Примечания книги: Европа. Борьба за господство - читать онлайн, бесплатно. Автор: Брендан Симмс

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Европа, на землях которой шла многовековая борьба за господство…Борьба оружия и дипломатии, культурного, религиозного, политического и экономического влияния…Какие же страны одерживали верх в этой борьбе?А какие были отброшены назад?Каким государствам удалось подняться после разрушительных поражений?А какие так и остались на обочине истории?На эти и другие вопросы отвечает в своей книге Брендан Симмс – известный британский историк, профессор, директор Центра международных исследований Кембриджского университета.

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Quoted in D. M. Schreuder, ‘Gladstone and Italian unification, 1848–70: the making of a Liberal?’, The English Historical Review, LXXXV, 336 (1970), p. 477.


Halford Mackinder, Democratic ideals and reality (London, 2009 [1919]), p. 23.


Robert Bartlett, The making of Europe. Conquest, colonisation and cultural change, 950–1350 (London, 1993), pp. 269–91, especially p. 291.


Thomas N. Bisson, ‘The military origins of medieval representation’, American Historical Review, 71, 4 (1966), pp. 1199–1218, especially pp. 199 and 1203.


Обзоры: A. R. Myers, Parliaments and estates in Europe to 1789 (London, 1975), and H. G. Koenigsberger, ‘Parliaments and estates’, in R. W. Davis (ed.), The origins of modern freedom in the west (Stanford, Calif., 1995), pp. 135–77. Об Англии, Германии и Швеции: Peter Blickle, Steven Ellis and Eva Österberg, ‘The commons and the state: representation, influence, and the legislative process’, in Peter Blickle (ed.), Resistance, representation, and community (Oxford, 1997), pp. 115–54. О парламентской критике большой стратегии: J. S. Roskell, The history of parliament. The House of Commons, 1386–1421 (Stroud, 1992), pp. 89, 101, 101–15, 126, 129 and 137.


Samuel K. Cohn Jr, Lust for liberty. The politics of social revolt in medieval Europe, 1200–1425. Italy, France and Flanders (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 2006), pp. 228–42.


Richard Bonney (ed.), The rise of the fiscal state in Europe, c. 1200–1815 (Oxford, 1999), and Philippe Contamine (ed.), War and competition between states (Oxford, 2000).


Michael Wintle, The image of Europe. Visualizing Europe in cartography and iconography throughout the ages (Cambridge, 2009), pp. 58–64.


Лолларды – христианская община, сложилась в Германии и Голландии; фламандские ткачи, бежавшие в Англию, принесли учение этой общины о социальном равенстве на Британские острова. Гуситы – сторонники чешского социального реформатора Я. Гуса, выступали за уменьшение влияния церкви на мирские дела. Альбигойцы (катары) – религиозное движение во Франции; в период, о котором пишет автор, корректнее говорить о вальденсах – духовных преемниках катаров, отстаивавших ликвидацию частной собственности и апостолическую бедность. – Примеч. ред.


Alfred Kohler, Expansion and Hegemonie. Internationale Beziehungen 1450–1559 (Paderborn, 2008).


Peter Blickle, Obedient Germans? A rebuttal. A new view of German history (Charlottesville, and London, 1997), especially pp. 44–52. See also Martin Kintzinger and Bernd Schneidmüller, Politische Öffentlichkeit im Spätmittelalter (Darmstadt, 2011).


Arnd Reitemeier, Aussenpolitik im Spätmittelalter. Die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen dem Reich und England, 1377–1422 (Paderborn, 1999), pp. 14–15, 474–81 and passim.


Marie Tanner, The last descendant of Aeneas. The Hapsburgs and the mythic image of the emperor (New Haven, 1993); Martin Kintzinger, Die Erben Karls des Grossen. Frankreich und Deutschland im Mittelalter (Ostfildern, 2005); and Alexandre Y. Haran, Le lys et le globe. Messianisme dynastique et rêve impérial en France à l’aube des temps modernes (Seyssel, 2000). For the strategic dimension see Duncan Hardy, ‘The 1444–5 expedition of the dauphin Louis to the Upper Rhine in geopolitical perspective’, Journal of Medieval History, 38, 3 (2012), pp. 358–87 (especially pp. 360–70).


Bernd Marquardt, Die ‘europäische Union’ des vorindustriellen Zeitalters. Vom Universalreich zum Staatskörper des Jus Publicum Europaeum (800–1800) (Zurich, 2005).


Thomas A. Brady, German histories in the age of Reformations, 1400–1650 (Cambridge, 2009), pp. 90–98.


Eberhard Isenmann, ‘Reichs nanzen und Reichssteuern im 15. Jahrhundert’, Zeitschrift für die historische Forschung, 7 (1980), pp. 1–76 and 129–218 (especially pp. 1–9).


Tom Scott, ‘Germany and the Empire’, in Christopher Allmand (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History. Vol. VII: c. 1415 – c. 1500 (Cambridge, 1998), pp. 337–40.


В классической геополитике хинтерланд – важная территория, примыкающая к уже завоеванной. Примеч. ред.


Quoted in Hugh Thomas, Rivers of gold. The rise of the Spanish Empire (London, 2003, 2010 edition), p. 494.


Quoted in Andreas Osiander, The states system of Europe, 1640–1990. Peacemaking and the conditions of international stability (Oxford, 1994), p. 79.


Jonathan Harris, The end of Byzantium (New Haven and London, 2010), pp. 178–206.


Daniel Goffman, The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 2002), pp. 2–3, 9–10, 13 (re the prophet Muhammed), 19, 222 and passim; and Osman Turan, ‘The ideal of world domination among the medieval Turks’, Studia islamica, IV (1955), pp. 77–90, especially pp. 88–9.


Steven Runciman, The fall of Constantinople, 1453 (Cambridge, 1966), pp. 160–80, and W. Brandes, ‘Der Fall Konstantinopels als apokalyptisches Ereignis’, in S. Kolditz and R. C. Müller (eds.), Geschehenes und Geschrie – benes. Studien zu Ehren von Günther S. Henrich und Klaus-Peter Matschke (Leipzig, 2005), pp. 453–69.


Quoted in Iver B. Neumann and Jennifer M. Welsh, ‘The other in European self-definition: an addendum to the literature on international society’, Review of International Studies, 17, 4 (1991), pp. 327–48 (p. 336).


Quoted in Peter O’Brien, European perceptions of Islam and America from Saladin to George W. Bush. Europe’s fragile ego uncovered (London, 2009), p. 75. See also Rhoads Murphey, ‘Süleyman I and the conquest of Hungary: Ottoman manifest destiny or a delayed reaction to Charles V’s universalist vision’, Journal of Early Modern History, 5 (2001), pp. 197–221.


Theodore Spandounes, On the origin of the Ottoman emperors, trans. and ed. Donald M. Nicol (Cambridge, 1997), p. 5.


Иначе Житваторокский мир, подписан в устье реки Житва, предусматривал отказ от ежегодной выплаты Венгрией дани Турции; взамен император согласился на единовременную выплату туркам значительной суммы. Примеч. ред.


Wim Blockmans and Nicolette Mout (ed.), The world of emperor Charles V (Amsterdam, 2004), and Alfred Kohler, Karl V. 1500–1558. Eine Biographie (Munich, 1999).


John Lynch, Spain under the Habsburgs. Vol. I: Empire and absolutism (Oxford, 1981), quotation p. 38. On Charles V and ‘Universal Monarchy’ see Franz Bosbach, Monarchia universalis. Ein politischer Leitbegriff der Frühen Neuzeit (Göttingen, 1988), pp. 35–64.


То есть супруг правящей королевы, Филипп, еще наследником престола женился на Марии Тюдор (Кровавой); после ее смерти он долго предлагал брак королеве Елизавете. Примеч. ред.


Geoffrey Parker, The grand strategy of Philip II (New Haven and London, 1998), p. 4.


Gábor Ágoston, ‘Information, ideology, and limits of imperial policy: Ottoman grand strategy in the context of Ottoman – Habsburg rivalry’, in Virginia H. Aksan and Daniel Goffman (eds.), The Early Modern Ottomans: remapping the empire (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 75–103.


Goffman, Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe, p. 111.


The Sultan’s instructions to the Moriscos and his envoy to Flanders are cited in Andrew C. Hess, ‘The Moriscos: an Ottoman fifth column in sixteenth-century Spain’, American Historical Review, 74, 1 (1968), pp. 19–20.


Esther-Beate Körber, Habsburgs europäische Herrschaft. Von Karl V. bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts (Darmstadt, 2002), p. 20 and passim.


Quoted in Lynch, Spain under the Habsburgs, pp. 74–5.


Aurelio Espinosa, ‘The grand strategy of Charles V (1500–1558): Castile, war, and dynastic priority in the Mediterranean’, Journal of Early Modern History, 9 (2005), pp. 239–83, especially pp. 239–41 and 258–9.


Federico Chabod, ‘“¿Milán o los Países Bajos?” Las discusiones en España sobre la “alternativa” de 1544’, in Carlos V (1500–1558). Homenaje de la Universidad de Granada (Granada, 1958), pp. 331–72, especially pp. 340–41. I thank Miss Carolina Jimenez Sanchez for translating this article for me.


Volker Press, ‘Die Bundespläne Karls V und die Reichsverfassung’, in Heinrich Lutz (ed.), Das römisch-deutsche Reich im politischen System Karls V. (Munich, 1982), pp. 55–106.


Alfred Kohler, Expansion und Hegemonie. Internationale Beziehungen, 1450–1559 (Paderborn, Munich, etc., 2008), pp. 371–84.


Olivares on Flanders is cited in Jonathan I. Israel, Conflicts of empires. Spain, the Low Countries and the struggle for world supremacy, 1585–1713 (London, 1997), pp. 67–8. For projected Spanish military expenditure in 1634 see the figures in J. H. Elliott, ‘Foreign policy and domestic crisis: Spain, 1598–1659’, in J. H. Elliott, Spain and its world, 1500–1700. Selected essays (New Haven and London, 1989), p. 130.


Randall Lesaffer, ‘Defensive warfare, prevention and hegemony: the justifications of the Franco-Spanish war of 1635’, Journal for International Law, 8 (2006), pp. 91–123 and 141–79. Richelieu on gateways is cited in J. H. Elliott, Richelieu and Olivares (Cambridge, 1984), p. 123.


Quoted in Derek Croxton, Peacemaking in Early Modern Europe. Cardinal Mazarin and the Congress of Westphalia, 1643–1648 (Selinsgrove, Pa, and London, 1999), p. 271.


Quoted in Stuart Carroll, Martyrs and murderers. The Guise family and the making of Europe (Oxford, 2009), p. 68.


Quoted in Alison D. Anderson, On the verge of war. International relations and the Jülich-Kleve succession crises (1609–1614) (Boston, 1999), p. 51.


Anja Victorine Hartmann, Von Regensburg nach Hamburg. Die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen dem französischen König und dem Kaiser vom Regensburger Vertrag (13. Oktober 1630) bis zum Hamburger Präliminarfrieden (25. Dezember 1641) (Münster, 1998).


Richelieu is quoted in Hermann Weber, ‘Richelieu und das Reich’, in Heinrich Lutz, Friedrich Hermann Schubert and Hermann Weber (eds.), Frankreich und das Reich im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert (Göttingen, 1968), pp. 36–52 (pp. 39 and 41).


Quoted in Osiander, States system of Europe, p. 28.


James D. Tracy, The founding of the Dutch Republic. War, finance, and politics in Holland, 1572–1588 (Oxford, 2008), pp. 5–7, 143–5, 238–41 and passim. For the connections between the Netherlands and the Empire see Johannes Arndt, Das heilige Römische Reich und die Niederlande 1566 bis 1648. Politisch-Konfessionelle Verflechtung und Publizistik im Achtzigjährigen Krieg (Cologne, 1998).


Rory McEntegart, Henry VIII, the League of Schmalkalden and the English Reformation (Woodbridge, 2002), pp. 11–12 and 217–18 (quotation p. 17).


Cited in R. B. Wernham, Before the Armada. The growth of English foreign policy, 1485–1588 (London, 1966), p. 292.


J. Raitt, ‘The Elector John Casimir, Queen Elizabeth, and the Protestant League’, in D. Visser (ed.), Controversy and conciliation. The Reformation and the Palatinate, 1559–1583 (Allison Park, Pa, 1986), pp. 117–45. 145


О нежелании Елизаветы вторгаться в Нидерланды: Simon Adams, ‘Elizabeth I and the sovereignty of the Netherlands, 1576–1585’, in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, XIV (2004), pp. 309–19. 319


Michael Roberts, Gustavus Adolphus (London and New York, 1992), pp. 59–72, and ‘The political objectives of Gustav Adolf in Germany, 1630–2’, in Roberts, Essays in Swedish History (London, 1967), pp. 82–110. The quotations from Gustavus Adolphus and the Rijkstag are in Erik Ringmar, Identity, interest and action. A cultural explanation of Sweden’s intervention in the Thirty Years War (Cambridge, 1996), p. 112. Oxenstierna is quoted in Peter H. Wilson (ed.), The Thirty Years War. A Sourcebook (Basingstoke and New York, 2010), p. 133.


‘Swedish Manifesto. 1630’, in Wilson (ed.), Thirty Years War. A Source-book, p. 122. The concerns about the Habsburgs ‘drawing nearer to the Baltic provinces’ are clearly spelled out on pp. 123–4. The ‘liberty of Germany’ is invoked in the final paragraph, p. 130.


Sigmund Goetze, Die Politik des schwedischen Reichskanzlers Axel Oxenstierna gegenüber Kaiser und Reich (Kiel, 1971), pp. 75–90.


Пожизненным диктатором (лат.). Примеч. ред.


Quoted in Michael Roberts, ‘Oxenstierna in Germany’, in Roberts, From Oxenstierna to Charles XII. Four studies (Cambridge, 1991), p. 26.


О важности для испанцев Германии: Charles Howard Carter, The secret diplomacy of the Habsburgs, 1598–1625 (New York and London, 1964), p. 58.


Quoted in Osiander, States system of Europe, p. 79.


Gülru Necipoğ lu, ‘Süleyman the Magni cent and the representation of power in the context of Ottoman – Habsburg – Papal rivalry’, The Art Bulletin, 71 (1989), pp. 401–27, especially pp. 411–12. 412


Goffman, Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe, pp. 107–8. Важность Центральной Европы и Средиземноморья: Metin Kunt and Christine Woodhead (eds.), Süleyman the Magnificent and his age. The Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern world (London, 1995), pp. 24 and 42–3. 43


Quoted in Karl Brandi, Kaiser Karl V. Wenden und Schicksal einer Persönlichkeit und eines Weltreiches (Munich, 1959), p. 78.


Quoted in John M. Headley, ‘Germany, the Empire and Monarchia in the thought and policy of Gattinara’, in Lutz (ed.), Das römisch-deutsche Reich, p. 18.


Henry J. Cohn, ‘Did bribes induce the German electors to choose Charles V as emperor in 1519?’, German History, 19, 1 (2001), pp. 1–27.


Headley, ‘Germany, the Empire and Monarchia’, in Lutz (ed.), Das römisch-deutsche Reich, pp. 15–33, especially pp. 18–19 (quotations pp. 16 and 22).


Matthias Schnettger and Marcello Verga (eds.), Das Reich und Italien in der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin and Bologna, 2000). О стычке между Максимилианом и Карлом: Hermann Wies ecker, Kaiser Maximilian I. Das Reich, Österreich und Europa an der Wende zur Neuzeit (Munich, 1975) (quotation p. 50). О “мессианских” амбициях Карла: Haran, Le lys et le globe, pp. 39–40.


Quoted in Heinrich Lutz, ‘Kaiser Karl V., Frankreich und das Reich’, in Lutz et al., Frankreich und das Reich im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert, pp. 7–19 (quotation p. 13).


Quoted in William F. Church, Richelieu and reason of state (Princeton, NJ, 1972), p. 287.


Stella Fletcher, Cardinal Wolsey. A life in Renaissance Europe (London and New York, 2009), pp. 61–2.


C. S. L. Davies, ‘Tournai and the English crown, 1513–1519’, Historical Journal, 41 (1998), pp. 1–26, especially pp. 11–12.


Euan Cameron, The European Reformation (Oxford, 1991), pp. 99–110.


John W. Bohnstedt, The in del scourge of God. The Turkish menace as seen by German pamphleteers of the Reformation era (Philadelphia, 1968), pp. 12–13 and 23–5.


Dieter Mertens, ‘Nation als Teilhabeverheissung: Reformation und Bauernkrieg’, in Dieter Langewiesche and Georg Schmidt (eds.), Föderative Nation. Deutschlandkonzepte von der Reformation bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg (Munich, 2000), pp. 115–34, especially pp. 117–18 and 125–32. Также: Klaus Arnold, ‘“… damit der arm man vnnd gemainer nutz iren furgang haben”… Zum deutschen “Bauernkrieg” als politischer Bewegung: Wen – del Hiplers und Friedrich Weigandts Pläne einer “Reformation” des Reiches’, in Zeitschrift für historische Forschung, 9 (1982), pp. 257–313, especially pp. 296–307 on imperial reform plans.


Andrew Pettegree, The Reformation and the culture of persuasion (Cambridge, 2005), especially pp. 185–210; R. W. Scribner, For the sake of simple folk. Popular propaganda for the German Reformation (Cambridge, 1981); and Peter Lake and Steven Pincus (eds.), The politics of the public sphere in Early Modern England (Manchester and New York, 2007), especially pp. 1–30.


Diarmaid MacCulloch, Reformation. Europe’s house divided, 1490–1700 (London, 2003), especially pp. 124–5. О порожденном Реформацией ощущении уязвимости: Robert von Friedeburg, Self-defence and religious strife in Early Modern Europe. England and Germany, 1530–1680 (Aldershot, 2002).


Claus-Peter Clasen, The Palatinate in European history, 1555–1618 (Oxford, 1963), especially pp. 10–11; and Volker Press, ‘Fürst Christian I. von Anhalt-Bernburg, Statthalter der Oberpfalz, Haupt der evangelischen Bewegungspartei vor dem Dreissigjährigen Krieg (1568–1630)’, in Konrad Ackermann and Alois Schmid (eds.), Staat und Verwaltung in Bayern (Munich, 2003), pp. 193–216.


D. J. B. Trim, ‘Calvinist internationalism and the shaping of Jacobean foreign policy’, in Timothy Wilks (ed.), Prince Henry revived. Image and exemplarity in Early Modern England (London, 2007), pp. 239–58. О самом любопытном агенте “кальвинистского интернационала”: Hugh Trevor-Roper, Europe’s physician. The various life of Sir Theodore de Mayerne (New Haven, 2006).


Cecil on the German princes is cited in David Trim, ‘Seeking a Protestant alliance and liberty of conscience on the continent, 1558–85’, in Susan Doran and Glenn Richardson (eds.), Tudor England and its neighbours (Basingstoke, 2005), pp. 139–77 (p. 157).


Peter H. Wilson, ‘The Thirty Years War as the Empire’s constitutional crisis’, in R. J. W. Evans, Michael Schaich and Peter H. Wilson (eds.), The Holy Roman Empire, 1495–1806 (Oxford, 2010), pp. 95–114.


Heinz Duchhardt, Protestantisches Kaisertum und altes Reich. Die Diskussion über die Konfession des Kaisers in Politik, Publizistik und Staatsrecht (Wiesbaden, 1977), pp. 326–30.


R. A. Stradling, Spain’s struggle for Europe, 1598–1668 (London, 1994).


Zúñiga and Onate are quoted in Eberhard Straub, Pax et imperium. Spaniens Kampf um seine Friedensordnung in Europa zwischen 1617 und 1635 (Paderborn and Munich, 1980), pp. 116–17.


Brennan C. Pursell, The Winter King. Frederick V of the Palatinate and the coming of the Thirty Years War (Aldershot, 2003).


Thomas Brockmann, Dynastie, Kaiseramt und Konfession. Politik und Ordnungsvorstellungen Ferdinands II im Dreissigjährigen Krieg (Paderborn, 2009).


Heinz Duchhardt, ‘Das Reich in der Mitte des Staatensystems. Zum Verhältnis von innerer Verfassung und internationaler Funktion in den Wandlungen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts’, in Peter Krüger (ed.), Das europäische Staatensystem im Wandel. Strukturelle Bedingungen und bewegende Kräfte seit der Frühen Neuzeit (Munich, 1996), pp. 1–9; and Christoph Kampmann, Europa und das Reich im Dressigjährigen Krieg. Geschichte eines europäischen Kon ikts (Stuttgart, 2008).


Quoted in R. J. Knecht, The Valois. Kings of France, 1328–1589 (London, 2004), p. 144.


Maurice Keen, ‘The end of the Hundred Years War: Lancastrian France and Lancastrian England’, in Michael Jones and Malcolm Vale (eds.), England and her neighbours, 1066–1453 (London and Ronceverte, W. Va, 1989), pp. 297–311, especially pp. 299–301.


О существовании публичной сферы до изобретения книгопечатания и значимости английских войн: Clementine Oliver, Parliament and political pamphleteering in fourteenth-century England (Woodbridge, 2010), p. 4 and passim.


Cited in Helen Castor, Blood and roses (London, 2004), p. 60.


G. L. Harriss, ‘The struggle for Calais: an aspect of the rivalry between Lancaster and York’, The English Historical Review, LXXV, 294 (1960), pp. 30–53, especially pp. 30–31.


Alexandra Gajda, ‘Debating war and peace in late Elizabethan England’, Historical Journal, 52 (2009), pp. 851–78.


Noel Malcolm, Reason of state, propaganda, and the Thirty Years’ War. An unknown translation by Thomas Hobbes (Oxford, 2007), especially pp. 74–8, and Robert von Friedeburg, ‘“Self-defence” and sovereignty: the reception and application of German political thought in England and Scotland, 1628–69’, History of Political Thought, 23 (2002), pp. 238–65.


Almut Höfert, Den feind beschreiben. Türkengefahr und europäisches Wissen über das Osmanische Reich 1450–1600 (Frankfurt, 2003), and Robert Schwoebel, The shadow of the crescent. The Renaissance image of the Turk (1453–1517) (Nieuwkoop, 1967).


Caspar Hirschi, Wettkampf der Nationen. Konstruktionen einer deutschen Ehrgemeinschaft an der Wende vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit (Göttingen, 2005), pp. 12, 159, and passim.


Alfred Schröcker, Die deutsche Nation. Beobachtungen zur politischen Propaganda des ausgehenden 15. Jahrhunderts (Lübeck, 1974), pp. 116–45, and Joachim Whaley, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1493–1806, 2 vols. (Oxford, 2011).


Elliott, ‘Foreign policy and domestic crisis’, in Elliott, Spain and its world, especially, pp. 118–19.


Sharon Kettering, Power and reputation at the court of Louis XIII. The career of Charles d’Albert, duc de Luynes (1578–1621) (Manchester and New York, 2008), pp. 217–42.


Jonathan Scott, England’s troubles. Seventeenth-century English political instability in European context (Cambridge, 2000), and John Reeve, ‘Britain or Europe? The context of Early Modern English history: political and cultural, economic and social, naval and military’, in Glenn Burgess (ed.), The new British history. Founding a modern state, 1603–1715 (London and New York, 1999), pp. 287–312.


‘Resolutions on religion drawn by a sub-committee of the House of Commons’, 24 February 1629, in S. R. Gardiner, Constitutional documents of the Puritan revolution, 3rd rev. edn (Oxford, 1906), p. 78. On the rise of Calvinist internationalism in England see David Trim, ‘Calvinist inter – nationalism and the shaping of Jacobean foreign policy’, in Timothy Wilks (ed.), Prince Henry revived. Image and exemplarity in Early Modern England (London, 2007), pp. 239–58.


Alfred Kohler, ‘Karl V, Ferdinand I und das Königreich Ungarn’, in Martina Fuchs, Teréz Oborni and Gábor Újváry (eds.), Kaiser Ferdinand I. Ein mitteleuropäischer Herrscher (Münster, 2005), pp. 3–12.


Quoted in Hans Sturmberger, ‘Türkengefahr und österreichische Staatlichkeit’, Südostdeutsches Archiv, X (1967), pp. 132–45.


Winfried Schulze, Reich und Türkengefahr im späten 16. Jahrhundert. Studien zu den politischen und gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen einer aüsseren Bedrohung (Munich, 1978), especially pp. 270–97.


The declaration of 1575 is cited in Geoffrey Parker, The Dutch Revolt (Harmondsworth, 1990), p. 146. M. C. ’t Hart, The making of a bourgeois state. War, politics and finance during the Dutch revolt (Manchester, 1993), pp. 216–17, makes the point that war and state formation do not necessarily lead to absolutism.


Jane E. A. Dawson, ‘William Cecil and the British dimension of early Elizabethan foreign policy’, History, 74 (1989), pp. 196–216 (Cecil quotation p. 209). О восприятии Шотландии в “европейском” контексте: Roger A. Mason, ‘Scotland, Elizabethan England and the idea of Britain’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, 14 (2004), pp. 279–93 (especially p. 285). Иакже: William Palmer, The problem of Ireland in Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 (Woodbridge, 1995), p. 79 and passim, and Brendan Bradshaw and John Morrill (eds.), The British problem, c. 1534–1707. State formation in the Atlantic archipelago (Basingstoke, 1996).


Philip’s representative’s comments to the Moriscos are cited in Lynch, Spain under the Habsburgs, p. 227.


Hess, ‘The Moriscos: an Ottoman fifth column’, pp. 1–25.


Már Jónsson, ‘The expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain in 1609–1614: the destruction of an Islamic periphery’, Journal of Global History, 2 (2007), pp. 195–212, stresses the security dimension, especially p. 203.


О религиозной терпимости и мобилизации против османов: M. A. Chisholm, ‘The Religionspolitik of Emperor Ferdinand I (1521–1564)’, European History Quarterly, 38, 4 (2008), p. 566.


Niccolò Machiavelli, The discourses, ed. Bernard Crick (Harmondsworth, 1970), with quotations (in order of appearance) on pp. 98, 100–102, 152, 168, 300, 252, 255, 130, 124, 259 and 122–3. See also Mikael Hörnqvist, Machiavelli and empire (Cambridge, 2004).


Catherine Nall, ‘Perceptions of financial mismanagement and the English diagnosis of defeat’. Благодарю д-ра Нолл за возможность ознакомиться с неопубликованной рукописью.


Steven Gunn, David Grummitt and Hans Cools, War, state, and society in England and the Netherlands, 1477–1559 (Oxford, 2007), pp. 329–34.


Wallace MacCaffrey, ‘Parliament and foreign policy’, in D. M. Dean and N. L. Jones (eds.), The parliaments of Elizabethan England (Oxford, 1990), pp. 65–90, especially pp. 65–7.


О взаимосвязи сильной монархии и успехов внешней политики: Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, The royal French state, 1460–1610, trans. Judith Vale (Oxford and Cambridge, Mass., 1994). See also Steven Gunn, ‘Politic history, New Monarchy and state formation: Henry VII in European perspective’, Historical Research, 82 (2009), pp. 380–92.


John Guy, ‘The French king’s council, 1483–1526’, in Ralph A. Griffiths and James Sherborne (eds.), Kings and nobles in the later Middle Ages (Gloucester and New York), pp. 274–87. See also Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Royal French state, especially pp. 54–78.


Lynch, Spain under the Habsburgs, pp. 50–51, 59, 63–4, 92–3 and 97.


Quoted in James D. Tracy, The founding of the Dutch Republic. War, finance, and politics in Holland, 1572–1588 (Oxford, 2008), p. 26.


The Middle Volga peasants are cited in Valerie Kivelson, ‘Muscovite “Citizenship”: rights without freedom’, Journal of Modern History, 74, 3 (2002), pp. 465–89 (citation p. 474). See also Hans-Joachim Torke, Die staatsbed – ingte Gesellschaft im Moskauer Reich. Zar und Zemlja in der altrussischen Herrschaftsverfassung, 1613–1689 (Leiden, 1974).


George William is cited in Christopher Clark, Iron kingdom. The rise and downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947 (London, 2006), p. 26.


A. S. Piccolomini, Secret memoirs of a Renaissance pope. The Commentaries of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Pius II. An abridgement, trans. Florence A. Gragg and ed. Leona C. Gabel (London, 1988), p. 62. I thank Anastasia Knox for this reference.


Quoted in Karl Nehring, Matthias Corvinus, Kaiser Friedrich III und das Reich. Zum hunyadisch-habsburgischen Gegensatz im Donauerraum (Munich, 1975), p. 130.


Gerhard Benecke, Maximilian I 1459–1519. An analytical biography (London, Boston, Melbourne and Henley, 1982), pp. 141–6.


Peter Schmid, Der gemeine Pfennig von 1495. Vorgeschichte und Entstehung, verfassungsgeschichtliche, politische und nanzielle Bedeu-tung (Göttingen, 1989).


Whaley, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, pp. 67–80 and passim.


Cited in Branka Magaš, Croatia through history (London, 2008), p. 90. On the initial response of the German Diet to the Ottoman threat see Stephen A. Fischer-Galati, Ottoman imperialism and German Protestantism, 1521–1555 (New York, 1972 repr.), pp. 10–17. I am very grateful to Miss Andrea Fröhlich for sharing her expertise on early sixteenth-century Hungary with me.


