by Their Partners Are Girls — and Most of the Killers Are Men,” Newsweek, April 15, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y454429t.


Conor Friedersdorf, “The Understudied Female Sexual Predator,” The Atlantic, November 28, 2016, https://goo.gl/4KYTsM. См. также Stemple, Flores, and Meyer, “Sexual Victimization Perpetrated by Women”; French, Tilghman, and Malebranche, “Sexual Coercion Context and Psychosocial Correlates Among Diverse Males”; Fisher and Pina, “An Overview of the Literature on Female-Perpetrated Adult Male Sexual Victimization”; Turchik, “Sexual Victimization Among Male College Students”; Kaestle, “Sexual Insistence and Disliked Sexual Activities in Young Adulthood”; Stemple, “Male Rape and Human Rights.”


Mellins, Walsh, Sarvet, et al., “Sexual Assault Incidents among College Undergraduates.”


John Foubert, “‘Rapebait’ E-mail Reveals Dark Side of Frat Culture,” CNN, October 9, 2013, https://tinyurl.com/yxz7jecj.


Ford, “Describing Unwanted Sex with Women”; Ford, “‘Going with the Flow’”; Ford and Soto-Marquez, “Sexual Assault Victimization Among Straight, Gay/Lesbian, and Bisexual College Students.”


Muehlenhard and Shippee, “Men’s and Women’s Reports of Pretending Orgasm.” См. также Roberts, Kippax, and Waldby, “Faking It.”


Ford, “‘Going with the Flow’.”


Laurie Roberts, “Boy Allegedly Molested by Goodyear Teacher Brittany Zamora Is … Lucky?” AZCentral, March 26, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y6r7kj3v; Stewart Perrie, “Why Is There a Double Standard When Female Teachers Have Sex with Students?” Lad Bible, March 6, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y4727wl8; Hollie McKay, “Female Teachers Having Sex with Students: Double Standards, Lack of Awareness,” Fox News, June 30, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y55uhj67.


Marlow Stern, “‘The Daily Show’ Digs Up Creepy Clip of Trump Defending a Statutory Rape,” The Daily Beast, September 29, 2016, https://tinyurl.com/y5uesyap.


Dube, Anda, Whitfield, et al., “Long-term Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Gender of Victim.”


Emily Kassie, “Male Victims of Campus Sexual Assault Speak Out ‘We’re Up Against a System That’s Not Designed to Help Us,’” Huffington Post, January 27, 2105, https://tinyurl.com/yxkc6c8v.


Khan, Hirsch, Wamboldt, et al., “‘I Didn’t Want to Be “That Girl”’: The Social Risks of Labeling, Telling, and Reporting Sexual Assault.”


Cantor, Fisher, Chibnall, et al., Report on the AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct. См. также Carey, Durney, Shepardson, et al., “Incapacitated and Forcible Rape of College Women.”


Anemona Hartocollis and Christina Capecchi, “Mothers ‘Willing to Do Everything,’ Mothers Defend Sons Accused of Sexual Assault,” New York Times, October 24, 2017, A12.


Anemona Hartocollis and Christina Capecchi, “Mothers ‘Willing to Do Everything,’ Mothers Defend Sons Accused of Sexual Assault,” New York Times, October 24, 2017, A12.


Подробнее о лучших практиках реституционного правосудия см. Karp, The Little Book of Restorative Justice for Colleges and Universities; Bargen, Edwards, Hartman, et al., Serving Crime Victims Through Restorative Justice; Kaplan, “Restorative Justice and Campus Sexual Misconduct.”


Karp and Sacks, “Student Conduct, Restorative Justice, and Student Development.”


Herman, “Justice from the Victim’s Perspective.”


См., например, Yung, “Concealing Campus Sexual Assault.”


Christina Capatides, “A Cup Full of Spit, a Chewed Up Piece of Gum. These Are the Metaphors Used to Teach Kids About Sex,” CBS News, April 29, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y5cg744y.


«Дрянные девчонки» (англ. Mean Girls) — американская комедия 2004 года, снятая режиссером Марком Уотерсом, с Линдси Лохан в главной роли. Прим. ред.