Thomas Nicklas, Um Macht und Einheit des Reiches. Konzeption und Wirklichkeit der Politik bei Lazarus von Schwendi (1522–1583) (Husum, 1995), with quotations on pp. 113–14, 116 and 121.


Quoted in Weston F. Cook, The hundred years war for Morocco. Gunpowder and the military revolution in the Early Modern Muslim world (Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1994), p. 83.


Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Columbus (Oxford, 1991), pp. 46 and 153–5.


Abbas Hamdani, ‘Columbus and the recovery of Jerusalem’, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 99, 1 (Jan. – Mar. 1979), pp. 39–48 (p. 43). Реакция турок: Andrew Hess, ‘The evolution of the Ottoman seaborne empire in the age of the oceanic discoveries, 1453–1525’, American Historical Review, 75, 7 (1970), pp. 1892–1919, especially pp. 1894 and 1899 (encirclement), 1905 and 1908 (Indian Ocean).


Robert Finlay, ‘Crisis and crusade in the Mediterranean: Venice, Portugal, and the Cape Route to India (1498–1509)’, in Robert Finlay, Venice besieged. Politics and diplomacy in the Italian wars 1494–1534 (Aldershot, 2008), pp. 45–90.


Hugh Thomas, Rivers of gold. The rise of the Spanish Empire (London and New York, 2003), pp. 540–54.


Patrick Karl O’Brien and Leandro Prados de la Escosura, ‘Balance sheets for the acquisition, retention and loss of European empires overseas’, Itinerario, XXIIII (1999), p. 28 and passim. The quotation is in Lynch, Spain under the Habsburgs, p. 38.


Hans-Joachim König, ‘Plus ultra – Ein Weltreichs – und Eroberungsprogramm? Amerika und Europa in politischen Vorstellungen im Spanien Karls V’, in Alfred Kohler, Barbara Haider and Christine Ottner (eds.), Karl V 1500–1558. Neue Perspektiven seiner Herrschaft in Europa und Übersee (Vienna, 2002), pp. 197–222, especially pp. 203–4.


Вопреки мнению: Hugh Thomas, The golden empire. Spain, Charles V and the creation of America (New York, 2011), pp. 362–3, 370–72 and passim (figures for distribution of gold p. 511).


The English parliamentarians are cited in Thomas Cogswell, The Blessed revolution. English politics and the coming of war, 1621–1624 (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 72–3. Rudyerd is cited in J. H. Elliott, The Old World and the New 1492–1650 (Cambridge, 1992) pp. 90–91.


О важности соперничества за торговлю табаком: homas Cogswell, ‘“In the power of the state”: Mr Anys’s project and the tobacco colonies, 1626–1628’, The English Historical Review, CXX–III, 500 (2008), pp. 35–64.


Susan Hardman Moore, Pilgrims. New World settlers and the call of home (New Haven and London, 2007).


О важности Пфальца, протестантстве и христианской Европе: Francis J. Bremer, Puritan crisis. New England and the English Civil Wars, 1630–1670 (New York and London, 1989), pp. 27–32, 36–42, 45–50, 55–60, 63–4, 84–7 and 237–9 (quotations pp. 63 and 137). Perry Miller, The New England mind. From colony to province (Harvard, 1953), p. 25, подчеркивает, что холм Уинтропа должны были видеть в Европе. Winthrop on Bohemia is cited in Francis J. Bremer, John Winthrop. America’s forgotten founding father (New York and Oxford, 2003), p. 137.


Christoph Kampmann, ‘Peace impossible? The Holy Roman Empire and the European state system in the seventeenth century’, in Olaf Asbach and Peter Schröder (eds.), War, the state and international law in seventeenth-century Europe (Farnham, 2010), pp. 197–210.


Michael Rohrschneider, Der gescheiterte Frieden von Münster. Spaniens Ringen mit Frankreich auf dem Westfälischen Friedenskongress (1643–1649) (Münster, 2007), pp. 90 and 307–11.


Karsten Ruppert, Die kaiserliche Politik auf dem westfälischen Friedenskongress (1643–1648) (Münster, 1979), pp. 39–42 and 115–16.


Quoted in Andreas Osiander, The state system of Europe, 1640–1990. Peacemaking and the conditions of international stability (Oxford, 1994), p. 74.


Lothar Höbelt, Ferdinand III. Friedenskaiser wider Willen (Graz, 2008), pp. 224–9.


K. J. Holsti’s hugely influential International politics. A framework for analysis, 4th edn (Englewood Cliffs, 1983), pp. 4 and 83–4. For a more recent enunciation of this view see Thomas G. Weiss, Humanitarian intervention. Ideas in action (Cambridge, 2007), p. 14.


Article 8. The text of the treaty can be found in Clive Parry (ed.), The consolidated treaty series (New York, 1969), pp. 198–356.


Joachim Whaley, ‘A tolerant society? Religious toleration in the Holy Roman Empire, 1648–1806’, in Ole Grell and Roy Porter (eds.), Toleration in Enlightenment Europe (Cambridge, 2000), pp. 175–95, especially pp. 176–7.


Derek Croxton, ‘The Peace of Westphalia of 1648 and the origins of sovereignty’, International History Review, 21, 3 (1999) pp. 569–91 (quotations pp. 589–90).


Andreas Osiander, ‘Sovereignty, international relations, and the Westphalian myth’, International Organization, 55 (2001), pp. 251–87; Stéphane Beaulac, ‘The Westphalian legal orthodoxy – myth or reality?’, Journal of the History of International Law, 2 (2000), pp. 148–77; and Stephen D. Krasner, ‘Westphalia and all that’, in Judith Goldstein and Robert O. Keohane (eds.), Ideas and foreign policy. Beliefs, institutions and political change (Ithaca and London, 1993), p. 235. Социологический взгляд: Benno Teschke, The myth of 1648. Class, geopolitics, and the making of modern international relations (London and New York, 2003).


Peter Englund, Die Verwüstung Deutschlands. Eine Geschichte des dreissigjährigen Krieges (Stuttgart, 1998), especially pp. 343–63, and Thomas Robisheaux, Rural society and the search for order in Early Modern Germany (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 201–26.


Ian Roy, ‘England turned Germany? The aftermath of the Civil War in its European context’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fifth Series, 28 (1978), pp. 127–44 (especially pp. 127–30).


Иное мнение: David Lederer, ‘The myth of the all-destructive war: afterthoughts on German suffering, 1618–1648’, German History, 29, 3 (2011), pp. 380–403.


Quoted in Klaus Malettke, ‘Europabewusstsein und europäische Friedenspläne im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert’, Francia, 21 (1994), pp. 63–94 (p. 69).


Quoted in Sven Externbrink, Friedrich der Grosse, Maria Theresia und das alte Reich. Deutschlandbild und diplomatie Frankreichs im Siebenjährigen Krieg (Berlin, 2006), pp. 89–90.


David Onnekink (ed.), War and religion after Westphalia, 1648–1713 (Farnham, 2009), pp. 1–15.


Букв. «имперское установление» (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Bernd Marquardt, ‘Zur reichsgerichtlichen Aberkennung der Herrschergewalt wegen Missbrauchs: Tyrannenprozesse vor dem Reichshofrat am Beispiel des südöstlichen schwäbischen Reichskreises’, in Anette Baumann, Peter Oestmann, Stephan Wendehorst and Siegrid Westphal (eds.), Prozesspraxis im alten Reich. Annäherungen – Fallstudien – Statistiken (Cologne, Weimar and Vienna, 2005).


Karl Härter, ‘Sicherheit und Frieden im frühneuzeitlichen Alten Reich: zur, Funktion der Reichsverfassung als Sicherheits – und Friedensordnung 1648–1806’, Zeitschrift für historische Forschung, 30 (2003), pp. 413–31.


D. J. B. Trim, “If a prince use tyrannie towards his people”: interventions on behalf of foreign populations in Early Modern Europe’, in Brendan Simms and D. J. B. Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention. A history (Cambridge, 2011), pp. 54–64.


Thomas Gage’s remarks of about 1654 are cited in Charles P. Korr, Cromwell and the New Model foreign policy. England’s policy toward France, 1649–1658 (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1975) p. 89. Article 42 of the Treaty of the Pyrenees is cited in Peter Sahlins, ‘Natural frontiers revisited. France’s boundaries since the seventeenth century’, American Historical Review, 95, 5 (1990), pp. 1423–51 (p. 1430).


Robert I. Frost, The northern wars. War, state and society in north-eastern Europe, 1558–1721 (Harlow, 2000), pp. 198–200.


The Great Elector is cited in Richard Dietrich (ed.), Die politischen Testamente der Hohenzollern (Cologne and Vienna, 1986), p. 188.


Paul Sonnino, Mazarin’s quest. The Congress of Westphalia and the coming of the Fronde (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 2008), pp. 168–71.


Richard Bonney, Society and government in France under Richelieu and Mazarin 1624–61 (Basingstoke, 1988), pp. 21–5.


Cited in Christopher Clark, Iron kingdom. The rise and downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947 (London, 2006), p. 55.


Christoph Fürbringer, Necessitas und libertas. Staatsbildung und Landstände im 17. Jahrhundert in Brandenburg (Frankfurt, 1985), passim (quotations pp. 56, 67 and 162–3).


F. L. Carsten, ‘The resistance of Cleves and Mark to the despotic policy of the Great Elector’, The English Historical Review, LXVI, 259 (1951), pp. 219–41, especially pp. 223–4 and 232 on the foreign policy link.


Ferdinand Grönebaum, Frankreich in Ost – und Nordeuropa. Die französisch-russischen Beziehungen von 1648–1689 (Wiesbaden, 1968), especially pp. 32–3.


Peter Burke, The fabrication of Louis XIV (New Haven, 1992).


Georges Livet, ‘Louis XIV and the Germanies’, in Ragnhild Hatton (ed.), Louis XIV and Europe (London and Basingstoke, 1976), pp. 60–81, especially pp. 62–3.


Quoted in Andrew Lossky, Louis XIV and the French monarchy (New Brunswick, NJ, 1994), p. 129.


Guy Rowlands, The dynastic state and the army under Louis XIV. Royal service and private interest, 1661–1701 (Cambridge, 2002).


Стратегическая мотивация: Leslie Tuttle, Conceiving the old regime. Pronatalism and the politics of reproduction in Early Modern France (Oxford, 2010), p. 7.


John A. Lynn, Giant of the Grand Siècle. The French army, 1610–1715 (Cambridge, 1997), especially pp. 595–609.


William Beik, Absolutism and society in seventeenth-century France. State power and provincial aristocracy in Languedoc (Cambridge, 1985), pp. 150–51 and 156–7, and Bailey Stone, The genesis of the French Revolution. A global-historical interpretation (Cambridge, 1994), p. 58. The quotations range from the 1630s to the 1690s.


Название одной из высших должностей в Соединенных провинциях, дававшей право, в частности, от имени Генеральных штатов вести переговоры с иноземными послами и министрами. Примеч. ред.


Writing in 1673, quoted in Klaus Malettke, Frankreich, Deutschland und Europa im 17 und 18. Jahrhundert. Beiträge zum Ein uss französischer politischer Theorie, Verfassung und Aussenpolitik in der Frühen Neuzeit (Marburg, 1994), p. 311.


О влиянии внешнего давления на работу сейма: Anton Schindling, Die Anfänge des immerwährenden Reichstags zu Regensburg. Ständevertretung und Staatskunst nach dem Westfälischen Frieden (Mainz, 1991), pp. 53–5, 68–90 and 229–30.


Wout Troost, ‘“To restore and preserve the liberty of Europe”. William III’s ideas on foreign policy’, in David Onnekink and Gijs Rommelse (eds.), Ideology and foreign policy in Early Modern Europe (1650–1750) (Farn – ham, 2011), pp. 283–304 (German context pp. 288–9).


О важности Нидерландов и Германии для испанской стратегии: Christopher Storrs, The resilience of the Spanish monarchy, 1665–1700 (Oxford, 2006), pp. 14 and 113–14. Аннексия Франш-Конте: Darryl Dee, Expansion and crisis in Louis XIV’s France. Franche-Comté and absolute monarchy, 1674–1715 (Rochester, NY, and Woodbridge, 2009).


Sonja Schultheiss-Heinz, ‘Contemporaneity in 1672–1679: the Paris Gazette, the London Gazette, and the Teutsche Kriegs-Kurier (1672–1679)’, in Brendan Dooley (ed.), The dissemination of news and the emergence of contemporaneity in Early Modern Europe (Farnham, 2010), pp. 115–36.


Об английских политических памфлетах: Tony Claydon, Europe and the making of England, 1660–1760 (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 220–25. Германия: Erich Everth, Die Öffentlichkeit in der Aussenpolitik von Karl V. bis Napoleon (Jena, 1931), pp. 155–7.


Alexander Schmidt, ‘Ein französischer Kaiser? Die Diskussion um die Nationalität des Reichsoberhauptes im 17. Jahrhundert’, Historisches Jahrbuch, 123 (2003), pp. 149–77, especially pp. 150, 156–8 and 174.


Gabriel Glickman, ‘Conflicting visions: foreign affairs in domestic debate, 1660–1689’, in William Mulligan and Brendan Simms (eds.), The primacy of foreign policy in British history, 1660–2000. How strategic concerns shaped modern Britain (Basingstoke, 2010), pp. 15–31.


Quoted in Brendan Simms, Three victories and a defeat. The rise and fall of the first British Empire, 1714–1783 (London, 2007), p. 32.


Annabel Patterson, The Long Parliament of Charles II (New Haven and London, 2008), pp. 178–208, especially pp. 179–80.


О важности «деволюционной войны» для отношения немцев к Людовику: Martin Wrede, Das Reich und seine Feinde: politische Feindbilder in der reichspatriotischen Publizistik zwischen Westfälischem Frieden und Siebenjährigem Krieg (Mainz, 2004), pp. 330–407.


Leonard Krieger, The German idea of freedom. History of a political tradition (Chicago and London, 1957), pp. 6, 19 and passim.


Quoted in Peter SchrÖder, ‘The constitution of the Holy Roman Empire after 1648: Samuel Pufendorf’s assessment in his Monzambano’, Historical Journal, 42 (1999), pp. 961–83 (quotation p. 970).


Wolfgang Burgdorf, Reichskonstitution und Nation. Verfassungsreformprojekte für das Heilige Römische Reich deutscher Nation im politischen Schrifttum von 1648 bis 1806 (Mainz, 1998), W. H. Pufendorf quotations pp. 70–73.


Sophus Reinert, Translating Empire. Emulation and the origins of political economy (Cambridge, Mass., 2011).


О Вестфальском мире, пиренейском мире и имперской политике Испании: Stanley H. Stein and Barbara H. Stein, Silver, trade and war. Spain and America in the making of Early Modern Europe (Baltimore and London, 2000), pp. 57–105.


Louvois’s remark of June 1684 is cited in Livet, ‘Louis XIV and the Germanies’.


Wouter Troost, ‘William III, Brandenburg, and the construction of the anti-French coalition, 1672–88’, in Jonathan Israel (ed.), The Anglo-Dutch moment. Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its world impact (Cambridge, 1991), pp. 299–333.


Quoted in G. Symcox, ‘Louis XIV and the outbreak of the Nine Years War’, in Ragnhild Hatton (ed.), Louis XIV in Europe (London, 1976), p. 187.


Quoted in John A. Lynn, The wars of Louis XIV, 1667–1714 (London and New York, 1999), p. 197.


Quotations in Claydon, Europe and the making of England, pp. 56 and 239.


Charles II is quoted in ibid., p. 237.


Tony Claydon, William III and the godly revolution (Cambridge, 1996), pp. 138–40 and passim.


Christopher Storrs, ‘The army of Lombardy and the resilience of Spanish power in Italy in the reign of Carlos II (1665–1700)’, in War in History, Part I, 4 (1997), pp. 371–97, and Part II, 5 (1998), pp. 1–22.


Quoted in Wout Troost, ‘Ireland’s role in the foreign policy of William III’, in Esther Mijers and David Onnekink (eds.), Rede ning William III. The impact of the King-Stadholder in international context (Aldershot, 2007), pp. 53–68 (quotation p. 53).


Quoted in Everth, Öffentlichkeit in der Aussenpolitik, p. 147.


Steve Pincus, 1688. The first modern revolution (New Haven and London, 2009), pp. 475–7 and passim.


David Stasavage, Public debt and the birth of the democratic state. France and Great Britain, 1688–1789 (Cambridge, 2003).


Philip J. Stern, The company-state. Corporate sovereignty and the Early Modern foundations of the British Empire in India (Oxford, 2011).


Robert D. McJimsey, ‘A country divided? English politics and the Nine Years’ War’, Albion, 23, 1 (1991), pp. 61–74.


Quoted in Miles Ogborn, ‘The capacities of the state: Charles Davenant and the management of the excise, 1683–1698’, Journal of Historical Geography, 24 (1998), pp. 289–312.


A. F. Upton, Charles XI and Swedish absolutism (Cambridge, 1998), pp. 71–89.


Peter H. Wilson, War, state and society in Württemberg, 1677–1793 (Cambridge, 1995), especially pp. 247–8.


Andre Wakefield, The disordered police state. German cameralism as science and practice (Chicago and London, 2009).


Owen Stanwood, ‘The Protestant moment: anti-popery, the Revolution of 1688–1689, and the making of an Anglo-American empire’, Journal of British Studies, 46 (2007), pp. 481–508 (quotations pp. 488, 491, 501 and 491).


Quoted in Christian Greiner, ‘Das “Schild des Reiches”. Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden-Baden (1655–1707) und die “Reichsbarriere” am Oberrhein’, in Johannes Kunisch (ed.), Expansion und Gleichgewicht. Studien zur europäischen Mächtepolitik des ancien régime (Berlin, 1986), pp. 31–68 (quotation p. 47).


Французская колония в Северной Америке, занимала полуостров Новая Шотландия, территорию современной провинции Нью-Брансуик и ряд островов в океане. Примеч. ред.


Linda and Marsha Frey, A question of empire. Leopold I and the War of Spanish Succession, 1701–1705 (Boulder, 1983), pp. 15–17, 47 (quotation) and passim.


Peter Baumgart, ‘Die preussische Königskrönung von 1701, das Reich und die europäische Politik’, in Oswald Hauser (ed.), Preussen, Europa und das Reich (Cologne and Vienna, 1987), pp. 65–86, especially pp. 72–4.


The Admiralty instructions are quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 50.


Quoted in Frey and Frey, Question of empire, p. 77.


Charles Spencer, Blenheim. Battle for Europe. How two men stopped the conquest of Europe (London, 2004).


Австрия установила в обоих княжествах суровые оккупационные порядки. Примеч. ред.


Martin Schulze-Wessel, Russlands Blick auf Preussen. Die polnische Frage in der Diplomatie und der politischen Öffentlichkeit des Zarenreiches und des Sowjetstaates, 1697–1947 (Stuttgart, 1995), pp. 35 and 37.


Andrew Rothstein, Peter the Great and Marlborough. Politics and diplomacy in converging wars (Basingstoke, 1986), p. 37.


Rothstein, Peter the Great and Marlborough, pp. 63 and 65–6.


Quoted in J. M. Dunn, ‘“Bright enough for all our purposes”. John Locke’s conception of a civilized society’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society London, 43 (1989), p. 134.


Michael Kwass, ‘A kingdom of taxpayers: state formation, privilege and political culture in eighteenth-century France’, Journal of Modern History, 70, 2 (1998), pp. 295–339, especially pp. 301 and 303.


Согласно документам, Военная коллегия основана в 1719 г. Примеч. ред.


Simon M. Dixon, The modernisation of Russia, 1676–1825 (Cambridge, 1999), pp. 42–9 and 61–7.


Christopher Storrs, ‘The Union of 1707 and the War of the Spanish Succession’, in Stewart J. Brown and Christopher A. Whatley (eds.), The Union of 1707. New dimensions (Edinburgh, 2008), pp. 31–44, and Allan I. Macinnes, Union and empire. The making of the United Kingdom in 1707 (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 243–76.


The Council of State’s protest to Philip is in Henry Kamen, The war of succession in Spain, 1700–1715 (London, 1969), p. 91.


Albert N. Hamscher, The Parlement of Paris after the Fronde, 1653–1673 (Pittsburgh, 1976), pp. 89–90, 122–3 and 198.


Имеется в виду Худайбийский мирный договор (март 628 г.), по которому сторонники Мухаммеда заключили мир с курайшитами, владевшими Меккой, и получили возможность совершать священное паломничество (хадж). Примеч. ред.


Высший надворный суд с функциями апелляционного суда. Примеч. ред.


‘Erste Ermahnung Kurfürst Friedrichs III an seinen Nachfolger’, in Richard Dietrich (ed.), Die politischen Testamente der Hohenzollern (Cologneand Vienna, 1986), p. 218.


Quoted in Charles Ingrao, In quest and crisis. Emperor Joseph I and the Habsburg monarchy (West Lafayette, 1979), p. 58. On the increasing divisions between Habsburg and Hohenzollern see Christiane Kauer, Brandenburg-Preussen und Österreich, 1705–1711 (Bonn, 1999), pp. 85–6, 159 and passim.


Rothstein, Peter the Great and Marlborough, p. 112.


Во Франции должностное лицо, которое ведало какой-либо отраслью государственного управления (финансы, торговля и т. д.). Помимо придворных интендантов существовали также должности интендантов провинций; «провинциальные» интенданты являлись фактически наместниками короны (при этом военная власть оставалась за губернаторами, но вскоре за последними оставили лишь представительские функции). Примеч. ред.


Louis’s appeal is quoted in James B. Collins, The state in Early Modern France (Cambridge, 1995), p. 162.


St John is quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 65.


Ragnhild Hatton, George I. Elector and king (London, 1978).


Имеется в виду так называемый Старый (или Старший) претендент на английский трон Джеймс Ф. Стюарт, сын Якова II и непризнанный Яков III. Его сына Чарльза Эдуарда Стюарта (он же – Красавчик принц Чарли) называли Молодым претендентом. Примеч. ред.


Leibniz is quoted in Rothstein, Peter the Great and Marlborough, p. 124.


David Kirby, ‘Peter the Great and the Baltic’, in Lindsey Hughes (ed.), Peter the Great and the West. New perspectives (Basingstoke, 2001), pp. 177–88.


Quoted in Karl A. Roider, Austria’s Eastern Question, 1700–1790 (Princeton, 1982), p. 40.


Эти два абзаца тесно связаны с моей статьей: “A false principle in the law of nations”. Burke, state sovereignty, [German] liberty, and intervention in the age of Westphalia’, in Brendan Simms and D. J. B. Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention. A history (Cambridge, 2011), pp. 89–110 (quotations p. 95), а также с неопубликованной работой Патрика Милтона об интервенциях в Центральной Европе начала восемнадцатого столетия.


Benedict Wagner-Rundell, ‘Holy war and republican pacifism in the early-eighteenth-century Commonwealth of Poland—Lithuania’, in David Onnekink and Gijs Rommelse (eds.), Ideology and foreign policy in Early Modern Europe (1650–1750) (Farnham, 2011), pp. 163–80, especially pp. 172–3.


Speaking in 1721, quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 169.


Huxelles is quoted in Jörg Ulbert, ‘Die Angst vor einer habsburgischen Hegemonie im Reich als Leitmotiv der französischen Deutschlandpolitik unter der Regentschaft Philipps von Orleans (1715–1723)’, in Thomas Höpel (ed.), Deutschlandbilder – Frankreichbilder. 1700–1850. Rezeption und Abgrenzung zweier Kulturen (Leipzig, 2001), pp. 57–74 (p. 67).


Австрийская частная торговая компания, основанная для торговли с Индией. Примеч. ред.


Quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 183.


Название происходит от кальки с турецкого названия канцелярии великого визиря – «высокие ворота» (ит. Porta). Примеч. ред.


Townshend is quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 197.


Lucian Hölscher, Öffentlichkeit und Geheimnis. Eine begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zur Entstehung der Öffentlichkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit (Stuttgart, 1979), and Andreas Gestrich, Absolutismus und Öffentlichkeit. Politische Kommunikation in Deutschland zu Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts (Göttingen, 1994).


The Friedens-Courier is quoted in Gestrich, Absolutismus und Öffentlichkeit, p. 222.


The First Commissioner of the French foreign ministry is quoted in Extern – brink, Friedrich der Grosse, pp. 89–90.


The Austrian instructions are quoted in Arthur M. Wilson, French foreign policy during the administration of Cardinal Fleury, 1729–1743. A study in diplomacy and commercial development (New York, 1972), p. 169.


Maren Köster, Russische Truppen für Prinz Eugen. Politik mit militärischen Mitteln im frühen 18. Jahrhundert (Vienna, 1986).


Colin Jones, The great nation. France from Louis XV to Napoleon, 1715–99 (London, 2007), p. xxi and passim.


Paul Bushkovitch, Peter the Great. The struggle for power, 1671–1725 (Cambridge, 2001), passim, especially pp. 270–80 (on Poland p. 444).


James Cracraft, The revolution of Peter the Great (Cambridge, Mass., 2003), pp. 29–37 and 54–74 (Table of Ranks p. 35).


Букв. «бронзовому утесу» (фр.), то есть непоколебимому основанию. Примеч. ред.


Hanna Schissler, Preussische Agrargesellschaft im Wandel. Wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und politische Transformationsprozesse von 1763 bis 1847 (Göttingen, 1978).


Lars Atorf, Der König und das Korn. Die Getreidehandelspolitik als Fundament des brandenburgisch-preussischen Aufsteigs zur europäischen Grossmacht (Berlin, 1999), pp. 86–139.


Frederick William’s warning is quoted in Helmut Neuhaus, ‘Kronerwerb und Staatskonsolidierung. Der Aufstieg Brandeburg-Preussens im 18. Jahr-hundert als Forschungsproblem’, in Christiane Liermann, Gustavo Corni and Frank-Lothar Kroll, Italien und Preussen. Dialog der Historiographien (Tübingen, 2005), pp. 27–37 (p. 29).


D. W. Hayton, James Kelly, and John Bergin (eds.), The eighteenth-century composite state. Representative institutions in Ireland and Europe, 1689–1800 (Basingstoke, 2010), especially pp. 4–5.


Michael G. Müller, Polen zwischen Preussen und Russland. Souveränitätskrise und Reformpolitik, 1736–1752 (Berlin, 1983), especially pp. 253–4 and 152–200.


Herbert H. Rowen, The princes of Orange. The Stadholders in the Dutch Republic (Cambridge, 1988).


Simms, Three victories, pp. 103–4.


John Brewer, The sinews of power. War, money, and the English state, 1688–1783 (London, 1989).


Hasan Kurdi is quoted in Virginia H. Aksan, Ottoman wars 1700–1870. An empire besieged (Harlow, 2007), p. 92.


Suraiya Faroqhi, The Ottoman Empire and the world around it (London, 2007), pp. 27–8.


Daniel Goffman, The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 2002), pp. 117–18, and George S. Rentz, The birth of the Islamic reform movement in Saudi Arabia. Muhammad b.‘Abd al-Wahhab (1703/4–1792) and the beginnings of Unitarian empire in Arabia (London, 2004).


The Abbé de Saint-Pierre is quoted in Wilson, Fleury, p. 42. Frederick William’s remarks on colonies are to be found in Clark, Iron kingdom, p. 93.


Здесь и далее в большинстве случаев высказывания отечественных государственных деятелей, политиков, дипломатов и др. цитируются не по первоисточникам, а в переводе с английского; это позволяет оценить, как их слова в свое время оценивались – и продолжают оцениваться сегодня – носителями западной политической культуры. Примеч. ред.


Münnich is quoted in Lavender Cassels, The struggle for the Ottoman Empire, 1717–1740 (London, 1966), p. 100.


The Ottoman observer (a Kadi, or senior legal gure) is quoted in Cassels, Struggle for the Ottoman Empire, p. 154.


The British envoy is quoted in ibid., p. 24.


Lord Bathurst is quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 259.


Philip Wood ne, Britannias glories. The Walpole ministry and the 1739 war with Spain (London, 1998).


Quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 275.


Quoted in ibid., p. 251.


Quoted in ibid., p. 274.


Johannes Kunisch, Friedrich der Grosse. Der König und seine Zeit (Munich, 2004), pp. 159–84.


Neuhaus, ‘Kronerwerb und Staatskonsolidierung’, in Liermann et al. (eds.), Italien und Preussen, pp. 27–37 (quotation p. 27).


Tim Blanning, ‘Frederick the Great’, in Brendan Simms and Karina Urbach (eds.), Die Rückkehr der ‘Grossen Männer’. Staatsmänner im Krieg – ein deutsch-britischer Vergleich 1740–1945 (Berlin and New York, 2010), pp. 11–20 (quotation p. 12).


Структура британского кабинета министров, отвечавшая за развитие соответствующего региона королевства. В 1782 г. Северный и Южный департаменты лишили функций надзора за внутренними делами и объединили в Форин офис – министерство иностранных дел. Примеч. ред.


Newcastle is quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 288.


Peter Baumgart, ‘The annexation and integration of Silesia into the Prussian state of Frederick the Great’, in Mark Greengrass (ed.), Conquest and coalescence. The shaping of the state in Early Modern Europe (London, 1991), p. 160.


P. G. M. Dickson, Finance and government under Maria Theresia, 1740–1780, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1987), especially vol. I, pp. 1, 266–7 and 270–71.


Baruch Mevorach, ‘Die Interventionsbestrebungen in Europa zur Verhinderung der Vertreibung der Juden aus Böhmen und Mähren, 1744–1745’, Jahrbuch des Instituts für deutsche Geschichte, IX (1980), pp. 15–81 (quotations pp. 34 and 54).


The quotations are in Simms, Three victories, p. 289.


For the quotation see Rowen, The princes of Orange, p. 163.


Gyllenborg is quoted in John P. LeDonne, The Russian Empire and the world, 1700–1917. The geopolitics of expansion and containment (New York and Oxford, 1997), p. 35.


Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan, La Russie entre en Europe. Elisabeth Ière et la succession de l’Autriche (1740–1750) (Paris, 1997), especially pp. 46–9.


Имеются в виду события 1740–1741 гг.: по завещанию Анны Иоанновны регентом при малолетнем императоре Иване VI становился герцог Бирон; после низложения Бирона регентом стала мать Ивана Анна Леопольдовна. В конце 1741 г. состоялся военный переворот, и на трон взошла Елизавета. Примеч. ред.


Stainville is quoted in Rohan Butler, Choiseul. Vol. 1: Father and son, 1719–1754 (Oxford, 1980), p. 700. For French fears of the advancing Russians see ibid., pp. 724–6 (Sandwich quotation p. 724).


Thomas E. Kaiser, ‘The drama of Charles Edward Stuart, Jacobite propaganda, and French political protest, 1745–1750’, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 30 (1997), pp. 365–81.


Quoted in Hagen Schulze, The course of German nationalism. From Frederick the Great to Bismarck, 1763–1867 (Cambridge, 1990).


Quoted in T. C. W. Blanning, ‘The Bonapartes and Germany’, in Peter Baehr and Melvin Richter (eds.), Dictatorship in history and theory. Bonapartism, Caesarism, and totalitarianism (Cambridge and New York, 2004), p. 54.


Cited in Daniel A. Baugh, ‘Withdrawing from Europe: Anglo-French maritime geopolitics, 1750–1800’, International History Review, 20, 1 (1998), pp. 14–16.


Quoted in Externbrink, Friedrich der Grosse, Maria Theresia und das alte Reich. Deutschlandbild und Diplomatie Frankreichs im Siebenjährigen Krieg (Berlin, 2006), p. 316.


Quoted in L. Jay Oliva, Misalliance. A study of French policy in Russia during the Seven Years’ War (New York, 1964), p. 9.


Newcastle is cited in Reed Browning, The Duke of Newcastle (Cambridge, Mass., 1975), p. 182.


Reed Browning, ‘The Duke of Newcastle and the imperial election plan, 1749–1754’, Journal of British Studies, 7 (1967–68), pp. 28–47.


Richard L. Merritt, ‘The colonists discover America: attention patterns in the colonial press, 1735–1775’, William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, XXI, 2 (April 1964), pp. 270–87, especially pp. 270–72.


Cited in Max Savelle, ‘The appearance of an American attitude toward external affairs’, American Historical Review, 52, 4 (1947), pp. 655–66 (quotation p. 660).


Quoted in Brendan Simms, Three victories and a defeat. The rise and fall of the first British Empire, 1714–1783 (London, 2007), p. 393.


Ibid., p. 391.


A. G. Olson, ‘The British government and colonial union, 1754’, William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, XVII, 1 (1960), pp. 24–6 (quotation p. 26).


Fred Anderson, Crucible of war. The Seven Years War and the fate of empire in British North America, 1754–1766 (New York, 2000).


Frederick the Great, The history of my own times (1746). Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia (London, 1789), Vol. I, p. xx. I thank Ilya Berkovich for this reference.


Quoted in Tim Blanning, ‘Frederick the Great’, in Brendan Simms and Karina Urbach (eds.), Die Rückkehr der ‘Grossen Männer’. Staatsmänner im Krieg – ein deutsch-britischer Vergleich 1740–1945 (Berlin and New York, 2010), p. 18.


Frederick the Great, History of my own times, Vol. I, pp. 214–15.


Об изгнании аккадцев как “этнической чистке” см. Geoffrey Plank, An unsettled conquest. The British campaign against the peoples of Acadia (Philadelphia, 2001), pp. 140–57.


Quoted in H. M. Scott, The emergence of the eastern powers, 1756–1775 (Cambridge, 2001), p. 26.


Erich Everth, Die Öffentlichkeit in der Aussenpolitik von Karl V. bis Napoleon (Jena, 1931), pp. 355–60 (quotation p. 360).


D. A. Baugh, The global Seven Years War, 1754–1763. Britain and France in a great power contest (Harlow, 2011).


В отечественной историографии после С. М. Соловьева установилось обозначение «Клостерсевенское соглашение»: эту конвенцию подписали в Цевенском монастыре (клостере). Примеч. ред.


Helmut Neuhaus, ‘Das Problem der militärischen Exekutive in der spätphase des Alten Reiches’, in Johannes Kunisch (ed.), Staatsverfassung und Heeresverfassung in der europäischen Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin, 1986), pp. 297–346 (quotations pp. 297 and 299).


Philip Carter, ‘An “effeminate” or “efficient” nation? Masculinity and eighteenth century social documentary’, Textual Practice, 11 (1997), pp. 429–43 (quotation p. 429).


Matthew McCormack, ‘The new militia: war, politics and gender in 1750s Britain’, Gender & History, 19 (2007), pp. 483–500 (quotation p. 497).


Erica Charters, ‘The caring fiscal military state during the Seven Years War, 1756–1763’, Historical Journal, 52 (2009), pp. 921–41, especially pp. 937–40 (quotation p. 939).


H. M. Scott, ‘The decline of France and the transformation of the European states system, 1756–1792’, in Peter Krüger and Paul W. Schroeder (eds.), The transformation of European politics, 1763–1848. Episode or model in modern history? (Oxford, 1996), pp. 105–28 (Voltaire quotation p. 114).


John Shovlin, The political economy of virtue. Luxury, patriotism and the origins of the French Revolution (Ithaca and London, 2006), pp. 54–5.


Quoted in Bailey Stone, The genesis of the French Revolution. A global-historical interpretation (Cambridge, 1994), p. 55. See also T. C. W. Blanning, The French Revolutionary Wars, 1787–1802 (London, 1996).


Brendan Simms, ‘William Pitt the Elder. Strategic leadership at home and abroad during the great war for the empires (1756–1763)’, in Simms and Urbach (eds.), Die Rückkehr der ‘Grossen Männer’, pp. 29–48, especially pp. 32–4.


Brendan Simms, ‘Pitt and Hanover’, in Brendan Simms and Torsten Riotte (eds.), The Hanoverian dimension in British history, 1714–1837 (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 28–57 (quotation p. 55).


«Сомнения и вопросы» (фр.). Примеч. ред.


Gary Savage, ‘Favier’s heirs: the French Revolution and the secret du roi’, Historical Journal, 41 (1998), pp. 225–58.


Hamish Scott, ‘The Seven Years War and Europe’s ancien régime’, War in History, 18 (2011), pp. 419–55.


Quoted in Hugh Ragsdale, ‘Russian projects of conquest in the eighteenth century’, in Ragsdale (ed.), Imperial Russian foreign policy (Cambridge, 1993), p. 76.


Quoted in Externbrink, Friedrich der Grosse, p. 339.


О кризисе французской аристократии после Семилетней войны: William Doyle, Aristocracy and its enemies in the Age of Revolution (Oxford, 2009), pp. 57, 83 and passim.


Gabriel B. Paquette, Enlightenment, governance and reform in Spain and its empire, 1759–1808 (Basingstoke, 2008).


J. H. Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic World. Britain and Spain in America, 1492–1830 (New Haven and London, 2006), p. 299.


D. R. Murray, ‘Statistics of the slave trade to Cuba, 1790–1867’, Journal of Latin American Studies, 3, 2 (1971), pp. 131–49. I am grateful to Carrie Gibson and Felicitas Becker for very useful conversations on this subject.


Evelyn Powell Jennings, ‘War as the “forcing house of change”: state slavery in late-eighteenth-century Cuba’, William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, LXII (2005), 411–40.


Scott, Emergence of the eastern powers, pp. 76 and 79.


Manfred Schort, Politik und Propaganda. Der Siebenjährige Krieg in den zeitgenössischen Flugschriften (Frankfurt am Main, 2006), p. 463.


Hans-Martin Blitz, Aus Liebe zum Vaterland. Die deutsche Nation im 18. Jahrhundert (Hamburg, 2000), pp. 160–67 (quotation p. 165).


Quoted in Neuhaus, ‘Das Problem der militärischen Exekutive’, p. 301.


‘The Instructions to the Commissioners for Composing a New Code of Laws’, Moscow, 30 July 1767, in William F. Reddaway (ed.), Documents of Catherine the Great. The correspondence with Voltaire and the Instruction of 1767 in the English text of 1768 (Cambridge, 1931), pp. 216–17.


Quoted in Scott, Emergence of the eastern powers, p. 99.


Franz A. J. Szabo, Kaunitz and enlightened absolutism, 1753–1780 (Cambridge, 1994), p. 76. I am grateful to Daniel Robinson for this reference.


Kathleen Wilson, The sense of the people. Politics, culture and imperialism in England, 1715–1785 (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 215–16.


Michael Roberts, Splendid isolation, 1763–1780 (Reading, 1970).


Quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 536. See also P. J. Marshall, The making and unmaking of empires. Britain, India and America, c. 1750–1783 (Oxford, 2005), pp. 1–3, 59–60, 273–310, and passim.


Quoted in Norman Davies, God’s playground. A history of Poland. Vol. I: The origins to 1795 (Oxford, 1981), p. 511.


T. C. W. Blanning, The culture of power and the power of culture. Old regime Europe, 1660–1789 (Oxford, 2003).


Ron Chernow, Washington, a life (London, 2010), pp. 59–62.


Marc Egnal, A mighty empire. The origins of the American Revolution (Ithaca and London, 1988). Недавнее исследование о колонистах как “английских империалистах”: Robert Kagan, Dangerous nation (New York, 2006), pp. 12–16 and 18.


Jerzy Lukowski, The partitions of Poland, 1772, 1793, 1795 (London and New York), pp. 52–81 (Frederick is quoted on p. 55).


Cited in D. B. Horn, British public opinion and the First Partition of Poland (Edinburgh, 1945), pp. 26 and 36–7.


Bernd Marquardt, ‘Zur reichsgerichtlichen Aberkennung der Herrschergewalt wegen Missbrauchs. Tyrannenprozesse vor dem Reichshofrat am Beispiel des südöstlichen schwäbischen Reichskreises’, in Anette Baumann, Peter Oestmann, Stephan Wendehorst and Siegrid Westphal (eds.), Prozesspraxis im Alten Reich. Annäherungen – Fallstudien – Statistiken (Cologne, Weimar and Vienna, 2005), p. 53.


Jennifer Pitts, ‘The stronger ties of humanity: humanitarian intervention in the eighteenth century’. I thank Dr Pitts for letting me have sight of her excellent unpublished paper.


Robin A. Fabel, Colonial challenges. Britons, Native Americans and Caribs, 1759–1775 (Gainesville, 2000), pp. 158–60.


George P. Anderson, ‘Pascal Paoli: an inspiration to the Sons of Liberty’, Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 26 (1924–6), pp. 180–210, especially pp. 189–91 and 202–3 (for quotations).


Richard B. Sheridan, ‘The British credit crisis of 1772 and the American colonies’, Journal of Economic History, 20 (1960), pp. 161–86.


John Adams to Mercy Warren, 20 July 1807, in Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Fifth Series, IV (1878), p. 338. I thank Daniel Robinson for drawing this letter to my attention.


Richard Middleton, The War of American Independence, 1775–1783 (Harlow, 2012), pp. 15–36.


Hamish Scott, British foreign policy in the age of the American Revolution (Oxford, 1990), and Donald Stoker, Kenneth J. Hagan and Michael T. McMaster (eds.), Strategy in the American War of Independence. A global approach (London and New York, 2010).


Cited in Robert Rhodes Crout, ‘In search of a “just and lasting peace”: the treaty of 1783, Louis XVI, Vergennes, and the regeneration of the realm’, International History Review, 5, 3 (1983), p. 374.


Quoted in Kagan, Dangerous nation, p. 47.


Jonathan R. Dull, A diplomatic history of the American Revolution (New Haven and London, 1985), p. 47.


David M. Fitzsimmons, ‘Tom Paine’s new world order: idealistic internationalism in the ideology of early American foreign relations’, Diplomatic History, 19 (1995), pp. 569–82 (quotations p. 579).


Mlada Bukovansky, Legitimacy and power politics. The American and French Revolutions in international political culture (Princeton and Oxford, 2002), pp. 110–64 and 216–20, and Walter McDougall, Promised land, crusader state. The American encounter with the world since 1776 (New York, 1997).


Ben Baack, ‘Forging a nation state: the Continental Congress and the financing of the War of American Independence’, Economic History Review, 54, 4 (2001), pp. 639–56, especially pp. 639–40.


Quoted in Munro Price, Preserving the monarchy. The Comté de Vergennes, 1774–1787 (Cambridge, 1995), p. 22.


Sandwich remarks to cabinet, 19 January 1781, Queens’ House, in the presence of the king, in John G. R. Barnes and J. J. Owen (eds.), The Private Papers of John, Earl of Sandwich, 1771–1782 (London, 1932–8), Vol. 4, p. 24.


Парусные линейный корабли имели экипаж до 800 человек и вооружение до 130 орудий и предназначались для боевых действий в линейном боевом порядке, когда все корабли были обращены одним бортом к противнику. Примеч. ред.


Stephen Conway, The British Isles and the War of American Independence (Oxford, 2000), pp. 16, 350 and 17.


Cited in Scott, Emergence of the eastern powers, p. 1.


Quotations in Crout, ‘A “just and lasting peace”’, p. 398, and Maya Jasanoff, Liberty’s exiles. American loyalists in the revolutionary world (New York, 2011), p. 87.


Quoted in Stone, Genesis of the French Revolution, p. 142.


Quoted in Claus Scharf, ‘“La Princesse de Zerbst Catherinisée”. Deutschlandbild und Deutschlandpolitik Katharinas II.’, in Dagmar Herrmann (ed.), Deutsche und Deutschland aus russischer Sicht. 18. Jahrhundert: Aufklärung (Munich, 1992), p. 320.


Quoted in Jeremy Black, The rise of the European powers (London, 1990), p. 130.


Quoted in Brendan Simms, The struggle for mastery in Germany, 1779–1850 (Basingstoke, 1998), p. 45.


Vincent T. Harlow, The founding of the second British empire, 2 vols. (London, 1952–64), and C. A. Bayly, Imperial meridian. The British Empire and the world, 1780–1830 (London, 1989).


Quoted in Jeremy Black, British foreign policy in an age of revolutions, 1783–1793 (Cambridge, 1994), p. 13.


P. G. M. Dickson, ‘Count Karl von Zinzendorf’s “new accountancy”: the structure of Austrian government finance in peace and war, 1781–1791’, International History Review, 29, 1 (2007), pp. 22–56.


Ernst Wangermann, Die Waffen der Publizität. Zum Funktionswandel der politischen Literatur unter Joseph 11. (Vienna, 2004), pp. 168–84.


Karl Härter, ‘Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Reichspolitik Russlands als Garantiemacht des Teschener Friedens (1778–1803)’, in Claus Scharf (ed.), Katharina II., Rußland und Europa. Beiträge zur internationalen Forschung. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte, Supplement 45 (Mainz, 2001), pp. 133–81.


Hugh Ragsdale, ‘Evaluating the traditions of Russian aggression: Catherine II and the Greek Project’, Slavonic and East European Review, 66 (1988), pp. 91–117, especially pp. 95–6.


Quoted in Virginia H. Aksan, Ottoman wars 1700–1870. An empire besieged (Harlow, 2007), p. 161.


Quoted in Karl A. Roider, Austria’s Eastern Question, 1700–1790 (Princeton, 1982), p. 180.


Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper no. 34, 5.1.1788, in J. R. Pole (ed.), The Federalist. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay (Indianapolis and Cambridge, 2005), p. 178.


James R. Sofka, ‘The Jeffersonian idea of national security. Commerce, the Atlantic balance of power, and the Barbary War, 1786–1805’, Diplomatic History, 21 (1997), pp. 519–44, especially pp. 519, 522 and 527.


Quoted in Doris A. Graber, Public opinion, the president, and foreign policy. Four case studies from the formative years (New York, Chicago etc., 1968), p. 133.


Deborah Allen, ‘Acquiring “knowledge of our own continent”: geopolitics, science, and Jeffersonian geography, 1783–1803’, Journal of American Studies, 40 (2006), pp. 205–32 (Jay is quoted on p. 216). For the importance of the west see François FÜrstenberg, ‘The significance of the trans – Appalachian Frontier in Atlantic history, c.1754–1815’, American Historical Review, 113 (2008), pp. 647–77.


Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper no. 25, 21.12.1787, in Pole (ed.), Federalist, p. 133.


Federalist Paper no. 7, 17.11.1787, in Pole (ed.), Federalist, pp. 28–9.


О страхе колонистов перед расколом и повторением опыта итальянских городов-государств: David C. Hendrickson, Peace pact. The lost world of the American founding (Lawrence, Kan., 2003), p. 63.


Federalist Paper no. 8, 20.11.1787, in Pole (ed.), Federalist, p. 37.


Federalist Paper no. 19, 8.12.1787, in Pole (ed.), Federalist, pp. 99–102. For the impact of the Polish partition on the constitutional convention see Frederick W. Marks, Independence on trial. Foreign affairs and the making of the constitution (Baton Rouge, 1973), pp. 3–51, especially p. 33.


Federalist Paper no. 5, 10.11.1787, in Pole (ed.), Federalist, pp. 17–18.


George William van Cleve, A slaveholders’ union. Slavery, politics, and the constitution in the early American Republic (Chicago and London, 2010), p. 9.


Значимость международного соперничества для конституции: Michael Schwarz, ‘The great divergence reconsidered. Hamilton, Madison, and U. S. – British relations, 1783–89’, Journal of the Early Republic, 27 (2007), pp. 407–36, especially pp. 419–21.


Quoted in Doyle, Aristocracy and its enemies, p. 99. See also Markus Hünemörder, The Society of the Cincinnati. Conspiracy and distrust in early America (New York and Oxford, 2006).


Roy Weatherup, ‘Standing armies and armed citizens: an historical analysis of the Second Amendment’, Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, 2 (1975), pp. 961–1001, especially p. 995.


Wolfgang Burgdorf, Reichskonstitution und Nation. Verfassungsreformprojekte für das Heilige Römische Reich Deutscher Nation im politischen Schrifttum von 1648 bis 1806 (Mainz, 1998), pp. 328–35.


Munro Price, ‘The Dutch Affair and the fall of the ancien régime, 1784–1787’, Historical Journal, 38 (1995), pp. 875–905 (quotation p. 904).


Своим представлением о взаимосвязи дипломатического упадка ancien régime и началом французской революции я в немалой степени обязан работе: Gary J. Savage, ‘The French Revolution and the secret du roi. Diplomatic tradition, foreign policy and political culture in later eighteenth-century France (1756–1792)’ (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge, 2005).


Thomas Kaiser, ‘Who’s afraid of Marie-Antoinette? Diplomacy, Austrophobia and the Queen’, French History, 14, 3 (2000), pp. 241–71.


Quoted in Price, Vergennes, p. 234.


Montmorin is quoted in Jeremy J. Whiteman, Reform, revolution and French global policy, 1787–1791 (Aldershot, 2003), p. 103.


Munro Price, ‘The court nobility and the origins of the French Revolution’, in H. Scott and B. Simms (eds.), Cultures of power in Europe during the Long Eighteenth Century (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 278–9.


Chapter 2 of the Cahiers, quoted in John Hall Stewart (ed.), A documentary survey of the French Revolution (New York, 1951), p. 59.


Quotation in Stone, Genesis of the French Revolution, p. 207.


David A. Bell, The cult of the nation in France. Inventing nationalism, 1680–1800 (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 2001), pp. 14–17 and passim (Sieyes is quoted on p. 14).


Quoted in Michael Hochedlinger, ‘Who’s afraid of the French Revolution? Austrian foreign policy and the European crisis, 1787–1797’, German History, 21, 3 (2003), pp. 293–318 (quotation p. 303).


Reflections on the Revolution in France, in Paul Langford (ed.), The writings and speeches of Edmund Burke. Vol. VIII: The French Revolution, 1790–1794 (Oxford, 1989), pp. 131 and 60.


Richard Bourke, ‘Edmund Burke and international conflict’, in Ian Hall and Lisa Hill (eds.), British international thinkers from Hobbes to Namier (Basingstoke, 2009), pp. 91–116.


P. J. Marshall and John A. Woods (eds.), The correspondence of Edmund Burke. Vol. VII: January 1792–August 1794 (Cambridge, 1968), p. 383; R. B. McDowell (ed.), The writings and speeches of Edmund Burke. Vol. IX: I The Revolutionary War. II Ireland (Oxford, 1991), pp. 195 and 250 (vicinage); Brendan Simms, ‘“A false principle in the Law of Nations”. Burke, state sovereignty, [German] liberty, and intervention in the age of Westphalia’, in Brendan Simms and D. J. B. Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention. A history (Cambridge, 2011), p. 110.


Quoted in T. C. W. Blanning, The origins of the French Revolutionary Wars (Harlow, 1986), p. 132.


Horst Möller, ‘Primat der Aussenpolitik: Preussen und die französische Revolution, 1789–1795’, in Jürgen Voss (ed.), Deutschland und die französische Revolution (Munich, 1983), pp. 65–81.


Adam Hochschild, Bury the chains. The first international human rights movement (London and New York, 2005), p. 137, and William Hague, William Wilberforce. The life of the great anti-slave trade campaigner (London, 2007), pp. 149–50.


Цветному населению (фр.). Примеч. ред.


Jeremy Popkin, You are all free. The Haitian Revolution and the abolition of slavery (Cambridge, 2010), p. 276. See also John Thornton, ‘“I am the subject of the King of Congo”: African political ideology and the Haitian Revolution’, Journal of World History, 4, 2 (1993), pp. 181–214, especially p. 183.


Историческое герцогство в долине Рейна, по обоим берегам реки Рур. Примеч. ред.


Michael Hochedlinger, ‘“La cause de tous les maux de la France”. Die “Austrophobie” im revolutionären Frankreich und der Sturz des Königtums, 1789–1792’, Francia, 24 (1997), pp. 73–120.


Eckhard Buddruss, Die französische Deutschlandpolitik, 1756–1789 (Mainz, 1995).


Quotations in Savage, ‘The French Revolution and the secret du roi’, p. 211.


Sidney Seymour Biro, The German policy of Revolutionary France. A study in French diplomacy during the War of the First Coalition, 1792–1797, 2 vols. (Cambridge, Mass., 1957).


The Padua Circular and Declaration of Pillnitz are printed in Hall Stewart (ed.), Documentary survey, pp. 221–4.


Quoted in Patricia Chastain Howe, Foreign Policy and the French Revolution. Charles-François Dumouriez, Pierre LeBrun, and the Belgian Plan, 1789–1793 (Basingstoke, 2008), p. 47.


Quoted in Whiteman, Reform, revolution and French global policy, p. 130.


Linda and Marsha Frey, ‘“The reign of the charlatans is over”. The French Revolutionary attack on diplomatic practice’, Journal of Modern History, 65, 4 (1993), pp. 706–44, especially pp. 714–17.


The Brunswick Manifesto, 25.7.1792, in Hall Stewart (ed.), Documentary survey, pp. 307–8.


Munro Price, The fall of the French monarchy. Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and the Baron de Breteuil (London, 2002).


Declaration of the National Assembly, in Hall Stewart (ed.), Documentary survey, p. 285.


Decree of Fraternity and Help to Foreign Peoples, 19.11.1792, in Hall Stewart (ed.), Documentary survey, p. 381.


Quoted in T. C. W. Blanning, The French Revolution in Germany. Occupation and resistance in the Rhineland, 1792–1802 (Oxford, 1983), p. 64.


Erwin Oberländer, ‘“Ist die Kaiserin von Russland Garant des Westfälischen Friedens?” Der Kurfürst von Trier, die Französische Revolution und Katharina II. 1789–1792, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, New Series, 35 (1987), pp. 218–31.


Jerzy Lukowski, Liberty’s folly. The Polish – Lithuanian Commonwealth in the eighteenth century, 1697–1795 (London and New York, 1991), p. 265.


David Pickus, Dying with an enlightening fall. Poland in the eyes of German intellectuals, 1764–1800 (Lanham etc., 2001), pp. 36–45, 54–9 and 126–31 (quotation pp. 126–7).


Moser’s warning is quoted in Burgdorf, Reichskonstitution und Nation, p. 343.


Thomas Hippler, Citizens, soldiers and national armies. Military service in France and Germany, 1789–1830 (London and New York, 2008).


Quoted in Reynald Secher, A French genocide. The Vendée (Notre Dame, Ind., 2003), pp. 250–51.


Quoted in Richard Whatmore, ‘“A gigantic manliness”. Paine’s republicanism in the 1790s’, in Stefan Collini, Richard Whatmore and Brian Young (eds.), Economy, polity and society. British intellectual history, 1750–1950 (Cambridge, 2000), p. 150. For the strategic context of Paine’s thought see pp. 136, 138–40, 149 and passim.


Decree of 15.12.1792, in Hall Stewart (ed.), Documentary survey, p. 383.


David A. Bell, The first total war. Napoleon’s Europe and the birth of modern warfare (London, 2007).


Quoted in Howe, Foreign policy and the French Revolution, pp. 119 and 151.


Quoted in Jörg Ulbert, ‘France and German dualism, 1756–1871’, in Carine Germond and Henning Türk (eds.), A history of Franco-German relations in Europe. From ‘hereditary enemies’ to partners (Basingstoke, 2008), pp. 41–2.


Quoted in Biro, German policy of Revolutionary France, Vol. II, p. 624.


T. C. W. Blanning, Reform and revolution in Mainz, 1743–1803 (Cambridge, 1974).


Monika Neugebauer-Wölk, Revolution und Constitution. Die Brüder Cotta. Eine biographische Studie zum Zeitalter der Französischen Revolution und des Vormärz (Berlin, 1989), especially pp. 141–3.


Blanning, Reform and revolution in Mainz.


The quotations of Duke Frederick and the Bavarian envoy are in Simms, Struggle for mastery in Germany, pp. 60–61.


The Senckenberg quotation is in Burgdorf, Reichskonstitution und Nation, p. 411.


Букв. «всеобщее вооружение народа» (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Букв. «массовое вооружение» (фр.), всеобщая воинская повинность. Примеч. ред.


Пример авторского анахронизма: переворот 18 фрюктидора был поддержан Наполеоном, но до единоличной власти (переворот 18 брюмера) оставалось еще два года. Примеч. ред.


Philip Dwyer, Napoleon. The path to power, 1769–1799 (London, 2007), passim.


Quoted in Blanning, ‘Frederick the Great’, in Simms and Urbach (eds.), Die Rückkehr der ‘Grossen Männer’, p. 23.


Philip G. Dwyer (ed.), ‘Napoleon and the drive for glory: reflections on the making of French foreign policy’, in Philip G. Dwyer (ed.), Napoleon and Europe (London, 2001), p. 129.


Javier Cuenca Esteban, ‘The British balance of payments, 1772–1820: India transfers and war finance’, Economic History Review, 54, 1 (2001), pp. 58–86, especially pp. 58 and 65–6.


Quoted in Gunther E. Rothenberg, ‘The origins, causes, and extension of the wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon’, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18 (1988), p. 789.


Daniela Neri, ‘Frankreichs Reichspolitik auf dem Rastatter Kongress (1797–1799)’, Francia, 24 (1997), pp. 137–57, especially pp. 155–6.


Quoted in Hochedlinger, ‘Who’s afraid of the French Revolution?’, p. 310.


Geoffrey Symcox, ‘The geopolitics of the Egyptian expedition, 1797–1798’, in Irene A. Bierman (ed.), Napoleon in Egypt (Reading, 2003).


Quoted in Edward James Kolla, ‘Not so criminal: new understandings of Napoleon’s foreign policy in the east’, French Historical Studies, 30, 2 (2007), p. 183. О склонности Наполеона воспринимать Азию в рамках европейской концепции баланса сил: Iradji Amini, Napoleon and Persia. Franco-Persian relations under the First Empire, within the con – text of the rivalries between France, Britain and Russia (Richmond, 1999), pp. 47–54.


Quoted in Karl A. Roider, Baron Thugut and Austria’s response to the French Revolution (Princeton, 1992), pp. 283–4.


Manfred Hellmann, ‘Eine Denkschrift über Russland aus dem Jahre 1800’, in Heinz Dollinger, Horst Gründer and Alwin Hanschmidt (eds.), Weltpolitik. Europagedanke. Regionalismus (Münster, 1962), pp. 135 and 156 (quotation p. 139).


James Livesey, ‘Acts of Union and disunion: Ireland in Atlantic and European contexts’, in Dáire Keogh and Kevin Whelan (eds.), Acts of Union. The causes, contexts and consequences of the Act of Union (Dublin, 2001), pp. 95–105 (Cooke is quoted on p. 97).


Quoted in Erwin Hölzle, Das alte Recht und die Revolution. Eine politische Geschichte Württembergs in der Revolutionszeit, 1789–1806 (Munich and Berlin, 1931), p. 273.