Christina Capatides, “A Cup Full of Spit, a Chewed Up Piece of Gum. These Are the Metaphors Used to Teach Kids About Sex,” CBS News, April 29, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y5cg744y. См. также US House of Representatives, The Content of Federally Funded Abstinence-Only Education Programs; Santelli, Kantor, Grilo, et al., “Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage.”


Jessica Boyer, “New Name, Same Harm,” Guttmacher Policy Review, February 28, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y5evxj3h; Andrea Zelinski, “Rewrite of Texas Sex Education Standards Could Include Lessons on Contraception, Gender Identity,” Houston Chronicle, June 13, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y4nekl8f; Advocates for Youth, “Sexual Education: Research and Results,” Fact Sheet, Washington, DC: Advocates for Youth, 2009, https://tinyurl.com/y5uf7g97.


Santelli, Grilo, Choo, et al., “Does Sex Education Before College Protect Students from Sexual Assault in College?”; Tina Rosenberg, “Equipping Women to Stop Campus Rape,” New York Times, May 30, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y4brgua7.


Planned Parenthood, “What’s the State of Sex Education in the U.S.?” https://tinyurl.com/yblzzxpa; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “16 Critical Sexual Education Topics,” https://tinyurl.com/y2jve6kd.


Laura Fay, “Just 24 States Mandate Sex Education for K-12 Students, and Only 9 Require any Discussion of Consent. See How California Compares,” LA School Report, April 1, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/yxvhey73. С момента публикации этой статьи в государственных школах Колорадо в процессе сексуального просвещения обязательным стало обсуждение темы согласия.


Widman, Evans, and Javidi, “Assessment of Parent-Based Interventions for Adolescent Sexual Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.


Holman and Koenig Kellas, “‘Say Something Instead of Nothing’”; Weissbourd with Anderson, Cashin, et al., “The Talk”; Roni Caryn Rabin, “Why Parents Should Have the ‘Sex Talk’ with Their Children,” New York Times, November 4, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/y3e2pomf; Alexandra Ossola, “Kids Really Do Want to Have ‘The Talk’ with Parents,” Popular Science, March 5, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/yx8pyham.


Shafia Zaloom, Sex, Teens, and Everything in Between.


Weissbourd with Anderson, Cashin, et al., “The Talk”; Rick Weissbourd, “Teens’ Romantic Relationships,” Making Caring Common Project, October 2018, https://tinyurl.com/yyllgkdt; Ossola, “Kids Really Do Want to Have ‘The Talk’ with Parents.”


Andrew Smiler, “Why Do Boys Date and Have Sex?” Andrewsmiler.com, January 23, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/y4wo7vad.


Amy Schalet, “The New ABCD’s of Talking About Sex with Teenagers,” HuffPost, November 2, 2011, https://tinyurl.com/y5sdodh5; Orenstein, Girls & Sex.


Smiler, Challenging Casanova.


Jody Aked and Sam Thompson, “Five Ways to Well-being: New Applications, New Ways of Thinking,” New Economics Foundation, July 5, 2011, https://tinyurl.com/y2rrc89g.


Levant, Allen, and Lien, “Alexithymia in Men”; Karakis and Levant, “Is Normative Male Alexithymia Associated with Relationship Satisfaction, Fear of Intimacy and Communication Quality Among Men in Relationships?” См. также “How to Encourage Healthy Emotional Development in Boys,” https://tinyurl.com/yyzg9r6c.


Gruber and Borelli, “The Importance of Fostering Emotional Diversity in Boys.”


Cherney and Dempsey, “Young Children’s Classification, Stereotyping and Play Behaviour for Gender Neutral and Ambiguous Toys.”


Editors of GQ, “What 1,147 Men Think About #MeToo: A Glamour x GQ Survey,” GQ, May 30, 2018, https://tinyurl.com/y64r3db9.


Katie J. M. Baker, “Here’s the Powerful Letter the Stanford Victim Read to Her Attacker,” BuzzFeed News, June 3, 2016, https://tinyurl.com/yd5xdase.