Quoted in Friedrich Wilhelm Kantzenbach, Politischer Protestantismus. Von den Freiheitskriegen bis zur Ära Adenauer (Saarbrücken, 1993), p. 310. (Herder was writing in 1802.)


Brendan Simms, The impact of Napoleon. Prussian high politics, foreign policy and the crisis of the executive, 1797–1806 (Cambridge, 1997).


John Ferling, John Adams. A life (Knoxville, 1994), p. 341. О том, как внешнеполитические факторы определяли внутреннюю политику США до самых нижних уровней: Maurice J. Bric, Ireland, Philadelphia and the re-invention of America, 1760–1800 (Dublin, 2008), pp. xvi, 117 and 246–7.


Quoted in Michael Duffy, ‘Britain as a European ally, 1789–1815’, in Diplomacy and Statecraft, 8, 3 (1997), p. 28. О важности объединения континента против Британии: Charles Esdaile, The wars of Napoleon (London, 1995), pp. 75–6 and 106.


James E. Lewis Jr, The American Union and the problem of neighborhood. The United States and the collapse of the Spanish Empire, 1783–1829 (Chapel Hill, 1998), pp. 25–7.


Jon Kukla, A wilderness so immense: the Louisiana Purchase and the destiny of America (New York, 2003), pp. 229–34 (Jefferson is quoted on p. 231).


Gentz’s remark of August 1806 is cited in Alexander von Hase, ‘Das konservative Europa in Bedrängnis: zur Krise des Gleichgewichtspublizisten Friedrich (von) Gentz (1805–1809)’, Saeculum, 29 (1978), pp. 385–405 (p. 393).


Philip G. Dwyer, ‘Napoleon and the foundation of the Empire’, Historical Journal, 53 (2010), pp. 339–58.


«Французская республика – император Наполеон» (фр.). Примеч. ред.


Quoted in Ulrike Eich, Russland und Europa. Studien zur russischen Deutschlandpolitik in der Zeit des Wiener Kongresses (Cologne and Vienna, 1986), p. 59.


Quoted in Krüger and Schroeder (eds.), Transformation of European politics, p. 237.


Quoted in Roider, Baron Thugut, p. 372.


Helmuth Rössler, Napoleons Griff nach der Karlskrone. Das Ende des alten Reiches 1806 (Munich, 1957).


Philip G. Dwyer, Talleyrand (London, 2002), pp. 98–100 and 108–9.


Tim Blanning, ‘Napoleon and German identity’, History Today, 48 (1998), pp. 37–43.


Quoted in John P. LeDonne, The Russian Empire and the world, 1700–1917. The geopolitics of expansion and containment (New York and Oxford, 1997), p. 303. See also Dominic Lieven, Russia Against Napoleon (London, 2009).


Quoted in Enno E. Kraehe, Metternich’s German policy. Vol. II: The Congress of Vienna, 1814–1815 (Princeton, 1983), p. 6.


Quoted in Simms, Struggle for mastery in Germany, p. 92.


Rafe Blaufarb, ‘The ancien régime origins of Napoleonic social reconstruction’, French History, 14, 4 (2000), pp. 408–23, especially pp. 416–20.


Donald Stoker, Frederick C. Schneid and Harold D. Blanton (eds.), Conscription in the Napoleonic era. A revolution in military affairs? (London and New York, 2009), pp. 6–23 and 122–48.


Stuart Woolf, Napoleon’s integration of Europe (London and New York, 1991).


Stuart Woolf, ‘French civilization and ethnicity in the Napoleonic Empire’, Past and Present, 124 (1989), pp. 96–120, especially pp. 106–7.


Quoted in Biancamaria Fontana, ‘The Napoleonic Empire and the Europe of nations’, in Anthony Pagden (ed.), The idea of Europe. From antiquity to the European Union (Cambridge, 2002), pp. 116–28 (quotation p. 120).


Martyn P. Thompson, ‘Ideas of Europe during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars’, Journal of the History of Ideas, 55 (1994), pp. 37–58 (quotation p. 39).


Biro, German policy of revolutionary France, vol. 2, p. 62.


Quoted in David Lawday, Napoleon’s master. A life of Prince Talleyrand (London, 2007), p. 116.


Quoted in Brendan Simms, ‘Reform in Britain and Prussia, 1797–1815: confessional fiscal-military state and military-agrarian complex’, in Proceedings of the British Academy, 100 (1999), pp. 82–3.


Ute Frevert, ‘Das jakobinische Modell: allgemeine Wehrp icht und Nationsbildung in Preussen-Deutschland’, in Ute Frevert (ed.), Militär und Gesellschaft im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart, 1997), pp. 17–47 (quotation p. 20).


Heinz Duchhardt, Stein. Eine Biographie (Münster, 2007), pp. 164–235.


Quotations in Simms, ‘Reform in Britain and Prussia’, pp. 83–4.


Brendan Simms, ‘Britain and Napoleon’, in Dwyer (ed.), Napoleon and Europe, pp. 189–203.


Otto Johnston, ‘British espionage and Prussian politics in the Age of Napoleon’, Intelligence and National Security, 2 (1987), especially p. 238.


О связи между внешней угрозой и внутренними преобразованиями: Karl Roider, ‘The Habsburg foreign ministry and political reform’, Central European History, 22 (1989), especially pp. 162 and 172.


Quoted in Henry A. Kissinger, A world restored. Metternich, Castlereagh, and the problems of peace, 1812–1822 (London, 1957), p. 20.


Geoffrey Ellis, Napoleon’s continental blockade. The case of Alsace (Oxford, 1981).


Maya Jasanoff, Liberty’s exiles. American loyalists in the Revolutionary world (New York, 2011).


Автор, очевидно, следует широко распространенному в западной историографии воззрению об «императоре Морозе», который только якобы и заставил Наполеона уйти из России. Примеч. ред.


Quoted in Simms, Struggle for mastery in Germany, p. 99.


Quoted in Krüger and Schroeder (eds.), Transformation of European politics, p. 460.


Alexander’s remarks are quoted in John P. LeDonne, The grand strategy of the Russian Empire, 1650–1831 (Oxford, 2004), p. 206.


Quoted in Eich, Russland und Europa, p. 150.


Blanning, ‘The Bonapartes and Germany’, p. 59.


H.-O. Sieburg, Deutschland und Frankreich in der Geschichtsschreibung des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Wiesbaden, 1954), p. 108.


James Chastain, ‘Privilege versus emancipation: the origins of Franco-Austrian confrontation in 1848’, Proceedings of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe (1987), p. 247.


Anselm Doering-Manteuffel, Vom Wiener Kongress zur Pariser Konferenz. England, die deutsche Frage und das Mächtesystem, 1815–1856 (Göttingen and Zurich, 1991), pp. 137–8.


Рейнской конфедерации (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Peter Hofschroer, 1815. The Waterloo campaign. The German victory (London, 1999).


The Massachussetts Senate is quoted in James G. Wilson, The imperial republic. A structural history of American constitutionalism from the colonial era to the beginning of the twentieth century (Aldershot, 2002), pp. 130–32.


Вариантов русского прочтения этой фамилии очень много, выбран тот, который чаще всего встречается в исторических работах на русском языке. Примеч. ред.


Hermann Wentker, ‘Der Pitt-Plan von 1805 in Krieg und Frieden: zum Kontinuitätsproblem der britischen Europapolitik in der Ära der napoleonischen Kriege’, Francia, 29, 2 (2002), pp. 129–45 (quotation p. 137).


Enno E. Kraehe, Metternich’s German policy. Vol. II. The Congress of Vienna, 1814–1815 (Princeton, 1983).


John P. LeDonne, The grand strategy of the Russian Empire, 1650–1831 (Oxford, 2004), p. 208.


Ulrike Eich, Russland und Europa. Studien zur russischen Deutschlandpolitik in der Zeit des Wiener Kongresses (Cologne and Vienna, 1986), p. 172.


Wentker, ‘Der Pitt-Plan’, p. 141.


John Bew, Castlereagh. Enlightenment, war and tyranny, 1769–1822 (London, 2011), p. 377.


Brendan Simms, The struggle for mastery in Germany, 1779–1850 (Basingstoke, 1998), p. 105.


Henry A. Kissinger, A world restored (London, 1957), p. 33.


Betty Fladeland, ‘Abolitionist pressures on the Concert of Europe, 1814–1822’, Journal of Modern History, 38, 4 (1966), pp. 355–73 (quotation p. 363).


Paul Kielstra, The politics of the slave trade suppression in Britain and France, 1814–48 (Basingstoke, 2000), pp. 26–9 (quotation p. 28).


Thomas Neve, The Duke of Wellington and the British army of occupation in France, 1815–1818 (Westport and London, 1992), pp. 93–103.


Wolf Gruner, ‘Der deutsche Bund und die europäische Friedensordnung’, in Helmut Rumpler (ed.), Deutscher Bund und deutsche Frage, 1815–1866 (Munich, 1990), p. 248.


О внутригерманской деятельности и целях Германского союза: Jürgen Müller, Der deutsche Bund, 1815–1866 (Munich, 2006).


Anselm Doering-Manteuffel, Vom Wiener Kongress zur Pariser Konferenz. England, die deutsche Frage und das Mächtesystem, 1815–1856 (Göttingen and Zurich, 1991), pp. 57–72.


David Laven, ‘Austria’s Italian policy reconsidered: revolution and reform in Restoration Italy’, Modern Italy, 2, 1 (1997), pp. 1–33, где уделяется особое внимание геополитической составляющей.


Kenneth Bourne, Britain and the balance of power in North America, 1815–1908 (London, 1967), pp. 53–119.


Philip Harling and Peter Mandler, ‘From “fiscal-military state” to “laissez faire state”, 1760–1850’, Journal of British Studies, 32 (1993), pp. 44–70.


Jonathan Parry, The politics of patriotism. English liberalism, national identity and Europe, 1830–1886 (Cambridge, 2006), p. 46.


Frank Lawrence Owsley Jr and Gene A. Smith, Filibusters and expansionists: Jeffersonian Manifest Destiny, 1800–1821 (Tuscaloosa, 1997).


Edward Howland Tatum, The United States and Europe, 1815–1823. A study in the background of the Monroe Doctrine (New York, 1936), pp. 186–7.


John M. Belohlavek, ‘Let the eagle soar!’ The foreign policy of Andrew Jackson (Lincoln, Nebr., 1985), pp. 9–10.


Gary P. Cox, The halt in the mud. French strategic planning from Waterloo to Sedan (Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1994), p. 97.


Michael Stephen Partridge, Military planning for the defence of the United Kingdom (New York, 1989), pp. 4–21, 147–8 and passim.


Henry A. Delner, ‘Alexander I, the Holy Alliance and Clemens Metternich: a reappraisal’, East European Quarterly, XXXVII, 2 (2003), especially pp. 138–50.


Derek Beales and Eugenio F. Biagini, The Risorgimento and the uni cation of Italy (Harlow, 2002), pp. 213–14.


Daniel Moran, Toward the century of words. Johann Cotta and the politics of the public realm in Germany, 1795–1832 (Berkeley, 1990).


Brendan Simms, ‘Napoleon and Germany: a legacy in foreign policy’, in David Laven and Lucy Riall (eds.), Napoleon’s legacy. Problems of govern – ment in Restoration Europe (Oxford and New York, 2000), pp. 97–112 (Görres is quoted on p. 101).


Букв. «Вартбургский фестиваль» (нем.), праздник в замке Вартбург, устроенный немецкими студентами-националистами в честь 300-летия со дня обнародования тезисов М. Лютера и в четвертую годовщину «битвы народов» при Лейпциге. Примеч. ред.


Эти указы, принятые после конференции Германского Союза в богемском городе Карлсбад, запрещали деятельность националистических братств, предусматривали увольнение из университетов либеральной профессуры и усиливали цензуру. Примеч. ред.


В историографии этим термином обозначают национально-освободительное движение итальянского народа против иноземного господства. Примеч. ред.


Lucy Riall, The Italian Risorgimento. State, society and national unification (London, 1994), especially pp. 11–28.


Maurizio Isabella, ‘Mazzini’s internationalism in context: from the cosmopolitan patriotism of the Italian Carbonari to Mazzini’s Europe of the nations’, in Proceedings of the British Academy, 152 (2008), p. 50.


Так у автора; в отечественной традиции термин «декабристы» охватывает всех участников оппозиционного движения и членов различных тайных обществ (не только «Южного») первой половины XIX столетия. Примеч. ред.


Официально должность называлась «председатель Эллады», но в литературе закрепилось название «президент». Примеч. ред.


Jaime E. Rodríguez O., The independence of Spanish America (Cambridge, 1998), pp. 169–92.


В 1816 г. британский военный корабль перехватил французскую шхуну «Ле Луи», капитана которой обвинили в перевозке рабов. Владельцы шхуны подали апелляцию, которая была удовлетворена. Примеч. ред.


О сотрудничестве людей многих национальностей, занятых работорговлей: Joseph C. Dorsey, Slave traffic in the age of abolition. Puerto Rico, West Africa, and the non-Hispanic Caribbean, 1815–1859 (Gainesville, 2003), pp. 83–100.


Maeve Ryan, ‘The price of legitimacy in humanitarian intervention: Britain, the right of search, and the abolition of the West African slave trade, 1807–1867’, in Brendan Simms and D. J. B. Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention. A history (Cambridge, 2011), pp. 231–55. Почти 400 000 африканских рабов привезли только на Кубу после законодательного запрета работорговли; см.: D. R. Murray, ‘Statistics of the slave trade to Cuba, 1790–1867’, Journal of Latin American Studies, 3, 2 (1971), pp. 131–49 (pp. 134, 136, 141, 142, 144, 147 and especially 149).


Руководящим комитетом (фр.). Примеч. ред.


Paul W. Schroeder, Metternich’s diplomacy at its zenith, 1820–1823 (Austin, 1962), especially pp. 237–66.


D. L. Hafner, ‘Castlereagh, the balance of power, and “non – intervention”’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 26, 1 (1980), p. 75.


Rafe Blaufarb, ‘The Western Question: the geopolitics of Latin American independence’, American Historical Review, 112, 3 (2007), pp. 742–63 (quotation p. 746).


John Bew, ‘“From an umpire to a competitor”. Castlereagh, Canning and the issue of international intervention in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars’, in Simms and Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention, p. 130.


Günther Heydemann, Konstitution gegen Revolution. Die britische Deutschland und Italienpolitik, 1815–1848 (Göttingen and Zurich, 1995), pp. 47–9 (quotation p. 49).


Ibid., p. 108.


Theophilius C. Prousin, Russian society and the Greek Revolution (DeKalb, Ill., 1994), pp. 26–54.


Davide Rodogno, Against massacre. Humanitarian intervention in the Ottoman Empire, 1815–1914 (Princeton, 2011).


Автор игнорирует тот факт, что союзный флот также включал русские корабли под командованием графа Л. П. Гейдена, причем именно эта эскадра разгромила центр и правый фланг неприятельского флота. Примеч. ред.


David T. Murphy, ‘Prussian aims for the Zollverein, 1828–1833’, Historian, 53 (1991), pp. 287, 291 and passim.


F. R. Bridge, The Habsburg monarchy among the great powers, 1815–1918 (New York, Oxford and Munich, 1990), p. 34.


Barbara Jelavich, Russia’s Balkan entanglements, 1806–1914 (Cambridge, 1991), p. 62.


Frank Lorenz Müller, Britain and the German Question. Perceptions of nationalism and political reform, 1830–63 (Basingstoke, 2002), p. 29.


Heydemann, Konstitution gegen Revolution, pp. 239–40 and 347.


Robert Tombs, France 1814–1914 (London and New York, 1996), p. 37.


Имеется в виду морской министр Российской империи (1836–1855) А. С. Меншиков, правнук А. Д. Меншикова; участвовал в Крымской войне, в указанные годы являлся генерал-губернатором Финляндии. Примеч. ред.


Matthew Rendall, ‘Restraint or self-restraint of Russia: Nicholas I, the Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi, and the Vienna System, 1832–1841’, Inter – national History Review, 24, 1 (2002), pp. 37–63, especially pp. 38 and 57.


Beales and Biagini, Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy, pp. 26–7.


Jürgen Angelow, Von Wien nach Königgrätz. Die Sicherheitspolitik des deutschen Bundes im europäischen Gleichgewicht, 1815–1866 (Munich, 1996), p. 81.


Simms, Struggle for mastery in Germany, pp. 116 and 112.


В Хамбахском замке собралось около 30 000 человек; это была одна из первых массовых демонстраций в поддержку объединения Германии, «замаскированная» под ярмарку. Примеч. ред.


Manfred Meyer, Freiheit und Macht. Studien zum Nationalismus süddeutscher, insbesondere badischer Liberaler 1830–1848 (Frankfurt, 1994), pp. 117–30, 132, 137 and passim.


Simms, Struggle for mastery in Germany, pp. 128–31 and passim (quotation p. 131).


‘Prince Joseph zu Salm-Dyck an den General-Gouverneur Prinzen Wilhelm. Memorandum on the Constitutional Question’, 28.1.1831, Aachen, in Joseph Hansen (ed.), Rheinische Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte der poli – tischen Bewegung, 1830–1850. Vol. 1: 1830–1845 (Essen, 1919), p. 5.


John M. Knapp, Behind the diplomatic curtain. Adolphe de Bourqueney and French foreign policy, 1816–1869 (Akron, 2001), p. 60.


Немецкое название чешского города Мнихово Градиште. Примеч. ред.


Parry, Politics of patriotism, p. 149.


Lawrence C. Jennings, French anti-slavery. The movement for the abolition of slavery in France, 1802–1848 (Cambridge, 2000), pp. 50–53.


Lacy K. Ford, Deliver us from evil. The Slavery Question in the Old South (Oxford, 2009), pp. 199–200.


Christopher Schmidt-Nowara, Empire and anti-slavery. Spain, Cuba and Puerto Rico, 1833–74 (Pittsburgh, 1999), p. 15.


Seymour Drescher, Abolition. A history of slavery and anti-slavery (Cambridge, 2009), pp. 294–306.


Oscar J. Hammen, ‘Free Europe versus Russia, 1830–1854’, The American Slavic and East European Review, XI (1952), pp. 27–41 (p. 29).


Roger Bullen, ‘France and the problem of intervention in Spain, 1834–1836’, Historical Journal, 20, 2 (1977), pp. 363–93 (quotation p. 381).


Английский политик Р. Кобден отстаивал неограниченную конкуренцию и свободу торговли. Примеч. ред.


Anthony Howe, ‘Radicalism, free trade, and foreign policy in mid-nineteenth century Britain’, in William Mulligan and Brendan Simms (eds.), The primacy of foreign policy in British history, 1660–2000. How strategic concerns shaped modern Britain (Basingstoke, 2010), pp. 167–80.


Letitia W. Ufford, The Pasha. How Mehmet Ali de ed the west, 1839–1841 (Jefferson, 2007).


Abigail Green, ‘The British Empire and the Jews: an imperialism of human rights?’, Past and Present, 199 (2008), pp. 175–205.


Tombs, France, p. 365.


H. A. C. Collingham (with R. S. Alexander), The July monarchy. A political history of France, 1830–1848 (London and New York, 1988), p. 232.


Simms, Struggle for mastery in Germany, pp. 159 and 162.


David H. Pinkney, Decisive years in France, 1840–1847 (Princeton, 1986), p. 133.


Simms, Struggle for mastery in Germany, p. 165.


John P. LeDonne, The Russian Empire and the world, 1700–1917. The geopolitics of expansion and containment (New York and Oxford, 1997), p. 125.


Cemil Aydin, The politics of anti-westernism in Asia. Visions of world order in pan-Islamic and pan-Asian thought (New York, 2007), p. 20.


Robert Kagan, Dangerous nation (New York, 2006), p. 218.


Donald Bruce Johnson and Kirk H. Porter (eds.), National party platforms, 1840–1972 (Urbana, Chicago and London, 1956), pp. 12, 31, 36 and passim.


Abigail Green, ‘Nationalism and the “Jewish International”. Religious internationalism in Europe and the Middle East, c.1840 – c.1880’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 50 (2008), pp. 548 and 546.


Ibid., pp. 535 and 547.


Abigail Green, ‘Intervening in the Jewish Question, 1840–1878’, in Simms and Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention, p. 143.


Jon Elster (ed.), Karl Marx. A reader (Cambridge, 1986), pp. 171–86. Работа “Немецкая идеология” была опубликована в 1932 г. Московским институтом Маркса и Энгельса.


Michael Stephen Partridge, Military planning for the defense of the United Kingdom (New York, 1989), p. 9.


Parry, Politics of patriotism, pp. 159–60. My thinking on this subject has been heavily influenced by Howe, ‘Radicalism, free trade and foreign policy’, in Mulligan and Simms (eds.), Primacy of foreign policy in British history, pp. 167–80.


Tombs, France, p. 38.


Harald Müller, ‘Zu den aussenpolitischen Zielvorstellungen der gemässigten Liberalen am Vorabend und im Verlauf der bürgerlichen-demokratischen Revolution von 1848/49 am Beispiel der “Deutschen Zeitung”’, in H. Bleiber (ed.), Bourgeoisie und bürgerliche Umwälzung in Deutschland, 1789–1871 (Berlin, 1977), p. 233.


Simms, Struggle for mastery in Germany, p. 171.




Букв. «Особый союз» (нем.), объединение семи католических кантонов Швейцарии. Примеч. ред.


Этот отчет опирается на тщательно выверенную аналитическую хронологию: Jonathan Sperber, The European revolutions, 1848–1851, 2nd edn (Cambridge, 2005), especially pp. viii—xx.


Harry Hearder, ‘The making of the Roman Republic, 1848–1849’, History 60 (1975), p. 181.


Martin Stauch, Im Schatten der heiligen Allianz. Frankreichs Preussenpolitik von 1848 bis 1857 (Frankfurt, 1996), p. 78.


James G. Chastain, ‘France’s proposed Danubian federation in 1848’, Proceedings of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe (Tallahassee, 1978), p. 103.


Tombs, France, p. 385.


Stauch, Im Schatten der heiligen Allianz, pp. 41–3 (quotations pp. 11 and 47).


Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The communist manifesto, ed. David McLellan (Oxford, 1992), pp. 2, 17 and 23.


Alan Sked, Metternich and Austria. An evaluation (Basingstoke and London, 2008), p. 65.


Parry, Politics of patriotism, p. 196.


Милбэнк выражал схожее мнение в 1848–1849 гг., о чем свидетельствуют документы Национального архива (письма к Пальмерстону от 8.5.1848, 6.6.1848 and 31.3.1849 in NA F09/10; NA F09/101 and NA F09/103). Я весьма признателен Фрэнку Лоренцу Мюллеру за это указание.


Ibid., p. 39.


Martin Schulze Wessel, Russlands Blick auf Preussen. Die polnische Frage in der Diplomatie und der politischen Öffentlichkeit des Zarenreiches und des Sowjetstaates, 1697–1947 (Stuttgart, 1995), p. 120.


Randolf Oberschmidt, Russland und die Schleswigholsteinische Frage, 1839–1853 (Frankfurt am Main, 1997), pp. 281, 289 and passim.


Mathias Schulz, ‘A balancing act: domestic pressures and international systemic constraints in the foreign policies of the great powers, 1848–1851’, German History 21, 3 (2003), pp. 319–46 (quotation p. 326).


A. J. P. Taylor, The struggle for mastery in Europe, 1848–1918 (Oxford, 1971 [1954]), p. 37.


Schulz, ‘A balancing act’, p. 328.


Schulz, pp. 335–6, for quotations.


Frank Lorenz Müller, Britain and the German Question. Perceptions of nationalism and political reform, 1830–63 (Basingstoke, 2002), p. 153.


Lamartine’s ‘Manifesto to Europe’, in Alphonse de Lamartine, History of the French Revolution of 1848 (London, 1849), pp. 283–5.


«Германского колосса» (фр.). Примеч. ред.


Stauch, Im Schatten der heiligen Allianz, p. 73; Bastide is quoted in Jörg Ulbert, ‘France and German dualism, 1756–1871’, in Carine Germond and Henning Türk (eds.), A history of Franco-German relations in Europe. From ‘hereditary enemies’ to partners (Basingstoke, 2008), p. 44.


Liberalismus 1848/49’, Historische Zeitschrift, 275 (2002), pp. 333–83.


Tombs, France, p. 398.


R. J. W. Evans, ‘From confederation to compromise: the Austrian experiment, 1849–1867’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 87 (1995), pp. 135–67 (especially pp. 138–40).


Nikolaus Buschmann, Einkreisung und Waffenbruderschaft. Die öffentliche Deutung von Krieg und Nation in Deutschland, 1850–1871 (Göttingen, 2003), p. 191. Также: Kevin Cramer, The Thirty Years War and German memory in the nineteenth century (Lincoln, Nebr., and London, 2007), pp. 51–93 and 141–77.


Christian Jansen, Einheit, Macht und Freiheit. Die Paulskirchenlinke und die deutsche Politik in der nachrevolutionären Epoche, 1849–1867 (Dusseldorf, 2000), pp. 510–20 and 530–64.


Otto Pflanze, Bismarck and the development of Germany. The period of unification, 1815–1871 (Princeton, 1963), p. 72.


Efraim Karsh, Islamic imperialism. A history (New Haven, 2006), p. 97.


Taylor, Struggle for mastery in Europe, p. 61: ‘The real stake in the Crimean war was not Turkey. It was central Europe; that is to say Germany and Italy.’


Doering-Manteuffel, Vom Wiener Kongress zur Pariser Kon – ferenz, p. 215.


Müller, Britain and the German Question, p. 162.


В 1760-х гг. землемеры Ч. Мейсон и Д. Диксон провели линию, официально разделившую британские колонии Пенсильвания и Мэриленд; до Гражданской войны эта линия служила символической границей между Севером и Югом. Примеч. ред.


Kagan, Dangerous nation, p. 234.


Закон утвердил образование новых территорий (Канзас и Небраска) и открыл их для заселения. Примеч. ред.


Robert E. May, The Southern dream of a Caribbean empire, 1854–1861, 2nd edn (Gainesville, 2002), pp. 46–76. Связь территориальной экспансии с интересами южан в Конгрессе: pp. 11–12.


Paul W. Schroeder, Austria, Great Britain and the Crimean War. The destruction of the European Concert (Ithaca and London, 1972), especially pp. 423–4.


David Saunders, Russia in the age of reaction and reform, 1801–1881 (London and New York, 1992), p. 207.


Saunders, Russia in the age of reaction and reform, pp. 223–4.


О важности внешней политики для Великобритании в 1850-х годах: Adrian Brettle, ‘The enduring importance of foreign policy dominance in mid-nineteenth-century politics’, in Mulligan and Simms (eds.), Primacy of foreign policy in British history, pp. 154–66.


Parry, Politics of patriotism, p. 68.


Denis Mack Smith, Cavour (New York, 1985), p. 111 and passim.


Derek Beales, England and Italy, 1859–1860 (London, Edinburgh, etc., 1961), pp. 3–4.


Mack Walker (ed.), Plombières. Secret diplomacy and the rebirth of Italy (New York, London and Toronto, 1968), pp. 27–37, especially pp. 28–9.


О значении Германии: Franco Valsecchi, ‘European diplomacy and the expedition of the thousand. The conservative powers’, in Martin Gilbert (ed.), A century of conflict, 1850–1950. Essays for A. J. P. Taylor (London, 1967), pp. 49–72, especially pp. 54–65.


Michael J. Salevouris, ‘Riflemen form’. The war scare of 1859–1860 in England (New York and London, 1982), pp. 152–95.


D. M. Schreuder, ‘Gladstone and Italian unification, 1848–70: the making of a Liberal?’, The English Historical Review, LXXXV (1970), p. 475.


Mark Hewitson, Nationalism in Germany, 1848–1866 (Basingstoke, 2010), pp. 76–7.


Национальный союз (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Andreas Biefang, Politisches Bürgertum in Deutschland, 1857–1868. Nationale Organisationen und Eliten (Dusseldorf, 1994), pp. 66–79.


Knapp, Behind the diplomatic curtain, p. 270.


Народное ополчение. Примеч. ред.


Frank Lorenz Müller, ‘The spectre of a people in arms: the Prussian government and the militarisation of German nationalism, 1859–1864’, The English Historical Review, CXXII, 495 (2007), pp. 82–104 (quotation p. 85).


Hans-Christof Kraus, ‘Militärreform oder Verfassungswandel? Kronprinz Friedrich von Preussen und die “deutschen Whigs” in der Krise von 1862/63’, in Heinz Reif (ed.), Adel und Bürgertum in Deutschland. Vol. I: Entwicklungslinien und Wendepunkte im 19. Jahrhundert (Berlin, 2000), pp. 207–32.


Andreas Kärnbach, ‘Bismarcks Bemühungen um eine Reform des Deutschen Bundes 1849–1866’, in Oswald Hauser (ed.), Preussen, Europa und das Reich (Cologne and Vienna, 1987), pp. 199–221, especially pp. 207–8.


Jonathan Steinberg, Bismarck. A life (Oxford, 2011), p. 174.


May, The Southern dream of Caribbean empire, p. 237. В целом Мэй уделяет слишком мало внимания важности территориальной экспансии, которая привела к гражданской войне: pp. 242–3.


Matthew Flynn, First strike. Pre-emptive war in modern history (New York and London, 2008), pp. 41–2.


Kagan, Dangerous nation, p. 91.


John Dunn, ‘Africa invades the new world: Egypt’s Mexican adventure, 1863–1867’, War in History, 4 (1997), pp. 27–34.


Henry Blumenthal, France and the United States. Their diplomatic relations, 1789–1914 (Chapel Hill, 2009), p. 109.


Винтовой шлюп «Алабама» был построен в Великобритании по заказу американского Юга и изначально предназначался для крейсерских операций против торгового флота северян; всего перехватил 68 и уничтожил 53 грузовых судна. Примеч. ред.


James Chambers, Palmerston, the people’s darling (London, 2004), p. 495.


David F. Krein, The last Palmerston government. Foreign policy, domestic politics, and the genesis of ‘splendid isolation’ (Ames, 1978), pp. 174–9.


Jacques Freymond and Miklós Molnár, ‘The rise and fall of the First International’, in Milorad Drachkovitch (ed.), The revolutionary Internationals, 1864–1943 (Stanford, 1966).


R. J. W. Evans, ‘From confederation to compromise: the Austrian experiment, 1849–1867’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 87 (1995), pp. 135–67 (quotation p. 164).


Schulze Wessel, Russlands Blick auf Preussen, p. 130.


Законодательному корпусу (фр.); имеется в виду представительное собрание с законодательными полномочиями. Примеч. ред.


Tombs, France, p. 414.


Sked, Metternich and Austria, p. 63.


О внутренних причинах конфликта с Веной: Geoffrey Wawro, ‘The Habsburg Flucht nach vorne in 1866: domestic political origins of the Austro-Prussian War’, International History Review, 17, 2 (1995), pp. 221–48, especially pp. 221 and 229.


Christopher Clark, Iron kingdom. The rise and downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947 (London, 2006), p. 557.


Michael Howard, ‘A thirty years’ war? The two world wars in historical perspective’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, Vol. III (1993), p. 171.


C. A. Bayly, The birth of the modern world, 1780–1914 (Oxford, 2004), p. 163; Michael Geyer and Charles Bright, ‘Global violence and nationalizing wars in Eurasia and America: the geopolitics of war in the mid-nineteenth century’, Comparative Studies in History and Society, 38 (1996), pp. 619–57, especially p. 621; and Stig Förster and Jörg Nagler (eds.), On the road to total war. The American Civil War and the German wars of uni cation, 1861–1871 (Cambridge, 1997).


Robert Kagan, Dangerous nation (New York, 2006), p. 276.


Bruce Cumings, Dominion from sea to sea. Pacific ascendancy and American power (New Haven and London, 2009), pp. 55–125.


John Dunn, ‘Africa invades the new world. Egypt’s Mexican adventure, 1863–1867’, War in History, 4, 1 (1997), p. 32.


Clark, Iron kingdom, p. 546.


Франк Беккер показывает, что признание немецкими националистами прусского руководства было плодом, а не причиной франко-прусской войны: Frank Becker, Bilder von Krieg und Nation. Die Einigungskriege in der bürgerlichen Öffentlichkeit Deutschlands, 1864–1913 (Munich, 2001), pp. 488–9 and passim.


F. R. Bridge, The Habsburg monarchy among the great powers, 1815–1918 (New York, Oxford and Munich, 1990), p. 95.


Florian Buch, Grosse Politik im neuen Reich. Gesellschaft und Aussenpolitik in Deutschland 1867–1882 (Kassel, 2004), p. 351.


Geoffrey Hicks, ‘“Appeasement” or consistent conservatism? British foreign policy, party politics and the guarantees of 1867 and 1939’, Historical Research, 84 (2011), pp. 520–21 and 525–6 (Stanley quotation pp. 526–7). Augustus Loftus, The diplomatic reminiscences of Lord Augustus Loftus, 1862–1879, Vol. I (London, 1894), p. 99.


Jonathan Parry, The politics of patriotism. English liberalism, national identity and Europe, 1830–1886 (Cambridge, 2006), p. 243.


J. M. Hobson, ‘The military extraction gap and the wary titan: the fiscal sociology of British defence policy, 1870–1913’, Journal of European Economic History, 222 (1993), pp. 461–506.


Bridge, Habsburg monarchy, p. 84.


Hans A. Schmitt, ‘Count Beust and Germany, 1866–1870: reconquest, realignment, or resignation?’, Central European History, 1, 1 (1968), pp. 20–34.


Dietrich Beyrau, ‘Der deutsche Komplex: Russland zur Zeit der Reichsgründung’, in Eberhard Kolb (ed.), Europa und die Reichsgründung. Preussen-Deutschland in der Sicht der grossen europäischen Mächte, 1860–1880 (Munich, 1980), p. 87.


M. Katz, Mikhail N. Katkov. A political biography, 1818–1887 (The Hague and Paris, 1966), pp. 112–17.


Dietrich Geyer, Russian imperialism. The interaction of domestic and foreign policy, 1860–1914 (Leamington Spa, 1987), p. 94.


Elisabeth Fehrenbach, ‘Preussen-Deutschland als Faktor der französischen Aussenpolitik in der Reichsgründungszeit’, in Kolb (ed.), Europa und die Reichsgründung, p. 124.


Tombs, France, p. 417.


Clark, Iron kingdom, p. 548.


Tombs, France, p. 423.


Телеграмма с записью разговора короля и посла была зачитана Бисмарком за ужином с военным министром Пруссии и начальником генерального штаба; по договоренности с гостями Бисмарк сильно сократил текст записи – теперь из телеграммы следовало, что Пруссия наотрез отказывается вести переговоры. Примеч. ред.


Alexander Seyferth, Die Heimatfront 1870/71. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im deutsch-französischen Krieg (Paderborn, 2007), pp. 76–8, подчеркивает, что страх перед нападением французов был сильнее патриотического энтузиазма.


A. J. P. Taylor, The struggle for mastery in Europe, 1848–1918 (Oxford, 1971 [1954]), p. xxv.


Detlef Junker, ‘Die manichäische Falle: das deutsche Reich im Urteil der USA, 1871–1945’, in Klaus Hildebrand (ed.), Das deutsche Reich im Urteil der grossen Mächte und europäischen Nachbarn (1871–1945) (Munich, 1995), pp. 141–58 (quotation p. 142).


Peter Krüger, ‘Die Beurteilung der Reichsgründung und Reichsverfassung von 1871 in den USA’, in Norbert Finzsch et al., Liberalitas. Festschrift für Erich Angermann zum 65. Geburtstag (Stuttgart, 1992), pp. 263–83 (quotations pp. 271 and 273).


Paul W. Schroeder, ‘The lost intermediaries: the impact of 1870 on the European system’, International History Review, 6, 1 (1984), pp. 1–27, especially pp. 2–3, 8 and 11–12.


Sudhir Hazareesingh, ‘Republicanism, war and democracy: the Ligue du Midi in France’s war against Prussia, 1870–1871’, French History, 17, 1 (2003), pp. 48–78, especially pp. 50–51.


Bertrand Taithe, Defeated esh. Welfare, warfare and the making of modern France (Manchester, 1999), pp. 71–98, and Citizenship and wars: France in turmoil, 1870–1871 (London and New York, 2001).


Jacques Bariety, ‘Das deutsche Reich im französischen Urteil, 1871–1945’, in Hildebrand (ed.), Das deutsche Reich im Urteil der grossen Mächte, pp. 203–18 (quotation p. 208).


Allan Mitchell, Victors and vanquished. The German in uence on Army and Church in France after 1870 (Chapel Hill, 1984), especially pp. 41–8, and Rachel Chrastil, Organising for war. France, 1870–1914 (Baton Rouge, 2010), pp. 157–8 and passim.


Heinrich Lutz, ‘Zur Wende der österreichisch-ungarischen Aussenpolitik 1871. Die Denkschrift des Grafen Beust für Kaiser Franz Joseph vom 18. mai’, in Mitteilungen des österreichischen Staatsarchivs 25 (1972), pp. 169–84, especially pp. 177–8 (‘Mitteleuropa’, p. 180).


Bridge, Habsburg monarchy, p. 94.


W. E. Mosse, The European powers and the German Question, Appendix C: ‘The Russian national press and the “German Peril”, 1870–71’, pp. 391–2.


Deryck Schreuder, ‘Gladstone as “Troublemaker”: Liberal foreign policy and the German annexation of Alsace-Lorraine, 1870–1871’, Journal of British Studies, 17 (1978), pp. 106–35 (quotation p. 119). I am grateful to Eddie Fishman for conversations on the subject.


Karina Urbach, Bismarck’s favourite Englishman. Lord Odo Russell’s mission to Berlin (London, 1999), p. 208.


Klaus Hildebrand, No intervention. Die Pax Britannica und Preussen 1865/66–1869/70. Eine Untersuchung zur englischen Weltpolitik im 19. Jahrhundert (Munich, 1997), pp. 393–4 and passim.


Scott W. Murray, Liberal diplomacy and German uni cation: the early career of Robert Morier (Westport and London 2000), pp. 91–138.


William Mulligan, ‘Britain, the “German Revolution”, and the fall of France, 1870/1’, Historical Research, 84, 224 (2011), pp. 310–27.


ibid., p. 324.


Thomas Schaarschmidt, Aussenpolitik und öffentliche Meinung in Grossbritannien während des deutsch-französischen Krieges von 1870/71 (Franfurt am Main, Berne, etc., 1993), p. 132.


Michael Pratt, ‘A fallen idol: the impact of the Franco-Prussian War on the perception of Germany by British intellectuals’, International History Review, 7, 4 (1985), pp. 543–75.


Mulligan, ‘Britain, the “German Revolution”, and the fall of France’.


Edward Ingram, The British Empire as a world power (London, 2001), especially pp. 25–45. Также: James Belich, Replenishing the earth. The settler revolution and the rise of the Anglo-World, 1783–1939 (Oxford, 2009).


На мое мнение очень сильно повлияли беседы с Дэниелом Робинсоном, Джеймсом Роджерсом и Дунканом Беллом. См.: Duncan Bell, The idea of greater Britain. Empire and the future of world order, 1860–1900 (Princeton, 2007).


Max Beloff, Imperial sunset: Britain’s liberal empire, 1897–1921 (London, 1969), p. 37.


Parry, Politics of patriotism, p. 293.


William Mulligan, ‘British anti-slave trade and anti-slavery policy in East Africa, Arabia, and Turkey in the late nineteenth century’, in Brendan Simms and D. J. B. Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention. A history (Cambridge, 2011), pp. 257–82, especially p. 273.


Jacques Freymond and Miklós Molnár, ‘The rise and fall of the First International’, in Milorad Drachkovitch (ed.), The revolutionary Internationals, 1864–1943 (Stanford, 1966), p. 33.


«Кошмаре коалиций» (фр.). Примеч. ред.


Christopher Clark, Kaiser Wilhelm II. A life in power (London, 2009), p. 94.


Margaret Lavinia Anderson, Practicing democracy. Elections and political culture in imperial Germany (Princeton, 2000). See also Gerhard A. Ritter, ‘Die Reichstagswahlen und die Wurzeln der deutschen Demokratie im Kaiserreich’, Historische Zeitschrift, 275 (2002), pp. 385–403.


Thus Prince Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, as quoted in W. N. Medlicott and Dorothy K. Coveney (eds.), Bismarck and Europe (London, 1971), p. 138.


Lothar Gall, Bismarck. Der weisse Revolutionär (Frankfurt, 1980), p. 623.


Detlef Junker, The Manichean Trap: American perceptions of the German empire, 1871–1945 (Washington, DC), p. 14.


Bridge, Habsburg monarchy, Appendix I, p. 381.


Medlicott and Coveney (eds.), Bismarck and Europe, pp. 87–8.


Klaus Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich. Deutsche Aussenpolitik von Bismark bis Hitler (Stuttgart, 1995), p. 33. О мнимой и реальной французской угрозе: Johannes Janorschke, Bismarck, Europa und die ‘Krieg in Sicht’ Krise von 1875 (Paderborn, 2010), pp. 146–56, and 192–4.


T. G. Otte, ‘From “War in sight” to nearly war: Anglo-French relations in the age of high imperialism, 1875–1898’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 17, 4 (2006), pp. 693–714, especially pp. 695–7.


Louise McReynolds, The news under Russia’s old regime. The development of a mass-circulation press (Princeton, 1991), pp. 73–92.


Matthias Schulz, ‘The guarantees of humanity: the Concert of Europe and the origins of the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877’, in Simms and Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention, pp. 184–204 (quotation p. 184).


Этот указ, подготовленный во время пребывания канцлера в городе Бад-Киссинген, куда он часто приезжал, объявлял, что Германия намерена отказаться от завоевательных войн. Примеч. ред.


Medlicott and Coveney (eds.), Bismarck and Europe, pp. 96–7 and 102–3.


Carole Fink, Defending the rights of others. The great powers, the Jews and international minority protection, 1878–1938 (Cambridge, 2004). Высказывание британского дипломата: in Abigail Green, ‘Intervening in the Jewish Question, 1840–1878’, in Simms and Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention, pp. 139–58 (quotation p. 139).


Medlicott and Coveney (eds.), Bismarck and Europe, p. 99.


Geyer, Russian imperialism, p. 82. See also S. Lukashevich, Ivan Aksakov, 1823–1886. A study in Russian thought and politics (Cambridge, Mass., 1965), pp. 140–41.


Geyer, Russian imperialism, p. 78.


Общее название серии лекций по внешней политике, прочитанных Гладстоном; часто признаются первой политической кампанией в современном значении этого термина. Примеч. ред.


Barry Bascom Hayes, Bismarck and Mitteleuropa (London and Toronto, 1994), pp. 302–3, 353, 391 and passim (quotations pp. 303 and 357).


Bridge, Habsburg monarchy, p. 135.


Medlicott and Coveney (eds.), Bismarck and Europe, p. 126.


Hugh Seton-Watson, The decline of Imperial Russia, 1855–1914 (New York, 1960), p. 494.


Anita Shapira, Land and power. The Zionist resort to force, 1881–1948 (Oxford, 1992), pp. 3–52. Также: John Klier, Russians, Jews, and the pogroms of 1881–1882 (Cambridge, 2011), pp. 1 (Ignatiev quotation) and 234–54 (for the foreign policy implications).


David Foglesong, The American mission and the ‘Evil Empire’. The crusade for a ‘Free Russia’ since 1881 (New York, 2007), pp. 7–33.


Wolfgang Schivelbusch, The culture of defeat. On national trauma, mourning, and recovery, trans. Jefferson Chase (New York, 2003), pp. 179–80 (Bert quotation), and Peter Grupp, Deutschland, Frankreich und die Kolonien. Der französische ‘parti colonial’ und Deutschland, 1890 bis 1914 (Tübingen, 1980), pp. 75–9.


Edward E. Morris, Imperial Federation. A lecture (Melbourne, 1885), quotations pp. 8–9.


Georgios Varouxakis, ‘“Great” versus “small” nations: scale and national greatness in Victorian political thought’, in Duncan Bell (ed.), Victorian visions of global order. Empire and international relations in nineteenth-century political thought (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 136–59.


John Darwin, The Empire project. The rise and fall of the British world-system, 1830–1970 (Cambridge, 2009), p. 79.


Humphrey J. Fisher, Slavery in the history of Muslim Black Africa (London, 2001), pp. 98–137.


Mulligan, ‘British anti-slave trade and anti-slavery policy’, in Simms and Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention, pp. 257–82.


W. J. Mommsen, ‘Bismarck, the Concert of Europe, and the future of West Africa, 1883–1885’, in Stig Förster, Wolfgang Mommsen and Ronald Robinson (eds.), Bismarck, Europe and Africa. The Berlin Africa conference 1884–1885 and the onset of partition (Oxford, 1988), pp. 151–70, especially pp. 165–6.


Sönke Neitzel, ‘“Mittelafrika”. Zum Stellenwert eines Schlagwortes in der deutschen Weltpolitik des Hochimperialismus’, in Wolfgang Elz and Sönke Neitzel (eds.), Internationale Beziehungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Festschrift für Winfried Baumgart zum 65. Geburtstag (Paderborn, Munich, etc., 2003), pp. 83–103.


Настоящее имя – Мухаммад Ахмад; религиозный лидер Судана, объявил себя «спасителем веры» и возглавил вооруженное сопротивление туркам и египтянам. Примеч. ред.


Британский полковник в отставке У. Хикс, которого османский наместник Египта Рауф-паша поставил командовать войском египтян против махдистов. Примеч. ред.


Benedikt Stuchtey, Die europäische Expansion und ihre Feinde. Kolonialismuskritik vom 18. bis in das 20. Jahrhundert (Munich, 2010).


Gregory Claeys, Imperial sceptics. British critics of empire, 1850–1920 (Cambridge, 2010), p. 111.


Schivelbusch, Culture of defeat, p. 181.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 109.


Но см.: Terence Zuber, Inventing the Schlieffen Plan. German war planning, 1871–1914 (Oxford, 2002), pp. 135–219, где план трактуется как заявка на увеличение финансирования, а не как полноценная стратегия.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 156.


Rainer Lahme, Deutsche Aussenpolitik 1890–1894. Von der Gleichgewichtspolitik Bismarcks zur Allianzstrategie Caprivis (Göttingen, 1990), pp. 34–5 and passim.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 168.


Clark, Kaiser Wilhelm II, p. 83.


Букв. «Политики сведения вместе» (нем.) Примеч. ред.


Francis W. Wcislo, Tales of Imperial Russia. The life and times of Sergei Witte, 1849–1915 (Oxford, 2011), pp. 138–88, especially pp. 140–42.


Moshe Zimmermann, ‘Muscle Jews vs. nervous Jews’, in Michael Brenner and Gideon Reuveni (eds.), Emancipation through muscles. Jews and sports in Europe (Lincoln, Nebr., 2006), pp. 15–28.


David Aberbach, ‘Zionist patriotism in Europe, 1897–1942: ambiguities in Jewish nationalism’, International History Review, 31, 6 (2009), pp. 268–98, especially pp. 274–81 (quotation p. 278).


Moshe Zimmermann, ‘Jewish nationalism and Zionism in German-Jewish students’ organisations’, Publications of the Leo Baeck Institute, Year Book XXVII (1982), pp. 129–53 (quotations p. 153).


Otte, ‘From “War in sight”’, p. 703.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 202.


Sönke Neitzel, Weltmacht oder Untergang. Die Weltreichslehre im Zeitalter des Imperialismus (Paderborn, 2000).


Sönke Neitzel, ‘Das Revolutionsjahr 1905 in den internationalen Beziehungen der Grossmächte’, in Jan Kusber and Andreas Frings (eds.), Das Zarenreich, das Jahr 1905 und seine Wirkungen (Berlin, 2007), pp. 17–55 (quotation p. 21).


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 187.


Harald Rosenbach, Das deutsche Reich, Grossbritannien und der Transvaal (1896–1902) (Göttingen, 1993), pp. 309–314.


Matthew S. Seligmann, Rivalry in Southern Africa, 1893–99. The transformation of German colonial policy (Basingstoke, 1998), pp. 16–17, 58–61 and 128–31 (quotation p. 16).


Darwin, Empire project, p. 110. // Цит. по: Киплинг Р. Стихотворения. М.: Правда, 1992. Перевод О. Юрьева.


Kagan, Dangerous nation, p. 357.


Mike Sewell, ‘Humanitarian intervention, democracy, and imperialism: the American war with Spain, 1898 and after’, in Simms and Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention, pp. 303–22 (quotation p. 303), and Paul T. McCartney, Power and progress. American national identity, the war of 1898, and the rise of American imperialism (Baton Rouge, 2006), quotation p. 272.


Tony Smith, America’s mission. The United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy in the twentieth century (Princeton, 1994), p. 41.


Keith Wilson (ed.), The international impact of the Boer War (Chesham, 2001).


В сражении при Саратоге в 1777 г. американские революционеры одержали победу над британцами, что побудило короля Франции Людовика перейти к открытой поддержке колонистов; в дальнейшем выражение «момент Саратога» вошло в политический лексикон для обозначения подобного описанному вмешательства третьей стороны в двусторонний конфликт. Примеч. ред.


Warren Zimmermann, First great triumph. How ve Americans made their country a world power (New York, 2002), p. 446. I am grateful to Charles Laderman for this reference. See also T. G. Otte, The China Question. Great power rivalry and British isolation, 1894–1905 (Oxford, 2007).


Gordon A. Craig, Germany, 1866–1945 (Oxford, 1978) p. 313.


Phillips Payson O’Brien, British and American naval power. Politics and policy, 1900–1936 (London, 1998), pp. 26–7.


William Mulligan, ‘From case to narrative: the Marquess of Landsdowne, Sir Edward Grey, and the threat from Germany, 1900–1906’, International History Review, 30, 2 (2008), p. 292.


Matthew Seligmann, ‘Switching horses: the Admiralty’s recognition of the threat from Germany, 1900–1905’, International History Review, 30, 2 (2008), pp. 239–58, and Matthew Seligmann, ‘Britain’s great security mirage: the Royal Navy and the Franco-Russian naval threat, 1898–1906’, Journal of Strategic Studies, 35 (2012), pp. 861–86.


Christopher Ross, ‘Lord Curzon, the “Persian Question”, and geopolitics, 1888–1921’ (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge, 2010).


Matthew Seligmann, ‘A prelude to the reforms of Admiral Sir John Fisher: the creation of the Home Fleet, 1902–3’, Historical Research, 83 (2010), pp. 506–19, especially pp. 517–18.


G. R. Searle, The quest for national ef ciency (Berkeley, 1971). For the role of foreign policy in British electoral politics see T. E. Otte, ‘“Avenge England’s dishonour” By-elections, parliament and the politics of foreign policy in 1898’, The English Historical Review, CXXI, 491 (2006), pp. 385–428.


Mathew Johnson, ‘The Liberal War Committee and the Liberal advocacy of conscription in Britain, 1914–1916’, Historical Journal, 51. (2008), who cites the National Service Journal of November 1903.


Paul Readman, ‘Patriotism and the politics of foreign policy, c. 1870 – c. 1914’, in William Mulligan and Brendan Simms (eds.), The primacy of foreign policy in British history, 1660–2000. How strategic concerns shaped modern Britain (Basingstoke, 2010), especially, pp. 264–5.


Richard H. Collin, Theodore Roosevelt, culture, diplomacy and expansion. A new view of American imperialism (Baton Rouge and London, 1985), pp. 101–2. I thank Quinby Frey for this and many other references on US history.


James Ford Rhodes, The McKinley and Roosevelt administrations, 1897–1909 (New York, 1922), p. 249.


Frederick Marks III, Velvet on iron. The diplomacy of Theodore Roosevelt (Lincoln, Nebr., and London, 1979), pp. 6–10, 38–47 and 172–3. For a different view see Nancy Mitchell, The danger of dreams. German and American imperialism in Latin America (Chapel Hill and London, 1999), pp. 216–28 passim (quotations pp. 75–6).


James R. Holmes, Theodore Roosevelt and world order. Police power in international relations (Washington, DC, 2006), passim, especially pp. 70 and 110. For a case study see Stephen Wertheim, ‘Reluctant liberator: The odore Roosevelt’s philosophy of self-government and preparation for Philippine independence’, in Presidential Studies Quarterly, 39, 3 (2009), pp. 494–518.


Marks, Velvet on iron, p. 8. О возникновении антинемецкого поколения в Великобритании и США на рубеже столетий: Magnus Brechtken, Scharnierzeit, 1895–1907. Persönlichkeitsnetze und internationale Politik in den deutsch-britisch-amerkanischen Beziehungen vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg (Mainz, 2006), pp. 374–6.


Stuart Anderson, Race and rapprochement. Anglo-Saxonism and Anglo – American relations, 1895–1904 (London and Toronto, 1981), pp. 66–9 (quotation p. 67).


Jonathan Steinberg, ‘The Copenhagen Complex’, Journal of Contemporary History, 1, 3 (1966), pp. 23–46, especially pp. 29–30.


Howard K. Beale, Theodore Roosevelt and the rise of America to world power (Baltimore, 1956), p. 236 I thank Charles Laderman for this reference.


Geyer, Russian imperialism, p. 221.


Josh Sanborn, Drafting the Russian nation. Military conscription, total war and mass politics, 1905–1925 (DeKalb, Ill., 2003), pp. 25–9.


Jan Rüger, The great naval game. Britain and Germany in the Age of Empire (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 234–40.


William Philpott, ‘Managing the British way in warfare: France and Britain’s continental commitment, 1904–1918’, in Keith Neilson and Greg Kennedy (eds.), The British way in warfare. Power and the international system, 1856–1956. Essays in honour of David French (Farnham, 2010), pp. 83–100.


T. G. Otte, ‘“Almost a law of nature”? Sir Edward Grey, the Foreign Of ce, and the balance of power in Europe, 1905–12’, in Erik Goldstein and B. J. C. McKercher (eds.), Diplomacy and Statecraft. Special Issue on Power and Stability. British Foreign Policy, 1865–1965, 14, 2 (2003), pp. 77–118 (pp. 80–81).


Neitzel, ‘Das Revolutionsjahr 1905’, in Kusber and Frings (eds.), Das Zarenreich, das Jahr 1905 und seine Wirkungen, pp. 43–4.


Annika Mombauer, ‘German war plans’, in Richard F. Hamilton and Holger H. Herwig (eds.), War planning 1914 (Cambridge, 2010), pp. 48–79 (quotation p. 54).


Albrecht Moritz, Das Problem des Präventivkrieges in der deutschen Politik während der ersten Marokkokrise (Berne and Frankfurt am Main, 1974), pp. 144 and 280–84.


Michael Epkenhans, Die wilhelminische Flottenrüstung, 1908–1914. Weltmachtstreben, industrieller Fortschritt, soziale Integration (Munich, 1991). О возможности массовой мобилизации Великобритании: G. C. Peden, Arms, economics and British strategy. From Dreadnoughts to hydrogen bombs (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 1–16.


Бальфур произнес эту фразу в 1906 г. ‘Navy estimates, 1906–1907’, Hansard, vol. 162, col. 112. (1906).


John Albert White, Transition to global rivalry. Alliance diplomacy and the Quadruple Entente, 1895–1907 (Cambridge, 1995), p. 288. В другой работе подчеркивается приоритет имперских факторов: Keith Wilson, The limits of eurocentricity. Imperial British foreign and defence policy in the early twentieth century (Istanbul, 2002).


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 245.


Frank Boesch, ‘“Are we a cruel nation?” Colonial practices, perceptions, and scandals’, in Dominik Geppert and Robert Gerwarth (eds.), Wilhelmine Germany and Edwardian Britain. Essays in cultural affinity (Oxford, 2008), pp. 115–40, especially pp. 121–3.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 249.


Uwe Liszkowski, Zwischen Liberalismus und Imperialismus. Die zaristische Aussenpolitik vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg im Urteil Miljukovs und der Kadettenpartei, 1905–1914 (Stuttgart, 1974), pp. 56–77.


Geyer, Russian imperialism, pp. 295–6.


Matthew Seligmann, ‘Intelligence information and the 1909 naval scare: the secret foundations of a public panic’, War in History, 17, 1 (2010), pp. 37–59, and Phillips Payson O’Brien, ‘The 1910 elections and the primacy of foreign policy’, in Mulligan and Simms (eds.), Primacy of foreign policy in British history, pp. 249–59.


Christopher Andrew, The defence of the realm. The authorized history of MI5 (London, 2009), pp. 3–18.


David Lloyd George, Limehouse Speech, 30 July 1909.


Jean H. Quataert, ‘Mobilising philantropy in the service of war: the female rituals of care in the new Germany, 1871–1914’, in Manfred F. Boemeke, Roger Chickering and Stig Förster (eds.), Anticipating total war. The German and American experiences, 1871–1914 (Cambridge, 1999); Roger Chickering, ‘“Casting their gaze more broadly”: women’s patriotic activism in imperial Germany’, Past and Present, 118 (1988), pp. 156–85, especially pp. 172, 175 and 182–3.


Sheila Rowbotham, A century of women. The history of women in Britain and the United States (London, 1997), p. 82.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 240.


Friedrich Katz, The secret war in Mexico. Europe, the United States and the Mexican Revolution (Chicago and London, 1981), quotation p. 88, and Reiner Pommerin, Der Kaiser und Amerika. Die USA in der Politik der Reichsleitung, 1890–1917 (Cologne, 1986).


John Lamberton Harper, American visions of Europe. Franklin D. Roosevelt, George F. Kennan and Dean G. Acheson (Cambridge, 1994), p. 31. See Matthew S. Seligmann, ‘Germany and the origins of the First World War in the eyes of the American diplomatic establishment’, German History, 15, 3 (1997), pp. 307–32.


Mark Hewitson, ‘Germany and France before the First World War: a reassessment of Wilhelmine foreign policy’, The English Historical Review, 115, 462 (2000), pp. 570–606 (quotation pp. 594–5).


Hartmut Pogge von Strandmann, ‘Germany and the coming of war’, in R. J. W. Evans and Hartmut Pogge von Strandmann (eds.), The coming of the First World War (Oxford and New York, 1988), p. 111.


Fritz Fischer, War of illusions. German policies from 1911 to 1914 (London, 1975), p. 180.


Keith Jeffery, Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson. A political soldier (Oxford, 2006), pp. 99–100 and passim.


P.P.O’Brien, ‘The Titan refreshed: imperial overstretch and the British navy before the First World War’, Past and Present, 172 (2001), pp. 145–69, especially pp. 154–5.