Kelsey Clayman, Brooke Dickens, Alika Keene, et al., “Stronger Together,” Harvard Crimson, October 29, 2016, https://tinyurl.com/y4cn842k.


Dan Harmon, “Don’t Let Him Wipe or Flush,” Harmontown. Извинения начинаются после 19-й минуты. См. также Nancy Updike, “Finally,” This American Life, National Public Radio, May 10, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y5jjla96.


Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus, Hot Girls Wanted, Netflix, 2015.


Schalet, Not Under My Roof.


Schalet, Not Under My Roof. См. также Orenstein, Girls & Sex; Saskia de Melker, “The Case for Starting Sex Education in Kindergarten,” PBS News Hour, May 27, 2015, https://tinyurl.com/ycjsfx5o.


Brugman, Caron, and Rademakers, “Emerging Adolescent Sexuality”; Schalet, Not Under My Roof.


Brugman, Caron, and Rademakers, “Emerging Adolescent Sexuality.”


Bill Albert, With One Voice 2012: America’s Adults and Teens Sound Off About Teen Pregnancy, Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 2012, https://tinyurl.com/y4bnjvyg.


Sanday, “Rape-Prone Versus Rape-Free Campus Cultures.”


Два основных источника: Caitlin Flanagan, “The Dark Power of Fraternities,” The Atlantic, March 2014, https://tinyurl.com/yatzxnhe; Armstrong and Sweeney, “Sexual Assault on Campus.”


John Foubert, “‘Rapebait’ E-mail Reveals Dark Side of Frat Culture,” CNN, October 9, 2013, https://tinyurl.com/yxz7jecj. См. также Seabrook, Ward, and Giaccardi, “Why Is Fraternity Membership Associated with Sexual Assault?”; Martinez, Wiersma-Mosley, Jozkowski, et al., “‘Good Guys Don’t Rape’”; Seabrook and Ward, “Bros Will Be Bros”; Mellins, Walsh, Sarvet, et al., “Sexual Assault Incidents Among College Undergraduates.”


Seabrook, Ward, and Giaccardi, “Why Is Fraternity Membership Associated with Sexual Assault?”; Seabrook and Ward, “Bros Will Be Bros?”


Paula Lavigne, “OTL: College Athletes Three Times More Likely to Be Named in Title IX Sexual Misconduct Complaints”; Lisa Wade, “Rape on Campus: Athletes, Status, and the Sexual Assault Crisis,” The Conversation, March 6, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y469652p.


Jake New, “Sexual Coercion Among Athletes,” Inside Higher Ed, June 3, 2016, https://tinyurl.com/hcffen3.


См. Sanday, “Rape-Prone Versus Rape-Free Campus Cultures.”


Lisa Wade, “Rape on Campus”; Jake New, “The ‘Black Hole’ of College Sports,” Inside Higher Ed, February 9, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y2mklqp5; Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, “Colleges Need to Stop Protecting Sexual Predators,” January 31, 2015, Time, https://tinyurl.com/y59m3sj3; “College Athletic Departments’ Role in Investigating Sexual Assaults,” Athletic Business, April 2015, https://tinyurl.com/y2nv367h. См. также Nancy Armour, “Opinion: NCAA Continues to Drop the Ball by Accepting Athletes Punished for Sexual Assault,” USAToday, April 4, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/yyljkt5q; Bernard Lefkowitz, Our Guys, New York: Vintage, 1998.


Miller, Tancredi, McCauley, et al., “‘Coaching Boys into Men’.” См. также Futures Without Violence, “Coaching Boys into Men,” https://tinyurl.com/y4nsrpzc.

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Пегги Оренстейн — автор бестселлеров New York Times: Don’t Call Me Princess, Girls & Sex, Cinderella Ate My Daughter, Waiting for Daisy, Flux, Schoolgirls. Публикуется в New York Times Magazine и Afar, а также в New York, The Atlantic, New Yorker и других изданиях. Ее выступление на TED-конференции набрало более четырех миллионов просмотров.
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