Darwin, Empire project, p. 306.


Thomas Meyer, ‘Endlich eine Tat, eine befreiende Tat.’ Alfred von KiderlenWächters ‘Panthersprung nach Agadir’ unter dem Druck der öffentlichen Meinung (Husum, 1996), pp. 295–302.


Groh, p. 432.


«Показной милитаризм» (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 266.


Niall Ferguson, ‘Public nance and national security: the domestic origins of the First World War revisited’, Past and Present, 142 (1994).


Geyer, Russian imperialism, p. 306.


Seton-Watson, Decline of Imperial Russia, p. 676.


Smith, America’s mission, p. 69.


Mustafa Aksakal, The Ottoman road to war: The Ottoman Empire and the First World War (Cambridge, 2008), p. 21.


Aksakal, Ottoman road to war, p. 76.


Имеется в виду генерал от инфантерии Ю. Н. Данилов, в 1909–1914 гг. генерал-квартирмейстер Главного управления Генерального штаба Российской империи. Примеч. ред.


Sean McMeekin, The Russian origins of the First World War (Cambridge, Mass., 2011), p. 6.


Smith, America’s mission, p. 70.


Christopher Clark, The sleepwalkers. How Europe went to war in 1914 (London, 2012), pp. 367–403.


Bridge, Habsburg monarchy, p. 335.


Annika Mombauer, ‘The First World War: inevitable, avoidable, improbable or desirable? Recent interpretations on war guilt and the war’s origins’, German History, 25, 1 (2007), pp. 78–95 (quotation p. 84).


Samuel R. Williamson, Austria-Hungary and the origins of the First World War (Basingstoke and London, 1991), pp. 191, 197 and passim.


Fischer, War of illusions, p. 224.


Это утверждение во многом противоречит фактологии и содержанию описываемых событий и остается целиком на совести автора. Примеч. ред.


Geyer, Russian imperialism, p. 314.


K. M. Wilson, ‘The British cabinet’s decision for war, 2 August 1914’, British Journal of International Studies, I (1975), pp. 148–59 (quotation p. 153).


Martin Ceadel, Living the great illusion. Sir Norman Angell, 1872–1967 (Oxford, 2009), especially pp. 104–14. Также: Ralph Rotte, ‘Global warfare, economic loss and the out break of the Great War’, War in History, 5 (1998), pp. 481–93, especially p. 483.


Bridge, Habsburg monarchy, p. 346.


Fritz Fischer, Germany’s aims in the First World War (London, 1967), pp. 103–4.


McMeekin, The Russian origins of the First World War, p. 92.


A. L. Macfie, ‘The Straits Question in the First World War, 1914–18’, Middle Eastern Studies, 19,1 (1983), pp. 43–74 (quotations pp. 50 and 58).


William Mulligan, The origins of the First World War (Cambridge, 2010), pp. 181–4.


Taylor, Struggle for mastery in Europe, p. xxv.


J. W. B. Merewether and Frederick Smith, The Indian Corps in France (London, 1917), pp. 1–20. Я признателен Тараку Баркави за это указание.


Hew Strachan, The First World War. Vol. I: To arms (Oxford, 2001).


Robert T. Foley, German strategy and the path to Verdun: Erich von Falkenhayn and the development of attrition, 1870–1916 (Cambridge, 2005).


Elizabeth Peden, Victory through coalition. Britain and France during the First World War (Cambridge, 2005).


A. L. Mac, e, ‘The Straits Question in the First World War, 1914–18’, Middle Eastern Studies, 19, 1 (1983), pp. 43–74, and Graham T. Clews, The real story behind the origins of the 1915 Dardanelles campaign (Santa Barbara, 2010), pp. 66–7 and 293–4.


Robert A. Doughty, Pyrrhic victory. French strategy and operations in the Great War (Cambridge, Mass., 2006), pp. 2, 109, 169–71 and passim.


William Philpott, Bloody victory. The sacrifice on the Somme (London, 2009), pp. 96–7, 624–9 and passim (Joffre is quoted on p. 96).


Donald McKale, War by revolution. Germany and Great Britain in the Middle East in World War I (Kent, Ohio, 1998), pp. 46–68 (quotation p. 48). See also Sean McMeekin, The Berlin – Baghdad Express. The Ottoman Empire and Germany’s bid for world power, 1898–1918 (London, 2010).


«Германия превыше Аллаха» (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Kris Manjapra, ‘The illusions of encounter: Muslim “minds” and Hindu revolutionaries in First World War Germany and after’, Journal of Global History, 1 (2006), pp. 363–82, especially pp. 372–7.


Mark von Hagen, War in a European borderland. Occupations and occupation plans in Galicia and Ukraine, 1914–1918 (Seattle and London, 2007).


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 359.


Friedrich Katz, The life and times of Pancho Villa (Stanford, 1998), pp. 554–5 (quotation p. 555).


Hugh and Christopher Seton-Watson, The making of a new Europe. R. W. Seton-Watson and the last years of Austria-Hungary (London, 1981).


Branka Magaš, Croatia through history (London, 2008), p. 462.


Точнее «шариф», титул главы Мекканского шарифата, хранителя священных городов Мекка и Медина. Примеч. ред.


Matthew S. Seligmann, ‘Germany and the origins of the First World War in the eyes of the American diplomatic establishment’, German History, 15, 3 (1997), pp. 307–32, especially pp. 312, 315 and 323.


Martin Horn, Britain, France and the nancing of the First World War (Montreal and Kingston, 2002), pp. 142–65.


Nancy Mitchell, The danger of dreams. German and American imperialism in Latin America (Chapel Hill and London, 1999), p. 1.


Katz, Secret war in Mexico, p. 302.


Frank McDonough, The Conservative Party and Anglo-German relations, 1905–1914 (Basingstoke, 2007), p. 143.


Paul Bridgen, The Labour Party and the politics of war and peace, 1900–1924 (Woodbridge, 2009), p. 51.


«Священный союз» (фр.) Примеч. ред.


John Turner, British politics and the Great War. Coalition and con ict, 1915–1918 (New Haven and London, 1992).


Alistair Horne, The French army in politics (London, 1984), p. 39.


Keith Robbins, ‘The Welsh Wizard who won the war: David Lloyd George as war leader’, in Brendan Simms and Karina Urbach (eds.), Die Rückkehr der ‘Grossen Männer’. Staatsmänner im Kriegein deutschbritischer Vergleich 1740–1945 (Berlin and New York, 2010), pp. 96–107, especially p. 105.


Axel Jansen, ‘Heroes or citizens? The 1916 debate on Harvard volunteers in the “European War”’, in Christine G. Krüger and Sonja Levsen (eds.), War volunteering in modern times. From the French Revolution to the Second World War (Basingstoke, 2011), pp. 150–62.


Peter Holquist, Making war, forging revolution: Russia’s continuum of crisis, 1914–1921 (Cambridge, Mass., 2002), pp. 18–19 and 38–9 (о стремлении подражать немцам).


Alexander Watson, ‘Voluntary enlistment in the Great War: a European phenomenon?’, in Krüger and Levsen (eds.), War volunteering in modern times, pp. 163–88.


Matthew Johnson, ‘The Liberal War Committee and the Liberal advocacy of conscription in Britain, 1914–1916’, Historical Journal, 51, 2 (2008), pp. 402 and 414–15.


Французский предприниматель и государственный деятель, один из основоположников Европейского союза («отец Европы»), предложил для модернизации французской экономики после Второй мировой войны создать европейскую организацию, которая контролировала бы добычу угля и производство стали. Примеч. ред.


Laurence V. Moyer, Victory must be ours: Germany in the Great War, 1914–1918 (Barnsley, 1995), pp. 102–33.


Marc Michel, L’appel à l’Afrique. Contributions et réactions à l’effort de guerre en A. O.F (1914–1919) (Paris, 1982). I am grateful to Christopher Andrew for this reference.


Darwin, Empire project, p. 333.


Darwin, Empire project, pp. 324–5.


Bridge, Habsburg monarchy, pp. 353–4.


ibid., p. 358.


Jo Vellacott, Pacifists, patriots and the vote. The erosion of democratic suffragism in Britain during the First World War (Basingstoke, 2007), pp. 21 and 45.


Имеется в виду пьеса «Виндзорские насмешницы»; современная британская династия – Саксен-Кобург-Готская – вступила на престол после смерти королевы Виктории, ее первым представителем был король Эдуард VII. Примеч. ред.


William C. Fuller, The foe within. Fantasies of treason and the end of Imperial Russia (Ithaca, 2006), pp. 172–83.


Donald Quataert, The Ottoman Empire, 1700–1922, 2nd edn (Cambridge, 2005), pp. 187–8.


Rowbotham, Century of women, p. 67.


Frances M. B. Lynch, ‘Finance and welfare: the impact of two world wars on domestic policy in France’, Historical Journal, 49 (2006), pp. 625–33, especially pp. 628–29; and Paul V. Dutton, Origins of the French welfare state. The struggle for social reform in France, 1914–1947 (Cambridge, 2002), pp. 14–19.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 336.


Jürgen Kocka, Facing total war. German society, 1914–1918 (Leamington Spa, 1984).


Ernst-Albert Seils, Weltmachtstreben und Kampf für den Frieden. Der deutsche Reichstag im Ersten Weltkrieg (Frankfurt, 2011), pp. 194–7.


Seton-Watson, Decline of Imperial Russia, p. 712.


ibid., p. 723. О парламентской критике германского господства: M. M. Wolters, Aussenpolitische Fragen vor der vierten Duma (Hamburg, 1969), pp. 122–34.


Klaus Schwabe, Woodrow Wilson, revolutionary Germany and peace-making, 1918–1919. Missionary diplomacy and the realities of power (Chapel Hill and London, 1985), p. 256.


Klaus Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich. Deutsche Aussenpolitik von Bismarck bis Hitler (Stuttgart, 1995), p. 781.


Halford Mackinder, Democratic ideals and reality (London, 2009 [1919]), p. 70.


John Darwin, The Empire project. The rise and fall of the British world system, 1830–1970 (Cambridge, 2009), pp. 335 and 348.


Charles Seymour (ed.), The intimate papers of Edward House arranged as a narrative by Charles Seymour (Boston and New York, 1926–8), p. 323. President Wilson Flag Day address, 14 June 1917. Благодарю Чарльза Ладермана за это указание.


Tony Smith, America’s mission. The United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy in the twentieth century (Princeton, 1994), pp. 92 and 84.


В Германии критики Вильсона заявляли, что политика союзников направлена не на «деморализацию или подчинение Германии, а на подчинение Германии через деморализацию». См.: Peter Stirk, ‘Hugo Preuss, German political thought and the Weimar Constitution’, History of Political Thought, 23, 3 (2002), pp. 497–516 (quotation p. 515).


The State Secretary (Kühlmann) to the foreign ministry liaison officer at general headquarters, 3 December 1917, Berlin, in Z. A. B. Zeman (ed.), Germany and the revolution in Russia, 1915–1918. Documents from the archives of the German foreign ministry (London, 1958), p. 94.


‘Decree on peace’, 8.11.1917, in Jane Degras (ed.), Soviet documents on foreign policy (London, 1951), pp. 1–2.


Michael A. Reynolds, ‘Buffers not brethren: Young Turk military policy in the First World War and the myth of Panturanism’, Past and Present, 203 (2009), pp. 137–79.


John Thompson, Woodrow Wilson (Harlow, 2002), p. 170.


Darwin, Empire project, pp. 313–14.


Jonathan Schneer, The Balfour Declaration. The origins of the Arab—Israeli conflict (London, 2010), pp. 343–5 (quotation p. 343).


David Aberbach, ‘Zionist patriotism in Europe, 1897–1942. Ambiguities in Jewish nationalism’, International History Review, 31, 2 (2009), pp. 268–98, especially pp. 277–9 (quotations pp. 281 and 287). О страхах британцев в отношении еврейских симпатий к Германии: John Ferris, ‘The British Empire vs. The Hidden Hand: British intelligence and strategy and “The CUP – Jew – German – Bolshevik combination”, 1918–1924’, in Keith Neilson and Greg Kennedy (eds.), The British way in warfare: power and the international system, 1856–1956. Essays in honour of David French (Farnham, 2010), p. 337. Об уверенности французов в силе международного сообщества: David Pryce-Jones, Betrayal. France, the Arabs, and the Jews (New York, 2006), pp. 28–32.


Balfour note, 25.4.1918, in James Bunyan (ed.), Intervention, civil war, and communism in Russia, April – December 1918. Documents and materials (Baltimore, 1936), p. 73. Также: Benjamin Schwartz, ‘Divided attention. Britain’s perceptions of a German threat to her eastern position in 1918’, Journal of Contemporary History, 28, 1 (1993), pp. 103–22 (quotation pp. 118–19).


Caroline Kennedy-Pipe, Russia and the world, 1917–1991 (London and New York, 1998), pp. 18–23.


John Plamenatz, German Marxism and Russian communism (London, 1954).


R. Craig Nation, Black earth, red star. A history of Soviet security policy, 1917–1991 (Ithaca, 1992), pp. 2, 120 and 15.


Timothy Snyder, The red prince. The fall of a dynasty and the rise of modern empire (London, 2008).


Здесь большевики смогли обеспечить мобилизацию; см.: Peter Holquist, Making war, forging revolution. Russia’s continuum of crisis, 1914–1921 (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 2002), pp. 285–6 and passim.


ibid., p. 121.


J. F. McMillan, Twentieth-century France. Politics and society 1898–1991 (London, 1992), p. 73.


Alan Axelrod, Selling the Great War. The making of American propaganda (Basingstoke, 2009), pp. 63–5, 143–4 and passim.


C. Cappozzola, Uncle Sam wants you. World War I and the making of the modern American citizen (Oxford, 2008), especially pp. 207–14; Adriane Lentz-Smith, Freedom struggles. African Americans and World War I (Cambridge, Mass., 2009), pp. 3–5.


Wilhelm Deist, ‘The military collapse of the German Empire: the reality behind the stab-in-the-back myth’, War in History, 3 (1996), 186–207.


Gary Sheffield’s rehabilitation of Lord Haig, Forgotten victory. The First World War: myths and realities (London, 2001). Также: John Mosier, The myth of the Great War. A new military history of World War I (London, 2002), pp. 327–36 and passim.


John Horne (ed.), State, society and mobilisation in Europe during the First World War (Cambridge, 1997), p. 16 and passim.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 390.


Clemens King, Foch versus Clemenceau. France and German dismemberment, 1918–1919 (Cambridge, Mass., 1960).


Patrick O. Cohrs, The unfinished peace after World War I. America, Britain and the stabilisation of Europe, 1919–1932 (Cambridge, 2008), p. 213.


Stefan Berger, ‘William Harbutt Dawson: the career and politics of an historian of Germany’, The English Historical Review, 116, 465 (2001), pp. 76–113 (quotation p. 91).


John Riddell (ed.), The German Revolution and the debate on Soviet power. Documents: 1918–1919. Preparing the Founding Congress (New York, 1986), pp. 27–8 and 3.


Klaus Schwabe, Woodrow Wilson, revolutionary Germany and peace-making, 1918–19. Missionary diplomacy and the realities of power (Chapel Hill and London, 1985), pp. 395–9 (quotation p. 46).


John Ramsden, ‘Churchill and the Germans’, Contemporary British History, 25, 1 (2011), pp. 125–39 (quotations pp. 129–30n).


Manfred F. Boemeke, Gerald D. Feldman and Elisabeth Glaser (eds.), The Treaty of Versailles. A reassessment after 75 years (Cambridge, 1998).


Margaret Pawley, The watch on the Rhine. The military occupation of the Rhineland, 1918–1930 (London and New York, 2007), pp. 16–18. В последующие два десятилетия Германия оставалась главным врагом Великобритании; см.: David French, Raising Churchill’s army. The British army and the war against Germany, 1919–1945 (Oxford, 2000).


Так у автора; для оригинала вообще характерно вольное оперирование названиями государств и анахронизмы (например, автор использует название «США» применительно к Америке времен войны за независимость и Гражданской войны). Здесь та же картина: Лига Наций была создана в 1919–1920 гг., СССР образовался в 1922 г. Примеч. ред.


О важности Лиги для сдерживания Германии и «подталкивания» рейха к сотрудничеству с большевиками: Peter J. Yearwood, Guarantee of Peace. The League of Nations in British policy, 1914–1925 (Oxford, 2009), pp. 149–50.


Thompson, Woodrow Wilson, p. 199.


Maurice Vaïsse, ‘Security and disarmament: problems in the development of the disarmament debates, 1919–1934’, in R. Ahmann, A. M. Birke, and M. Howard (eds.), The quest for stability. Problems of West European security, 1918–1957 (Oxford, 1993), p. 175.


Mark Levene, War, Jews and the new Europe. The diplomacy of Lucien Wolf, 1914–1919 (Oxford, 1992).


Antoine Prost, ‘The impact of war on French and German political cultures’, Historical Journal, 37 (1994), 209–17.


William Lee Blackwood, ‘German hegemony and the Socialist Inter – national’s place in inter-war European diplomacy’, European History Quarterly, 31 (2001), pp. 101–40 (quotation pp. 108–9).


William Mulligan, ‘The Reichswehr, the Republic and the primacy of foreign policy, 1918–1923’, German History, 21, 3 (2003), p. 356.


Иначе Январское восстание, всеобщая забастовка и вооруженные столкновения в начале 1919 г. в Берлине; было организовано «Союзом Спартака», немецкой марксистской организацией, во главе которой стояли К. Либкнехт и Р. Люксембург. Примеч. ред.


Министерство рейхсвера (нем.), то есть вооруженных сил Германии. Примеч. ред.


William Mulligan, ‘Civil-military relations in the early Weimar Republic’, Historical Journal, 45, 4 (2002), pp. 819–41.


Paul V. Dutton, Origins of the French welfare state. The struggle for social reform in France, 1914–1947 (Cambridge, 2002), pp. 22–3.


John Maynard Keynes, The economic consequences of the peace, in Collected writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol. 2 (London, 1920), p. 226.


John Milton Cooper Jr, Breaking the heart of the world. Woodrow Wilson and the fight for the League of Nations (Cambridge, 2001), p. 119.


Thompson, Woodrow Wilson, pp. 224 and 229.


Lloyd Ambrosius, ‘Wilson, the Republicans, and French security after World War I’, Journal of American History, 59 (September 1972), pp. 341–52.


Stephen Wertheim, ‘The league that wasn’t. American designs for a legalist-sanctionalist League of Nations and the intellectual origins of international organisation, 1914–1920’, Diplomatic History, 35, 5 (2011), pp. 797–836. Также: Stephen Wertheim, ‘The Wilsonian chimera: why debating Wilson’s vision hasn’t saved American foreign rela – tions’, White House Studies, 10 (2011), p. 354.


Gerhard Weinberg, ‘The defeat of Germany in 1918 and the European balance of power’, Central European History, 2, 3 (1969), pp. 248–60.


Lucian M. Ashworth, ‘Realism and the spirit of 1919: Halford Mackinder and the reality of the League of Nations’, European Journal of International Relations (online, 2010), pp. 1–23, especially pp. 9–10.


Norman Davies, White eagle, red star: the Polish-Soviet war, 1919–1920 (New York, 1972).


Robert Himmer, ‘Soviet policy toward Germany during the Russo-Polish War, 1920’, Slavic Review, 35, 4 (Dec. 1976), pp. 665–82, especially pp. 666–7.


Michael Jabara Carley, ‘Anti-Bolshevism in French foreign policy: the crisis in Poland in 1920’, International History Review, 2, 2 (1980), pp. 410–31, especially pp. 411–12 and 428.


В ходе Варшавской битвы в августе 1920 г. поляки сумели нанести неожиданный контрудар по растянутому фронту РККА. Примеч. ред.


Так у автора; очевидно, имеются в виду окончание Второй советско-финской войны (1921–1922) и мирный договор, подписанный в Москве. Примеч. ред.


Shelley Baranowski, Nazi Empire. German colonialism and imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler (Cambridge, 2011), pp. 116–71.


Werner T. Angress, Stillborn revolution. The communist bid for power in Germany, 1921–1923 (Princeton, 1963).


Stephanie C. Salzmann, Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union: Rapallo and after, 1922–1934 (Rochester, 2003), подчеркивает, что пакт вызвал сенсацию, но не заставил Форин офис запаниковать.


Жизненное пространство (ит.). Примеч. ред.


MacGregor Knox, ‘Conquest, foreign and domestic, in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany’, Journal of Modern History, 56, 1 (1984), pp. 1–57 (quotation p. 19), and in ‘The Fascist regime, its foreign policy and its wars: an “anti-anti-Fascist” orthodoxy? ’, in Patrick Finney (ed.), The origins of the Second World War (London, New York, etc. 1997), p. 159.


Charlotte Alston, ‘“The suggested basis for a Russian Federal Republic”. Britain, anti-Bolshevik Russia and the border states at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919’, History, 91 (2006), pp. 24–44, especially pp. 33–4.


Б. Муссолини использовал убийство нескольких итальянских офицеров на греческой территории как предлог для предъявления ультиматума; затем итальянский флот в августе 1923 г. обстрелял остров Корфу и высадил десант. После обращения Греции в Лигу Наций Италии выплатили компенсацию за гибель офицеров, но настояли на освобождении острова. Примеч. ред.


Andrew Orr, ‘“We call you to holy war”. Mustafa Kemal, communism, and Germany in French intelligence nightmares, 1919–1923’, Journal of Military History, 75 (2011), pp. 1095–1123.


Margaret Pawley, The watch on the Rhine. The military occupation of the Rhineland, 1918–1930 (London and New York, 2007), pp. 77–88.


Degras (ed.), Soviet documents on foreign policy, p. 287.


M. D. Lewis, ‘One hundred million Frenchmen. The “assimilation” theory in French colonial policy’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 4 (1962), pp. 129–53.


Robert C. Reinders, ‘Racialism on the left. E. D. Morel and the “Black Horror on the Rhine”’, International Review of Social History, XIII (1968), pp. 1–28 (quotation p. 8).


Keith L. Nelson, ‘The “Black Horror on the Rhine”. Race as a factor in post-World War I diplomacy’, Journal of Modern History, 42, 4 (1970), pp. 606–27 (quotations pp. 613 (Mangin) and 616 (Müller)).


«Скорректированной политики» (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Jonathan Wright, Gustav Stresemann. Weimar’s greatest statesman (Oxford, 2002).


Carole Fink, ‘German Revisionspolitik, 1919–1933’, in Historical papers/ Communications historiques. A selection from the papers presented at the annual meeting [of the Canadian Historical Association] held at Winnipeg, 1986 (Ottawa, 1986), pp. 134–45 (quotation p. 143). Также: Gottfried Niedhart, Die Aussenpolitik der Weimarer Republik (Munich, 1999), pp. 63–99.


Peter Jackson, ‘France and the problems of security and disarmament after the First World War’, Journal of Strategic Studies, 29, 2 (2006), pp. 247–80.


Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, Paneuropa (Vienna, 1923).


Ina Ulrike Paul, ‘In Kontinenten denken, paneuropäisch handeln. Die Zeitschrift Paneuropa 1924–1938’, Jahrbuch für europäische Geschichte, 5 (2004), pp. 161–92, especially pp. 182–3.


Cohrs, Unfinished peace after World War I, pp. 105 and 135.


Darwin, Empire project, p. 365.


Melvin P. Leffler, The elusive quest. America’s pursuit of European stability and French security, 1919–1933 (Chapel Hill, 1979), pp. 41–3 (quotation p. 41).


Gaynor Johnson (ed.), Locarno revisited: European diplomacy 1920–1929 (London and New York, 2004), quotation p. 103.


Cohrs, Unfinished peace after World War I, pp. 215 and 225.


Жизненное пространство (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, trans. Ralph Manheim (Boston, 1971), pp. 645, 642–3, 646, 649 and 651.


Teddy J. Uldricks, ‘Russia and Europe: diplomacy, revolution, and economic development in the 1920s’, International History Review, 1, 1 (1979), p. 74.


Cohrs, Unfinished peace after World War I, p. 372.


Andrew Webster, ‘An argument without end: Britain, France and the disarmament process, 1925–34’, in Martin S. Alexander and William J. Philpott (eds.), Anglo-French defence relations between the wars (Basing-stoke, 2002), pp. 49–71.


John Keiger, ‘Wielding finance as a weapon of diplomacy: France and Britain in the 1920s’, Contemporary British History, 25, 1 (2011), pp. 29–47, especially pp. 40–43.


Nation, Black earth, red star, pp. 61 and 63.


Richard Hellie, ‘The structure of Russian imperial history’, History and Theory, 44, 4 (2005), pp. 88–112 (pp. 102–3); несмотря на название, статья в основном затрагивает советский период.


Klaus P. Fischer, Hitler and America (Philadelphia, 2011), pp. 9–46.


Adolf Hitler, Second book [Aussenpolitische Standortbestimmung nach der Reichtagswahl Juni—Juli 1928], ed. Gerhard L. Weinberg, in Institut für Zeitgeschichte (ed.), Hitler. Reden, Schriften, Anordnungen, Februar 1925 bis Januar 1933 (Munich, New Providence, London and Paris, 1995), pp. 15, 88–90.


Michael Wala, Weimar und Amerika. Botschafter Friedrich von Prittwitz und Gaffron und die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen von 1927 bis 1933 (Stuttgart, 2001), pp. 12–151.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, pp. 524–5.


ibid., p. 525.


Jürgen Elvert, Mitteleuropa! Deutsche Pläne zur europäischen Neuordnung (1918–1945) (Stuttgart, 1999).


Andreas Rödder, Stresemann’s Erbe. Julius Curtius und die deutsche Aussenpolitik, 1929–1931 (Paderborn, 1996), quotations pp. 199 and 202.


William L. Patch Jr, Heinrich Brüning and the dissolution of the Weimar Republic (Cambridge, 1998), pp. 213–19. (quotation p. 255).


Irene Strenge, Kurt von Schleicher. Politik im Reichswehrministerium am Ende der Weimarer Republik (Berlin, 2006).


Enrico Syring, Hitler. Seine politische Utopie (Frankfurt am Main, 1994), pp. 234–7.


Согласно расследованию журнала «Шпигель», проведенному в 1960-х годах, поджог осуществил голландский коммунист М. Ван дер Люббе; однако другая версия утверждает, что здание подожгли штурмовики СА. Примеч. ред.


Букв. «равное вовлечение» (нем.), термин нацистской пропаганды; эта политика подразумевала «нацификацию» государственного устройства Германии и управления страной. Примеч. ред.


Kiran Klaus Patel, Soldiers of labor. Labor service in Nazi Germany and New Deal America, 1933–1945 (Cambridge and New York, 2005), pp. 4, 72 and 228–9.


«Народным сообществом» (нем.). Примеч. ред.


«Народные товарищи» (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Wolfram Wette, ‘Ideology, propaganda and internal politics as preconditions of the war policy of the Third Reich’, in Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt (ed.), Germany and the Second World War. Vol. I. The build-up of German aggression (Oxford, 1990).


Patrizia Albanese, Mothers of the nation. Women, families and nationalism in twentieth century Europe (Toronto, Buffalo and London, 2006), pp. 32–44 (quotation p. 36).


Zach Shore, ‘Hitler’s opening gambit. Intelligence, encirclement, and the decision to ally with Poland’, Intelligence and National Security, 14, 3 (1999), quotation p. 112.


R. J. Overy, ‘German air strength 1933 to 1939: a note’, Historical Journal, 27, 2 (1984), pp. 465–71.


Jonathan Haslam, The Soviet Union and the struggle for collective security in Europe, 1933–39 (London, 1984), pp. 1–226, especially p. 2.


Wesley K. Wark, The ultimate enemy. British intelligence and Nazi Germany, 1933–1939 (Ithaca, 1985).


Ramsden, ‘Churchill and the Germans’, p. 131. For the mainstream view see Philip Towle, ‘Taming or demonising an aggressor: the British debate on the end of the Locarno system’, in Gaynor Johnson (ed.), Locarno revisited: European diplomacy, 1920–1929 (London and New York), pp. 178–98 (pp. 190–91).


Bret Holman, ‘The air panic of 1935: British press opinion between disarmament and rearmament’, Journal of Contemporary History, 46, 2 (2011), pp. 288–307 (quotation p. 295).


Arnold A. Offner, American appeasement. United States policy and Germany, 1933–1938 (Cambridge, Mass., 1969), pp. 12, 59 and passim, and Alonzo L. Hamby, For the survival of democracy. Franklin Roosevelt and the world crisis of the 1930s (New York, 2009).


Mary E. Glantz, FDR and the Soviet Union. The president’s battles over foreign policy (Lawrence, Kan., 2005), pp. 17–35.


Nation, Black earth, red star, p. 117.


О связи преувеличенных страхов окружения, польского «коварства» и репрессий на Украине и в Белоруссии: Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands. Europe between Hitler and Stalin (New York, 2010), pp. 30–31, 37, 42, 71 and 89.


R. Heller, ‘East Fulham revisited’, Journal of Contemporary History, 6, 3 (1971), pp. 172–96; C. Stannage, ‘The East Fulham by-election, 25 October 1933’, Historical Journal, 14, 1 (1971), pp. 165–200. Также: Philip Williamson, Stanley Baldwin (Cambridge, 1999).


See Mona Siegel, ‘“To the Unknown Mother of the Unknown Soldier”. Pacifism, feminism, and the politics of sexual difference among French institutrices between the wars’, French Historical Studies, 22, 3 (1999), pp. 421–51, especially pp. 428–9.


Benedikt Stuchtey, ‘“Not by law but by sentiment”. Great Britain and imperial defense, 1918–1939’, in Roger Chickering and Stig Förster (eds.), The shadows of total war. Europe, East Asia, and the United States, 1919–1939 (Cambridge, 2003), pp. 255–70 (quotation p. 263)


Darwin, Empire project, p. 457.


Michaela Hoenicke Moore, Know your enemy. The American debate on Nazism, 1933–1945 (Cambridge, 2010), pp. 78–93 and 341–2.


Государственная корпорация по развитию и освоению долины реки Теннесси, одного из наиболее отсталых в промышленном отношении районов США в первой половине XX столетия. Примеч. ред.


По названию итальянского города на озере Лаго-Маджоре, где состоялась встреча руководителей Великобритании и Италии и министра иностранных дел Франции. Примеч. ред.


Alan Bullock, Hitler. A study in tyranny (London, 1952), p. 315.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 623.


Pierre-Henri Laurent, ‘The reversal of Belgian foreign policy, 1936–1937’, The Review of Politics, 31, 3 (July 1969), p. 370.


Nicole Jordan, The Popular Front and central Europe. The dilemmas of French impotence, 1919–1940 (Cambridge, 1992).


Antony Beevor, The battle for Spain. The Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 (London, 2006).


David Patterson, A genealogy of evil. Anti-semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad (Cambridge, 2011).


Silvio Pons, Stalin and the inevitable war, 1936–1941 (London and Portland, 2002).


John Lamberton Harper, American visions of Europe. Franklin D. Roosevelt, George F. Kennan and Dean G. Acheson (Cambridge, 1994), p. 67.


J. Noakes and G. Pridham (eds.), Nazism. A history in documents and eyewitness accounts, 1919–1945. Vol. II: Foreign policy, war and racial extermination (New York, 1988), quotation p. 685.


David Dilks, ‘“We must hope for the best and prepare for the worst”. The prime minister, the Cabinet and Hitler’s Germany, 1937–1939’, Proceedings of the British Academy, LXXIII (1987), p. 325.


B. J. C. Roi and M. L. McKercher, ‘“Ideal” and “punchbag”: con icting views of the balance of power and their in uence on interwar British foreign policy, diplomacy and statecraft’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 12, 2 (2001), pp. 47–78 (quotation, p. 53).


Daniel Hucker, ‘French public attitudes towards the prospect of war in 1938–1939’, French History, 21, 4 (2007), pp. 431–4; Jerry H. Brookshire, ‘Speak for England, act for England: Labour’s leadership and British national security under the threat of war in the late 1930s’, European His – tory Quarterly, 29, 2 (1999), pp. 251–87.


Maurice Cowling, The impact of Hitler. British politics and British policy, 1933–1940 (Chicago and London, 1975).


Tobias Jersak, ‘A matter of foreign policy: “Final Solution” and “Final Victory” in Nazi Germany’, German History 21, 3 (2003), pp. 369–91 (quotation p. 378).


John Thompson, ‘Conceptions of national security and American entry into World War II’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 16, 4 (2005), pp. 671–97 (quotations pp. 673–4).


Thompson, ‘Conceptions of national security’, p. 674.


Barbara Rearden Farnham, Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis. A study of decision-making (Princeton, 1997), p. 159.


Nation, Black earth, red star, p. 98.


David Reynolds, From world war to Cold War. Churchill, Roosevelt and the international history of the 1940s (Oxford, 2006), pp. 18–19.


Jochen Thies, Archtekt der Weltherrschaft. Die ‘Endziele’ Hitlers (Dusseldorf, 1976).


Rolf-Dieter Müller, Der Feind steht im Osten. Hitlers geheime Pläne für einen Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion im Jahr 1939 (Berlin, 2001), pp. 251–61.


Albert L. Weeks, Stalin’s other war. Soviet grand strategy, 1939–1941 (Lanham, Boulder, etc., 2002), pp. 172–3.


Имеется в виду секретный дополнительный протокол к договору о ненападении между Германией и СССР. Примеч. ред.


A. J. Prazmovska, ‘War over Danzig? The dilemma of Anglo-Polish relations in the months preceding the outbreak of the Second World War’, Historical Journal, 26 (1983), pp. 177–83.


Jonathan Haslam, ‘Soviet war aims’, in Ann Lane and Howard Temperley (eds.), The rise and fall of the Grand Alliance, 1941–45 (Basingstoke and New York, 1995), pp. 24–5.


Talbot C. Imlay, Facing the Second World War. Strategy, politics and economics in Britain and France, 1938–1940 (Oxford, 2003).


Jan T. Gross, Revolution from abroad. The Soviet conquest of Poland’s western Ukraine and western Belorussia (Princeton, 1988).


Главное управление имперской безопасности (нем.), РСХА. Примеч. ред.


David Reynolds, ‘1940: fulcrum of the twentieth century?’, International Affairs, 66 (1990), pp. 325–50.


Robert O. Paxton, Vichy France. Old guard and new order, 1940–1944 (London, 1970), pp. 51–62.


Данное утверждение также на совести автора. Примеч. ред.


Davide Rodogno, Fascism’s European empire. Italian occupation during the Second World War (Cambridge, 2006).


Richard Bosworth, ‘War, totalitarianism and “deep belief” in Fascist Italy, 1935–43’, European History Quarterly, 34, 4 (2004), pp. 475–505, especially pp. 492–93.


Stanley G. Payne, Spain, Germany and World War II (New Haven and London, 2008), pp. 87–113.


Avi Shlaim, ‘Prelude to downfall: the British offer of union to France, June 1940’, Journal of Contemporary History, 9, 3 (1974), pp. 27–63.


Anthony J. Cumming, ‘Did the Navy win the Battle of Britain? The warship as the ultimate guarantor of Britain’s freedom in 1940’, Historical Research, 83 (2010), pp. 165–88.


David Edgerton, Britain’s war machine. Weapons, resources and experts in the Second World War (London, 2011), especially pp. 47–8 and 124–5.


J. Lee Ready, Forgotten allies. The military contribution of the colonies, exiled governments and lesser powers to the Allied victory in World War II. Vol. I: The European theatre (Jefferson and London, 1985).


Andrew Stewart, Empire lost. Britain, the dominions and the Second World War (London, 2008), p. 106.


Африканский корпус (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Norman J. W. Goda, Hitler, northwest Africa, and the path toward America (College Station, Texas, 1998).


Harper, American visions of Europe, p. 59.


Reynolds, From world war to Cold War, p. 19.


Букв. «целевые группы» (нем.), военизированные «эскадроны смерти». Примеч. ред.


Nation, Black earth, red star, pp. 122–4.


Steven Merritt Miner, Stalin’s holy war. Religion, nationalism, and alliance politics, 1941–1945 (Chapel Hill and London, 2003).


Dan Plesch, America, Hitler and the UN. How the Allies won World War II and forged a peace (London, 2011), especially pp. 31–57 (quotation p. 34).


Mark Harrison, ‘Resource mobilisation for World War II: the USA, UK, USSR and Germany, 1938–1945’, Economic History Review, 41, 2 (1988), pp. 171–92.


Генеральный план «Ост» (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Snyder, Bloodlands, p. 161.


Nicole Kramer, Volksgenossinnen an der Heimatfront. Mobilisierung. Verhalten. Erinnerung (Göttingen, 2011), pp. 164–5.


Sheila Rowbotham, A century of women. The history of women in Britain and the United States (London, 1997), p. 247.


James T. Sparrow, Warfare state. World War II Americans and the age of big government (Oxford and New York, 2011).


Thomas Bruscino, A nation forged in war. How World War II taught Americans how to get along (Knoxville, 2010).


Ian Kershaw, Fateful decisions. Ten decisions that changed the world, 1940–1941 (London, 2007).


Christopher Browning, The origins of the Final Solution. The evolution of Nazi Jewish policy, 1939–1942 (London, 2005). Я в основном следую работе: Jersak, ‘A matter of foreign policy’, pp. 369–89.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 752


Michael R. Beschloss, The conquerors. Roosevelt, Truman and the destruction of Hitler’s Germany (New York, 2002), p. 21.


Ilse Dorothee Pautsch, Die territoriale Deutschlandplanung des amerikanischen Aussenministeriums, 1941–1943 (Frankfurt am Main, 1990), p. 122. Страхи американцев перед Германией: James McAllister, No exit. America and the German problem, 1943–1954 (Ithaca and London, 2002), pp. 1–42.


Klaus Larres, ‘Churchill: awed war leader or charismatic visionary?’, in Brendan Simms and Karina Urbach (eds.), Die Rückkehr der ‘Grossen Männer’. Staatsmänner im Krieg – ein deutsch-britischer Vergleich 1740–1945 (Berlin and New York, 2010), p. 154.


Lothar Kettenacker, Krieg zur Friedenssicherung. Die Deutsch-landplanung der britischen Regierung während des Zweiten Weltkrieges (Göttingen and Zurich, 1989), pp. 534 and 537–42.


Larres, ‘Churchill’, p. 141.


Patrick J. Hearden, ‘Early American views regarding European unification’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19 (2006), pp. 67–78, especially pp. 74–5.


Brian P. Farrell, ‘Symbol of paradox: the Casablanca Conference, 1943’, Canadian Journal of History, 28, 1 (1993), pp. 21–40, which puts the debate about the best strategy against Germany at the forefront.


Steven T. Ross, American war plans, 1941–1945 (London and Portland, 1997), pp. 9, 17, 21 and 47, and Mark Stoler, Allies and adversaries. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Grand Alliance, and U. S. strategy in World War II (Chapel Hill and London, 2000), p. 71.


Reynolds, ‘1940: fulcrum of the twentieth century?’, p. 344.


Reynolds, ‘Churchill and allied grand strategy in Europe, 1944–1945: the erosion of British influence’, in From world war to Cold War, pp. 121–36.


Roger Beaumont, ‘The bomber offensive as a second front’, Journal of Contemporary History, 22, 1 (1987), pp. 3–19, especially pp. 13–15, and Stephan Glienke, ‘The Allied air war and German society’, in Claudia Baldoli, Andrew Knapp and Richard Overy (eds.), Bombing, states and peoples in western Europe, 1940–1945 (London, 2011), pp. 184–205.


Mark Harrison (ed.), The economics of World War II: six powers in international comparison (Cambridge, 1998).


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 781.


Sönke Neitzel, ‘Hitlers Europaarmee und der “Kreuzzug” gegen die Sowjetunion’, in Michael Salewski and Heiner Timmermann (eds.), Armeen in Europa – europäische Armeen (Münster, 2004), pp. 137–50.


Mary N. Hampton, The Wilsonian impulse. U. S. foreign policy, the alliance, and German unification (Westport, 1996), p. 18.


Anatoly Dobrynin, In confidence: Moscow’s ambassador to America’s six Cold War presidents (1962–1986) (New York, 1995), p. 63.


‘The Yalta Protocol of Proceedings’, in T. G. Paterson, Major problems in American foreign policy since 1914, Vol. II, 3rd edn (Lexington, Mass., 1989), pp. 243–4.


Melvyn Leffler, The struggle for Germany and the origins of the Cold War (Washington, DC, 1996).


Carolyn Woods Eisenberg, Drawing the line. The American decision to divide Germany, 1944–49 (Cambridge, 1996), p. 38.


John Lewis Gaddis, ‘Repression versus rehabilitation: the problem of Germany’, in Gaddis, The United States and the origins of the Cold War, 1941–1947 (New York, 1972), pp. 94–132 (quotations pp. 98–9).


Mark Kramer, ‘The Soviet Union and the founding of the German Democratic Republic: 50 years later. A review article’, Europe – Asia Studies, 51 (1999), pp. 1093–1106 (quotation pp. 1097–8).


Национального комитета свободной Германии (нем.). Примеч. ред.


R. C. Raack, Stalin’s drive to the west, 1938–1945. The origins of the Cold War (Stanford, 1995), pp. 133–4 and passim.


Fraser J. Harbutt, Yalta 1945. Europe and America at the crossroads (Cambridge, 2010).


‘Yalta Protocol’, p. 242.


Ibid., pp. 239–40.


Ibid., p. 241.


Antony Beevor, Berlin. The downfall (London, 2002).


Leffler, Struggle for Germany, p. 13.


Charles Mee, Meeting at Potsdam (New York, 1975), p. 320.


Jonathan Haslam, ‘Soviet war aims’, in Ann Lane and Howard Temperley (eds.), The rise and fall of the Grand Alliance, 1941–45 (Basingstoke and New York, 1995), p. 27.


Jessica Reinisch and Elizabeth White (eds.), The disentanglement of populations. Migration, expulsion and displacement in post-war Europe, 1944–9 (Basingstoke, 2011), especially pp. 3–50.


Zbyněk Zeman and Antonín Klimek, The life of Edvard Beneš, 1884–1948. Czechoslovakia in peace and war (Oxford, 1997), p. 247. Также: Eagle Glassheim, ‘The mechanics of ethnic cleansing: the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia, 1945–1947’, in Philipp Ther and Ana Siljak (eds.), Redrawing nations. Ethnic cleansing in east-central Europe, 1944–1948 (Lanham, 2001), pp. 197–200.


Mark Mazower, No enchanted palace. The end of empire and the ideological origins of the United Nations (Princeton and Oxford, 2009), p. 7.


David J. Dunthorn, ‘The Paris Conference on Tangier, August 1945. The British response to Soviet interest in the “Tangier Question”’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 16, 1 (2005), pp. 117–37 (quotation p. 123).


Andreas Hillgruber, Die Zerstörung Europas. Beiträge zur Weltkriegsepoche, 1914 bis 1945 (Frankfurt am Main and Berlin, 1988), p. 363.


Andrew J. Rotter, Hiroshima. The world’s bomb (New York, 2008), pp. 177–228.


Caroline Kennedy-Pipe, Russia and the world, 1917–1991 (London and New York, 1998), p. 84. Hiroshima had ‘destroyed the equilibrium of the world’.


Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi, ‘For a free and united Europe. A draft manifesto’, in Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (ed.), Debates on European integration. A reader (Basingstoke, 2006), pp. 37–42.


Чистым листом (лат.). Примеч. ред.


Scott Kelly, ‘“The ghost of Neville Chamberlain”. Guilty Men and the 1945 election’, Conservative History Journal, 5 (Autumn 2005), 18–24, especially, 21–2 (quotation p. 18).


Correlli Barnett, The audit of war. The illusion and reality of Britain as a great nation (London, 1986).


Jim Tomlinson, ‘Balanced accounts? Constructing the balance of payments problem in post-war Britain’, The English Historical Review, CXXIV, 509 (2009), pp. 863–84.


Martin Thomas, Bob Moore and L. J. Butler, Crises of empire. Decolonisation and Europe’s imperial states, 1918–1975 (London, 2008), especially pp. 47–72.


Pablo de Orellana, Implications of the Cold War for the maintenance of colonialism in Indochina, 1945–1954 (M. Phil. dissertation, University of Cambridge, 2009), p. 23. Я весьма признателен мистеру де Орельяна за наше чрезвычайно интересное обсуждение.


Anne Deighton, ‘Entente neo-coloniale? Ernest Bevin and the proposals for Anglo-French Third World power, 1945–1949’, in Glyn Stone and T. G. Otte (eds.), Anglo-French relations since the late eighteenth century (London and New York, 2008), pp. 200–218 (Bevin quotation p. 208).


Kevin McDermott and Matthew Stibbe (eds.), Stalinist terror in eastern Europe. Elite purges and mass repression (Manchester and New York, 2010), p. 5 and passim for the crucial international context.


Norman Naimark and Leonid Gibianskii (eds.), The establishment of communist regimes in eastern Europe, 1944–1949 (Boulder and Oxford, 1998).


Fernande Scheid Raine, ‘Stalin and the creation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party in Iran, 1945’, Cold War History, 2, 1 (2001), pp. 1–38 (quotation p. 1).


Способ существования (лат.). Примеч. ред.


George F. Kennan, ‘Containment: 40 years later. Containment then and now’, Foreign Affairs, 65, 4 (Spring 1987).


В названии своей речи Черчилль обыграл английское выражение «sinews of war», то есть «средства (букв. сухожилия) для ведения войны». Примеч. ред.


Dirk Spilker, ‘The Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) and the German Question, 1944–1953’, dissertation abstract, compiled by Cornelie Usborne, German History, 17, 1 (1999), pp. 102–3.


Миф об «изнасилованной Германии» широко распространился в современной западной историографии после публикации в 2002 году книги английского историка Э. Бивора «Падение Берлина». Примеч. ред.


Norman Naimark, The Russians in Germany. A history of the Soviet zone of occupation, 1945–49 (Cambridge, Mass., 1995).


Hannes Adomeit, Imperial overstretch. Germany in Soviet policy from Stalin to Gorbachev (Baden-Baden, 1998).


Richard L. Merritt, Democracy imposed: US occupation policy and the German public, 1945–1949 (New Haven, 1995). Я признателен своему студенту Россу Дж. Токоле за это и другие указания.


Wolfgang Krieger, ‘Was General Clay a revisionist? Strategic aspects of the United States occupation of Germany’, Journal of Contemporary History, 18, 2 (1983), pp. 165–84 (quotation p. 180).


Josef Foschepoth, ‘British interest in the division of Germany after the Second World War’, Journal of Contemporary History, 23, 3 (1986), pp. 391–411. For a broader overview of the post-war British preoccupation with Germany see Daniel Gossel, Briten, Deutsche und Europa. Die deutsche Frage in der britischen Aussenpolitik, 1945–1962 (Stuttgart, 1999).


William I. Hitchcock, France restored: Cold War diplomacy and the quest for leadership in Europe, 1944–1954 (Chapel Hill, 1998), pp. 74–7 and passim.


‘X’ [George Kennan], ‘The sources of Soviet conduct’, Foreign Affairs, 25, 4 (July 1947), pp. 566–82.


John Lewis Gaddis, The long peace. Inquiries into the history of the Cold War (New York and Oxford, 1987), pp. 41–2.


Tony Judt, Postwar. A history of Europe since 1945 (London, 2005).


Arnold A. Offner, Another such victory. President Truman and the Cold War, 1945–1953 (Stanford, 2002), pp. 157–67.


Klaus Schwabe, ‘The Cold War and European integration, 1947–63’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 12, 4 (2001), pp. 18–34.


Robert E. Ferrell, ‘The Truman era and European integration’, in Francis H. Heller and John R. Gillingham (eds.), The United States and the integration of Europe. Legacies of the postwar era (New York, 1996), p. 28.


Avi Shlaim, Britain and the origins of European unity (Reading, 1978), pp. 114–42.


John W. Young, Britain, France and the unity of Europe, 1945–1951 (Leicester, 1984), pp. 77–9 and passim.


Mark Byrnes, ‘Unfinished business: the United States and Franco’s Spain, 1944–47’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 11, 1 (2000), pp. 153–6.


Anne Deighton (ed.), Britain and the First Cold War (Basingstoke, 1990), p. 58.


То есть стран, расположенных ниже экватора (здесь конкретно – Австралии и Новой Зеландии). Примеч. ред.


Палестинские арабы ежегодно отмечают 15 мая День Накба, соблюдают минуту молчания и устраивают марши и демонстрации. Примеч. ред.


Moshe Zimmermann, ‘Militär, Militarismus und Zivilgesellschaft in Israel – eine europäische Erbschaft?’, in Ute Frevert (ed.), Militär und Gesellschaft im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart, 1997), pp. 342–58.


Moshe Naor, ‘Israel’s 1948 war of independence as a total war’, Journal of Contemporary History, 43, 2 (2008), pp. 241–57 (quotation p. 246).


Scott Parrish, ‘The Marshall Plan and the division of Europe’, in Naimark and Gibianskii (eds.), Establishment of communist regimes in eastern Europe, pp. 267–90, especially pp. 286–7.


Silvio Pons, ‘Stalin, Togliatti, and the origins of the Cold War in Europe’, Journal of Cold War Studies 3, 2 (2001), pp. 3–27, especially pp. 5 and 12.


Robert H. Van Meter, ‘Secretary of State Marshall, General Clay, and the Moscow Council of Foreign Ministers meeting of 1947: a response to Philip Zelikow’, Dip – lomacy and Statecraft, 16, 1 (2005), pp. 139–67, especially pp. 142–3, 145 and 152 (Dulles quotation p. 151).


Roger G. Miller, To save a city. The Berlin airlift, 1948–49 (College Station, Texas, 2000), pp. 36–86.


Edmund Spevack, ‘American pressures on the German constitutional tradition: basic rights in the West German constitution of 1949’, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 10, 3 (1997), pp. 411–36 (quotation p. 424). О роли США в политической демократизации Германии: Daniel E. Rogers, ‘Transforming the German party system. The United States and the origins of political moderation, 1945–1949’, Journal of Modern History, 65, 3 (1993), pp. 512–41.


Paul Fritz, ‘From defeat and division to democracy in Germany’, in Mary Fran T. Malone (ed.), Achieving democracy. Democratization in theory and practice (New York and London, 2011), pp. 169–94.


Abbott Gleason, Totalitarianism. The inner history of the Cold War (Oxford, 1995), pp. 157–66, for anti-totalitarianism as the ‘quasi-of cial ideology of the West German state’ (p. 157).


Ulrich Lappenküper, ‘Primat der Aussenpolitik! Die Verständigung zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Frankreich, 1949–1963’, in Eckart Conze, Ulrich Lappenküper and Guido Müller (eds.), Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen. Erneuerung und Erweiterung einer his – torischen Disziplin (Cologne, Weimar and Vienna, 2004), pp. 45–63.


Robert A. Divine, ‘The Cold War and the election of 1948’, Journal of American History, 59 (1972), pp. 90–110, especially pp. 91, 95 and 98–9 (Dewey quotation p. 100).


По имени премьер-министра Франции до июля 1948 г. Примеч. ред.


John Callaghan, ‘The Cold War and the march of capitalism, socialism and democracy’, Contemporary British History, 15, 3 (2001), pp. 1–25 (quotation p. 4).


Dianne Kirby, ‘Divinely sanctioned. The Anglo-American Cold War alliance and the defence of western civilisation and Christianity, 1945–48’, Journal of Contemporary History, 35, 3 (2000), pp. 385–412 (quotation p. 405).


Peter Hennessy, The secret state. Whitehall and the Cold War (London, 2002), and now Christopher Andrew, The defence of the realm. The authorized history of MI5 (London, 2010).


Термин американской политики, обозначающий государственный сектор в широком значении. Примеч. ред.


Peter Clarke, ‘Labour’s beachmaster’, London Review of Books, 23.1.2003, p. 25.


Aaron L. Friedberg, In the shadow of the garrison state. America’s anti-statism and its Cold War grand strategy (Princeton, 2000), especially pp. 340–45.


Mary L. Dudziak, Cold War civil rights. Race and the image of American democracy (Princeton and Oxford, 2000), p. 29.


ibid., pp. 2–3 and passim.


Maria Höhn and Martin Klimke, A breath of freedom. The civil rights struggle, African American GIs and Germany (Basingstoke, 2010), pp. 56 and 76.


Geoffrey Marston, ‘The United Kingdom’s part in the preparation of the European Convention on Human Rights, 1950’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 42 (1993), pp. 796–826.


Благодарю Томаса Проберта за привлечение моего внимания к этому факту.


Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands. Europe between Hitler and Stalin (New York, 2010), p. 366.


Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P. Naumov, Stalin’s last crime. The plot against the Jewish doctors, 1948–1953 (London, 2003), especially pp. 183–4.


Kevin McDermott, ‘Stalinist terror in Czechoslovakia: origins, processes, responses’, in McDermott and Stibbe (eds.), Stalinist terror in eastern Europe, pp. 98–118, especially pp. 101–11.


Kathryn Weathersby, The Soviet aims in Korea and the origins of the Korean War, 1945–1950. New evidence from Russian archives, Cold War International History Project, Working Paper No. 8 (Washington, DC, 1993).


Michael M. Sheng, Battling western imperialism. Mao, Stalin, and the United States (Princeton, 1997), pp. 187–96, (работа на основе документов из китайских архивов), and Lorenz M. Luethi, The Sino-Soviet split. Cold War in the communist world (Princeton, 2008), pp. 345–52.


Tony Smith, Thinking like a communist. State and legitimacy in the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba (New York, 1987), pp. 191–2.


Walter Lafeber, America, Russia and the Cold War, 1945–1996, 8th edn (New York, 1997), p. 96.


Robert J. McMahon, ‘The Cold War comes to south-east Asia’, in McMahon and Thomas G. Paterson (eds.), The origins of the Cold War (Boston, 1999), pp. 227–43.


William Stueck, The Korean War. An international history (Princeton, 1995), p. 373.


Экономическое чудо (нем.). Примеч. ред.


John Gillingham, European integration, 1950–2003. Superstate or new market economy? (Cambridge, 2003) p. 27.


Christopher Gehrz, ‘Dean Acheson, the JCS and the “single package”: American policy on German rearmament, 1950’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 12, 1 (2001), pp. 135–60, especially pp. 137 and 141–3 (Acheson quotation p. 141).


Kai Bird, The chairman. John J. McCloy and the making of the American establishment (New York, 1992), p. 337.


Richard J. Aldrich, ‘OSS, CIA and European unity: the American Committee on United Europe, 1948–60’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 8, 1 (1997), pp. 184–227. Благодарю Дэвида Джио за это указание.


Arch Puddington, Broadcasting freedom. The Cold War triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (Lexington, 2001), pp. 73–4, on the importance on the Munich location, and Scott Lucas, Freedom’s war. The American crusade against the Soviet Union (Manchester, 1999), especially p. 8.


Volker R. Berghahn, America and the intellectual cold wars in Europe. Shepard Stone between philanthropy, academy, and diplomacy (Princeton and Oxford, 2001), pp. 108–51.


Samuel Moyn, The last Utopia. Human rights in history (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 2010), pp. 78–9 on this.


Alan S. Milward, The United Kingdom and the European Community. Vol. I: The rise and fall of a national strategy (London, 2002).


A. W. Lovett, ‘The United States and the Schuman Plan. A study in French diplomacy, 1950–1952’, Historical Journal, 39, 2 (1996), pp. 425–55. See A. W. Lovett, ‘The United States and the Schuman Plan. A study in French diplomacy, 1950–1952’, Historical Journal, 39, 2 (1996), pp. 425–55.


Kevin Ruane, The rise and fall of the European Defence Community. Anglo-American relations and the crisis of European defence, 1950–55 (Basingstoke, 2000).


Gillingham, European integration, pp. 29–30.


Vladislav Zubok, ‘The Soviet Union and European integration from Stalin to Gorbachev’, Journal of European Integration History, 2, 1 (1996), pp. 85–98, especially pp. 85–8.


Christoph Bluth, The two Germanies and military security in Europe (Basingstoke, 2002), p. 13.


Dirk Spilker, The East German leadership and the division of Germany: patriotism and propaganda, 1945–53 (Oxford, 2006).


Hans-Peter Schwarz, Konrad Adenauer. A German politician and statesman in a period of war, revolution and reconstruction. Vol. I: From the German Empire to the Federal Republic, 1876–1952 (Providence and Oxford, 1995), pp. 649–63.


Ориентация на Запад (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Ronald Smelser and Edward J. Davies, The myth of the eastern front. The Nazi—Soviet war in American popular culture (Cambridge, 2008), pp. 46–89.


Jeffrey Herf, Divided memory. The Nazi past in the two Germanys (Cambridge, Mass., 1997).


Mark Kramer, ‘The early post-Stalin succession struggle and upheavals in east central Europe: internal—external linkages in Soviet policy making’, Journal of Cold War Studies, 1, 1 (1999), p. 12.


Thomas J. Christensen, Useful adversaries. Grand strategy, domestic mobilization, and Sino-American con ict, 1947–1958 (Princeton, 1996).


William B. Pickett, Eisenhower decides to run. Presidential politics and Cold War strategy (Chicago, 2000), pp. 213–15 (quotation p. 182).


Steven Casey, Selling the Korean War. Propaganda, politics and public opinion in the United States, 1950–1953 (New York, 2008), p. 251.


Kramer, ‘Early post – Stalin succession struggle’, pp. 3–55. (Крамер, как мне кажется, уделяет слишком мало внимания внешней политике, хотя данные, им собранные, указывают на обратное.) Также: Jeremy Smith and Melanie Ilic (eds.), Khrushchev in the Kremlin. Policy and government in the Soviet Union, 1953–1964 (London and New York, 2011).


Hubert Zimmermann, ‘The sour fruits of victory: sterling and security in Anglo-German relations during the 1950s and 1960s’, Contemporary European History, 9, 2 (2000), pp. 225–43.


Geoffrey Owen, From Empire to Europe. The decline and revival of British industry since the Second World War (London, 1999), pp. 30–56 and passim.


Lawrence Black, ‘“The bitterest enemies of communism”: Labour revisionists, Atlanticism and the Cold War’, Contemporary British History, 15, 3 (2001), pp. 26–62, especially pp. 27–8.


ibid., p. 34.


Martin Ceadel, ‘British parties and the European situation, 1952–1957’, in Ennio di Nolfo (ed.), Power in Europe? II. Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy and the origins of the EEC, 1952–1957 (Berlin and New York, 1992), pp. 309–32.


John Lewis Gaddis, The United States and the end of the Cold War. Implications, reconsiderations, provocations (Oxford, 1992), p. 73.


László Borhi, ‘Rollback, liberation, containment or inaction? U. S. policy and Eastern Europe in the 1950s’, Journal of Cold War Studies, 1, 3 (1999), pp. 67–110 (quotations p. 68).


Ian Johnson, A mosque in Munich. Nazis, the CIA, and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the west (New York, 2010).


Evin Ruane, ‘Agonizing reappraisals: Anthony Eden, John Foster Dulles and the crisis of European defence, 1953–54’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 13, 4 (2002), pp. 151–85 (quotations pp. 151, 153, 156–7 and 172).


Arnold Kanter, ‘The European Defense Community in the French National Assembly: a roll call analysis’, Comparative Politics, 2, 2 (1970), pp. 206, 212 and passim.


Anne Deighton, ‘The last piece of the jigsaw: Britain and the creation of the western European Union, 1954’, Contemporary European History, 7, 2 (1998), pp. 181–96.


Martin Schaad, ‘Plan G – a “counterblast”? British policy towards the Messina countries, 1956’, Contemporary European History 7, 1 (1998), pp. 39–60, passim (quotation p. 46).


Lafeber, America, Russia and the Cold War, p. 178.


Dieter Krüger, Sicherheit durch Integration? Die wirtschaftliche und politische Integration Westeuropas 1947 bis 1957/58 (Oldenbourg, 2003), p. 514 and passim.


William Glenn Gray, Germany’s Cold War. The global campaign to isolate East Germany, 1949–1969 (Chapel Hill and London, 2003).


Sergei N. Khrushchev, Nikita Khrushchev and the creation of a superpower (University Park, Pa, 2000), p. 63.


Ira Chernus, Apocalypse management. Eisenhower and the discourse of national insecurity (Stanford, 2008), p. 141.


Mohamed Heikal, Sphinx and commissar. The rise and fall of Soviet in uence in the Arab world (London, 1978), p. 65.


Robert W. Heywood, ‘West European Community and the Eurafrica concept in the 1950s’, Journal of European Integration, 4, 2 (1981), pp. 199–210.


Ralph Dietl, ‘Suez 1956: a European intervention?’, Journal of Contemporary History, 43, 2 (2008), pp. 259–78 (quotation p. 261).


John C. Campbell, ‘The Soviet Union, the United States, and the twin crises of Hungary and Suez’, in William Roger Louis and Roger Owen (eds.), Suez 1956. The crisis and its consequences (Oxford, 1989), pp. 233–53.


Simon C. Smith (ed.), Reassessing Suez 1956. New perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath (London, 2008).


Diane B. Kunz, The economic diplomacy of the Suez crisis (Chapel Hill and London, 1991), especially pp. 113–14 and 192–3.


W. R. Louis, ‘Public enemy number one: the British Empire in the dock at the United Nations, 1957–1971’, in Martin Lynn (ed.), The British Empire in the 1950s. Retreat or revival? (Basingstoke, 2006).


Kenneth O. Morgan, Britain since 1945. The people’s peace (Oxford, 1990), p. 158.


Schaad, ‘Plan G – a “counterblast”?’, p. 50.


Yinghong Cheng, ‘Beyond Moscow-centric interpretation: an examination of the China connection in eastern Europe and North Vietnam during the era of de-Stalinisation’, Journal of World History, 15, 4 (2004), pp. 487–518, especially pp. 489, 492–3 and 496 (quotation p. 489).


Martin Thomas, The French North African crisis. Colonial break-down and Anglo-French relations, 1945–1962 (Basingstoke, 2000).


Vladislav Zubok, Khrushchev and the Berlin crisis (1958–1962), Cold War International History Project, Working Paper No. 6 (Washington, DC, 1993), p. 8. For the centrality of Germany to Khrushchev see p. 3.


Nicholas Thompson, The hawk and the dove. Paul Nitze, George Kennan and the history of the Cold War (New York, 2009), p. 175.


Richard Immerman, John Foster Dulles. Piety, pragmatism, and power in U. S. foreign policy (Wilmington, 1999), p. 188.


Andrea Benvenuti, Anglo-Australian relations and the turn to Europe, 1961–1972 (Woodbridge, 2008), pp. 26–41.


Frank A. Mayer, Adenauer and Kennedy. A study in German American relations, 1961–1963 (Basingstoke, 1996), p. 96.


Mark Moyar, Triumph forsaken. The Vietnam War, 1954–1965 (Cambridge, 2006).


Lawrence Freedman, Kennedy’s wars. Berlin, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam (Oxford, 2000).


David Kaiser, ‘Men and policies’, in Diane B. Kunz (ed.), The diplomacy of the crucial decade (New York, 1994), pp. 11–41, especially pp. 23–9.


Höhn and Klimke, A breath of freedom, p. 95.


Zubok, Khrushchev and the Berlin crisis, p. 25.


Gordon S. Barrass, The Great Cold War. A journey through the hall of mirrors (Stanford, 2009), p. 131.


Hope M. Harrison, Driving the Soviets up the wall. Soviet-East German relations, 1953–1961 (Princeton, 2005).


Robert Cottrell, ‘L’homme Nikita’, New York Review of Books, 1.5.2003, pp. 32–5 (quotation p. 33).


Tony Judt, ‘On the brink’, New York Review of Books, 15.1.1998, quotation p. 55.


John Lewis Gaddis, We now know. Rethinking Cold War history (Oxford, 1997), p. 277. Также: Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, ‘One hell of a gamble’. Khrushchev, Castro, Kennedy, and the Cuban missile crisis, 1958–1964 (London and New York, 1997).


Hope M. Harrison, Ulbricht and the concrete ‘Rose’. New archival evidence on the dynamics of Soviet-East German relations and the Berlin crisis, 1958–61, Cold War International History Project, Working Paper No. 5 (Washington, DC, 1993), p. 59.


Gregor Peter Schmitz, ‘The day Berlin was divided’, Spiegel International, 30.10.2009: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/the-day-berlin-was-divided-kennedy-surprised-by-such-strong-american-outrage-to-the-wall-a-658349.html.


Frédéric Bozo, Two strategies for Europe. De Gaulle, the United States, and the Atlantic alliance (Lanham and Boulder, 2001), and Jeffrey Glen Giauque, Grand designs and visions of unity. The Atlantic powers and the reorganization of western Europe, 1955–1963 (Chapel Hill and London, 2002).


Frank Costigliola, ‘The failed design: Kennedy, de Gaulle, and the struggle for Europe’, Diplomatic History, 8, 3 (1984), pp. 227–52.


Matthias Schulz, ‘Integration durch eine europäische Atomstreitmacht? Nuklearambitionen und die deutsche Europa-Initiative vom Herbst 1964’, Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 53, 2 (2005), p. 286.


Eckart Conze, ‘Hegemonie durch Integration? Die amerikanische Europapolitik und ihre Herausforderung durch de Gaulle’, Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 43 (1995), pp. 297–340.


Francis J. Gavin, ‘The myth of exible response: United States strategy in Europe during the 1960s’, International History Review, 23, 4 (2001), 847–75, especially pp. 848, 862–5.


ibid., p. 869. Также: Marc Trachtenberg, A constructed peace. The making of the European settlement, 1945–1963 (Princeton, 1999) pp. 382–98; здесь “ядерная неполноценность” ФРГ признается итогом послевоенного урегулирования.


Thomas Alan Schwartz, Lyndon Johnson and Europe. In the shadow of Vietnam (Cambridge, Mass., 2003), p. 44.


Frank Costigiola, ‘The Vietnam War and the challenges to American power in Europe’, in Lloyd C. Gardner and Ted Gittinger (eds.), International perspectives on Vietnam (College Station, Texas, 2000), pp. 146–7 and 151.


Восточная политика (нем.). Примеч. ред.


Daniel Kosthorst, ‘Sowjetische Geheimpolitik in Deutschland? Chruschtschow und die Adschubej-Mission 1964’, Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 44 (1996), pp. 257–94.


Susanna Schrafstetter, Die dritte Atommacht. Britische Nichtverbreitungspolitik im Dienst von Statussicherung und Deutschlandpolitik, 1952–1968 (Munich, 1999), pp. 224, 234–6.


Paul du Quenoy, ‘The role of foreign affairs in the fall of Nikita Khrushchev in October 1964’, International History Review, 25, 2 (2003), pp. 334–56 (quotations pp. 339 and 351), and James G. Richter, Khrushchev’s double bind. International pressures and domestic coalition politics (Baltimore and London, 1994).


R. D. Johnson, All the way with LBJ. The 1964 presidential election (Cambridge, 2009), pp. 77–90 and 124–5. I am very grateful to Andrew Preston for this reference.


Thomas Borstelmann, The Cold War and the color line. American race relations in the global arena (Cambridge, Mass., 2001).


Clifford G. Gaddy, The price of the past. Russia’s struggle with the legacy of a militarized economy (Washington, DC, 1997).


Martin Malia, The Soviet tragedy. A history of socialism in Russia, 1917–1991 (New York, 1994).


James Sheehan, The monopoly of violence. Why Europeans hate going to war (London, 2008).


Thomas A. Schwartz, ‘The de Gaulle challenge: the Johnson administration and the NATO crisis of 1966–1967’, in Helga Haftendorn, Georges-Henri Soutou, Stephen F. Szabo and Samuel F. Wells Jnr (eds.), The strategic triangle. France, Germany, and the United States in the shaping of the new Europe (Baltimore, 2006), p. 133.


Fredrik Logevall, Choosing war. The lost chance for peace and the escalation of war in Vietnam (Berkeley, 1999), especially pp. 375–498.


Mark Atwood Lawrence, Assuming the burden. Europe and the American commitment to war in Vietnam (Berkeley, 2007). Quotation in Costigiola, ‘Vietnam War and the challenges to American power in Europe’, p. 148.


Thomas Alan Schwartz, Lyndon Johnson and Europe. In the shadow of Vietnam (Cambridge, Mass., 2003).


Saki Dockrill, Britain’s retreat from east of Suez. The choice between Europe and the world? (Basingstoke, 2002), pp. 196–7 and 218–19.


Среди прочих мер туристам запретили вывозить из Великобритании более 50 фунтов стерлингов; это ограничение было снято в 1979 г. Примеч. ред.


Helen Parr, ‘Saving the community: the French response to Britain’s second EEC application in 1967’, Cold War History, 6, 4 (2006), pp. 425–54.


Timothy Garton Ash, In Europe’s name. Germany and the divided continent (London, 1993), p. 54.


Frédéric Bozo, ‘Détente versus alliance: France, the United States and the politics of the Harmel Report (1964–1968)’, Contemporary European History, 7, 3 (1998), pp. 343–60.


Carole Fink, Philipp Gassert and Detlef Junker (eds.), 1968. The world transformed (Cambridge, 1998), pp. 8–18 and passim, and R. Gildea, James Mark and Niek Pas, ‘European radicals and the “Third World”: imagined solidarities and radical networks, 1958–73’, Cultural and Social History, 8 (2011), pp. 449–72.


События (фр.). Примеч. ред.


Hans Kundnani, Utopia or Auschwitz. Germany’s 1968 generation and the Holocaust (London, 2009), p. 64.


Martin Klimke, The other alliance. Student protest in West Germany and the United States in the global sixties (Princeton, 2010).


Kundnani, Utopia or Auschwitz, pp. 42 and 45.


Американское общественно-политическое движение за предоставление бо́льших прав и возможностей чернокожим. Примеч. ред.


Dan Diner, America in the eyes of the Germans. An essay on anti-Americanism (Princeton, 1996), pp. 105–50.


Имеется в виду конституционный референдум по президентскому законопроекту о реформе сената и создании регионов. Примеч. ред.


William Burr, ‘Sino-American relations, 1969: the Sino-Soviet border war and steps towards rapprochement’, Cold War History, 1, 3 (2001), pp. 73–112, especially pp. 87 and 104.


John Lewis Gaddis, ‘Rescuing choice from circumstance. The statecraft of Henry Kissinger’, in Gordon A. Craig and Francis L. Loewenheim (eds.), The diplomats, 1939–1979 (Princeton, 1994), pp. 564–92 (the phrase ‘authoritarian purposefulness’ is on p. 571).


G. R. Sloan, Geopolitics in United States strategic policy, 1890–1987 (Brighton, 1988), p. 173.


Carole Fink and Bernd Schaefer (eds.), Ostpolitik, 1969–1974. European and global responses (Cambridge, 2009).


Имеется в виду договор между РСФСР и Германией (1922) о восстановлении дипломатических отношений. Примеч. ред.


Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy (New York, 1994), p. 735.


Jussi Hanhimäki, The awed architect. Henry Kissinger and American foreign policy (Oxford, 2004), pp. 85–90.


Gordon S. Barrass, The Great Cold War. A journey through the hall of mirrors (Stanford, 2009), p. 169.


H. G. Linke (ed.), Quellen zu den deutsch-sowjetischen Beziehungen. Vol. II: 1945–1991 (Darmstadt, 1999), p. 146.


William Bundy, A tangled web. The making of foreign policy in the Nixon presidency (New York, 1998), p. 321.


Mary E. Sarotte, Dealing with the devil. East Germany, détente, and Ostpolitik, 1969–1973 (Chapel Hill, 2001), pp. 109–11.


Garton Ash, In Europe’s name.


Kundnani, Utopia or Auschwitz, p. 90.


Jeremy Suri, Henry Kissinger and the American century (Cambridge, Mass., 2007), pp. 171–172.


Niklas H. Rossbach, Heath, Nixon and the rebirth of the special relationship. Britain, the US and the EC, 1969–74 (Basingstoke, 2009).


Jenna Phillips, ‘Don’t mention the war? History suggests foreign policy can swing voters’, History and Policy, 22.4.2010, pp. 2–3.


Brian Harrison, Finding a role? The United Kingdom, 1970–1990 (Oxford, 2010), pp. 20–38.


Keith Hamilton, ‘Britain, France, and America’s year of Europe, 1973’, in Stone and Otte (eds.), Anglo-French relations, pp. 237–62.


Victor Israelyan, ‘The October 1973 war: Kissinger in Moscow’, Middle East Journal, 49 (1995), pp. 248–68.


‘Z’, ‘The year of Europe?’, Foreign Affairs, 52, 2 (January 1974).


A. James McAdams, ‘The new diplomacy of the West German Ostpolitik’, in Gordon A. Craig and Francis L. Loewenheim (eds.), The diplomats, 1939–1979 (Princeton, 1994), p. 559.


Tony Smith, America’s mission. The United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy in the twentieth century (Princeton, 1994), p. 266.


Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Le Nouvel Observateur, 15–21.1.1998.


Norman Stone, The Atlantic and its enemies. A personal history of the Cold War (London, 2010), chapter 19, ‘The Kremlin consolations’, pp. 353–81.


Jonathan Haslam, Russia’s Cold War. From the October Revolution to the fall of the Wall (New Haven and London, 2011), p. 304.


Jonathan Haslam, The Soviet Union and the politics of nuclear weapons in Europe, 1969–87. The problem of the SS-20 (Basingstoke, 1989), p. 76.


Michael Ploetz, ‘Mit RAF, Roten Brigaden und Action Directe – Terrorismus und Rechtsextremismus in der Strategie von SED und KPdSU’, Zeitschrift des Forschungsverbundes SED-Staat, 22 (2007), pp. 117–44.


Christopher Andrew, The world was going our way. The KGB and the battle for the Third World (New York, 2005).


Paolo Filo della Torre, Edward Mortimer and Jonathan Story (eds.), Eurocommunism. Myth or reality? (Harmondsworth, 1979).


Odd Arne Westad, The global Cold War. Third World interventions and the making of our times (Cambridge, 2005), p. 245.


Christoph Bluth, The two Germanies and military security in Europe (Basingstoke, 2002), pp. 99–106, 227 and passim. О восприятии современниками советского превосходства в обычных вооружениях: Jack L. Snyder, The Soviet strategic culture. Implications for limited nuclear options (Santa Monica, 1977), pp. 23–4.


Aryeh Neier, Taking liberties. Four decades in the struggle for rights (New York, 2003), and Samuel Moyn, The last Utopia. Human rights in history (Cambridge, Mass., and London 2010).


Thomas J. W. Probert, ‘The innovation of the Jackson—Vanik amendment’, in Brendan Simms and D. J. B. Trim (eds.), Humanitarian intervention. A history (Cambridge, 2011), pp. 323–42 (quotation p. 323). Мне также очень помогли беседы с моим студентом Джонатаном Куком, который пишет диссертацию по Джексону.


Clyde Haberman, ‘Decades later, Kissinger’s words stir fresh outrage among Jews’, The New York Times, 16.12.2010, which reviews the latest release of tapes from the Oval Office.


Noam Kochavi, ‘Insights abandoned, exibility lost: Kissinger, Soviet Jewish emigration, and the demise of détente’, Diplomatic History, 29, 3 (2005), pp. 503–29, especially pp. 521–2.


Noam Kochavi, ‘Insights abandoned, exibility lost: Kissinger, Soviet Jewish emigration, and the demise of détente’, Diplomatic History, 29, 3 (2005), pp. 503–29, especially pp. 521–2.


‘Report by Mr Leo Tindemans, Prime Minister of Belgium, to the European Council’, Bulletin of the European Communities, supplement 1/76 (1975), pp. 3, 5 and 11.


Keith Hamilton, ‘Cold War by other means: British diplomacy and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1972–1975’, in Wilfried Loth and Georges-Henri Soutou (eds.), The making of détente. Eastern and western Europe in the Cold War, 1965–75 (New York and London, 2008), pp. 169 and 172. See also Roger Beetham, ‘Observations on British diplomacy and the CSCE process’, British Scholar, III, 1 (2010), pp. 127–32. Благодарю Томаса Проберта за это указание.


William Korey, The promises we keep. Human rights, the Helsinki process, and American foreign policy (New York, 1993), p. xvii.


Olav Njølstad, ‘The Carter administration and Italy: keeping the communists out of power without interfering’, Journal of Cold War Studies, 4, 3 (2002), pp. 56–94 (quotation p. 64).


Kenneth Maxwell, The making of Portuguese democracy (Cambridge, 1997).


Donald Sassoon, One hundred years of socialism. The west European left in the twentieth century (London, 1996), especially chapter 21.


Douglas Wass, Decline to fall. The making of British macro-economic policy and the 1976 IMF crisis (Oxford and New York, 2008).


Robin Harris (ed.), The collected speeches of Margaret Thatcher (London, 1997), p. 39. I am grateful to Matthew Jamison for this reference.


Svetlana Savranskaya, ‘Human rights movement in the USSR after the signing of the Helsinki Final Act, and the reaction of Soviet authorities’, in Leopoldo Nuti (ed.), The crisis of détente in Europe. From Helsinki to Gorbachev, 1975–1985 (London and New York, 2009), p. 29.


Имеется в виду Ю. Ф. Орлов, основатель и первый руководитель Московской Хельсинкской группы. Примеч. ред.


Justin Vaïsse, Neoconservatism. The biography of a movement (Cambridge, Mass., 2010).


Klaus Wiegrefe, Das Zerwürfnis. Helmut Schmidt, Jimmy Carter und die Krise der deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen (Berlin, 2005).


Maria Eleonora Guasconi,‘Europe and the EMS challenge: old and new forms of European integration in the 1970s’, in Nuti (ed.), Crisis of détente in Europe, pp. 177–89, especially pp. 177–8 and 181.


Oliver Bange, ‘“Keeping détente alive”: inner-German relations under Helmut Schmidt and Erich Honecker, 1974–1982’, in Nuti (ed.), Crisis of détente in Europe, pp. 233–4.


Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Le Nouvel Observateur, 15–21. 1.1998.


Ray Takeyh, Guardians of the revolution. Iran and the world in the age of the ayatollahs (Oxford and New York, 2009), especially pp. 11–33 (quotations pp. 28, 18, 20 and 21). Благодарю мою студентку Розанну Айвори за интересные беседы об иранской революции и ее международных последствиях.


Enrico Fardella, ‘The Sino-American entente of 1978–1979 and its “baptism of re” in Indochina’, in Max Guderzo and Bruna Bagnato (eds.), The globalization of the Cold War. Diplomacy and local confrontation. 1975–85 (London and New York, 2010), pp. 154–65, especially pp. 158–9.


Yaroslav Trofimov, The siege of Mecca. The forgotten uprising (London, 2007).


Lloyd C. Gardner, The long road to Baghdad. A history of U. S. foreign policy from the 1970s to the present (New York and London, 2008), p. 56.


Odd Arne Westad, ‘The road to Kabul: Soviet policy on Afghanistan, 1978–1979’, in Odd Arne Westad (ed.), The fall of détente. Soviet-American relations during the Carter years (Oslo, 1997), especially pp. 134–135.


G. R. Sloan, Geopolitics in United States strategic policy, 1890–1987 (Brighton, 1988), p. 191.


Jeffrey Herf, War by other means. Soviet power, West German resistance, and the battle of the Euromissiles (New York, 1991), and Thomas Risse-Kappen, Zero option. INF, West Germany, and arms control (Boulder and London, 1988).


David Skidmore, Reversing course. Carter’s foreign policy, domestic politics and the failure of reform (Nashville and London, 1996), pp. 52–83.


Richard Melanson, American foreign policy since the Vietnam War. The search for consensus from Nixon to Clinton (Armonk and London, 1996), p. 134.


Mark A. Kramer, ‘Poland, 1980–81. Soviet policy during the Polish crisis’, Cold War International History Project Bulletin, issue 5 (Spring, 1995), pp. 118–23.


Raymond L. Garthoff, The great transition. American—Soviet relations and the end of the Cold War (Washington, DC, 1994), p. 8.


Smith, America’s mission, p. 303.


‘Obituary: Lord Blaker’, The Times, 9.7.2009, p. 57.


Lawrence Freedman, The of cial history of the Falklands campaign, 2 vols. (London, 2005).


A. F. K. Organski, The $36 billion bargain. Strategy and politics in US assistance to Israel (New York, 1990), p. 204.


Beatrice Heuser, ‘The Soviet response to the Euromissiles crisis’, in Nuti (ed.), Crisis of détente in Europe, p. 144. For Soviet concerns about the Bundeswehr see p. 143.


Pavel Stroilov, ‘Reaching through the Iron Curtain’ (по дневникам советского дипломата Анатолия Черняева), and Gerald Kaufman, ‘How my party was betrayed by KGB boot-lickers’, in the section ‘Labour and the Soviets’, Spectator, 7.11.2009, pp. 14–17.


Peter J. Westwick, ‘The Strategic Offense Initiative? The Soviets and Star Wars’, Physics Today, 61, 6 (June 2008), p. 45.


Sean N. Kalic, ‘Reagan’s SDI announcement and the European reaction: diplomacy in the last decade of the Cold War’, in Nuti (ed.), Crisis of détente in Europe, pp. 99–110.


Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years (London, 1993), p. 548. Также: Hugo Young, The blessed plot. Britain and Europe from Churchill to Blair (Basingstoke, 1998), pp. 306–74, especially pp. 310 and 358.


Richard Hellie, ‘The structure of Russian imperial history’, History and Theory, 44, 4 (2005), p. 107.


Amin Saikal and William Maley (eds.), The Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan (Cambridge, 1989), p. 13.


Rodric Braithwaite, Afgantsy. The Russians in Afghanistan, 1979–89 (London, 2011), especially pp. 121–24.


Stephen Kotkin, Armageddon averted. The Soviet collapse, 1970–2000 (Oxford, 2001), and Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika. New thinking for our country and the world (London, 1987), p. 19 and passim.


Vladislav M. Zubok, ‘Why did the Cold War end in 1989? Explanations of “the turn”’, in Odd Arne Westad (ed.), Reviewing the Cold War. Approaches, interpretations, theory (London, 2000), p. 347.


Boris Meissner, Vom Sowjetimperium zum eurasischen Staatensystem. Die russische Aussenpolitik im Wandel und in der Wechselbeziehung zur Innenpolitik (Berlin, 1995), pp. 37–66.


Vladimir Shlapentokh, ‘A normal system? False and true explanations for the collapse of the USSR’, The Times Literary Supplement, 15.12.2000, p. 12.


Daniel Deudney and G. John Ikenberry, ‘The international sources of Soviet change’, International Security, 16, 3 (1991–2), pp. 105–6.


Jonathan Haslam, ‘1989: History is rewritten’, in S. Pons and F. Romero (eds.), Reinterpreting the end of the Cold War. Issues, interpretations, periodizations (London and New York, 2005), pp. 165–78 (quotations p. 167).


‘Memorandum from Anatoly Chernyaev to Aleksandr Yakovlev on Germany and eastern Europe’, 10.3.1986, in Svetlana Savranskaya, Thomas Blanton and Vladislav Zubok (eds.), Masterpieces of history. The peaceful end of the Cold War in Europe, 1989 (Budapest and New York, 2010), pp. 222–3.


‘Record of conversation between Aleksandr Yakovlev and Zbigniew Brzezinski’, 31.10.1989, in Savranskaya, Blanton and Zubok (eds.), Masterpieces of history, pp. 566–7.


Thomas Risse-Kappen, ‘Ideas do not oat freely: transnational coalitions, domestic structures, and the end of the Cold War’, International Organization, 48, 2 (1994), pp. 185–214 (pp. 206–7).


Mark Bassin, ‘Geopolitics of the Historikerstreit: the strange return of the Mittellage’, in Jost Hermand and James Steakley (eds.), Heimat, nation, fatherland. The German sense of belonging (New York etc., 1996), pp. 187–228, especially pp. 191–4.


Erhard Busek and Emil Brix, Projekt Mitteleuropa (Vienna, 1986). For a discussion of the political significance see Robin Okey, ‘Central Europe/eastern Europe: behind the definitions’, Past and Present, 137 (1992), pp. 127–9.


Yitzhak M. Brudny, Reinventing Russia. Russian nationalism and the Soviet state, 1953–1991 (Cambridge, Mass., 1998).


Zubok, ‘Why did the Cold War end in 1989?’, p. 349.


Richard Sakwa, Gorbachev and his reforms, 1985–90 (New York and London, 1990), p. 9.


‘The new democratic revolution’, in ibid., pp. 192–3.


Eduard Schewardnadse, Als der eiserne Vorhang zerriss. Begegnungen und Erinnerungen (Duisburg, 2007), pp. 76–8.


Stephen Wall, A stranger in Europe. Britain and the EU from Thatcher to Blair (Oxford, 2008).


Baroness Young (Minister of State) at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Third Mackinder Lecture, printed in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 12, 4 (1987), pp. 391–7, especially p. 393.


Andrew Roberts, ‘Why Thatcher feared Germany’, Sunday Telegraph, 13.9.2009, p. 22.


Собственное «имя» западных тактических баллистических ракет класса «земля—земля». Примеч. ред.


Artemy M. Kalinovsky and Sergey Radchenko (eds.), The end of the Cold War and the Third World. New perspectives on regional conflict (London and New York, 2011).


Jason Burke, Al-Qaeda. Casting a shadow of terror (London, 2004).


Abdullah Azzam, ‘The solid base’, April 1988, extracts in Gilles Kepel and Jean-Pierre Milelli (eds.), Al Qaeda in its own words (Cambridge, Mass., 2008), pp. 140–43 (quotation p. 143).


Fawaz A. Gerges, The far enemy. Why jihad went global (Cambridge, 2005).


Sakwa, Gorbachev and his reforms, pp. 134–5.


Charles S. Maier, Dissolution. The crisis of communism and the end of East Germany (Princeton, 1997).


Douglas A. Borer, Superpowers defeated. Vietnam and Afghanistan compared (London and Portland, 1999), p. 220.


William E. Odom, The collapse of the Soviet military (New Haven, 1998).


Jeffrey A. Engel (ed.), The fall of the Berlin Wall. The revolutionary legacy of 1989 (Oxford, 2009), pp. 52–64, 69, 83–6, 140–41 and passim; and Harold James and Marla Stone (eds.), When the Wall came down. Reactions to German unification (London, 1993).


Daniel Johnson, ‘Seven minutes that shook the world’, Standpoint, November 2009, p. 41.


George R. Urban, Diplomacy and disillusion at the court of Margaret Thatcher. An insider’s view (London and New York, 1996), pp. 118–50 (especially p. 136).


Philip Zelikow and Condoleezza Rice, Germany unified and Europe transformed: a study in statecraft (Cambridge, Mass., 1995), and Robert L. Hutchings, American diplomacy and the end of the Cold War: an insider’s account of US policy in Europe, 1989–1992 (Washington, DC, Baltimore and London).


Michael Cox and Steven Hurst, ‘“His nest hour?” George Bush and the diplomacy of German unification’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 13, 4 (2002), p. 135.


George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A world transformed (New York, 1998), pp. 182–203, 253, 280–81 (quotation) and passim.


Michael R. Beschloss and Strobe Talbott, At the highest levels. The inside story of the end of the Cold War (Boston, 1993), pp. 185–6.


David Cox, Retreating from the Cold War. Germany, Russia and the withdrawal of the Western Group of forces (London, 1996).


Angela Stent, ‘From Rapallo to reunification: Russia and Germany in the twentieth century’, in Sanford R. Lieberman, David E. Powell, Carol R. Saivetz and Sarah M. Terry (eds.), The Soviet Empire reconsidered. Essays in honour of Adam B. Ulam (Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1994).


Cox and Hurst, ‘“His nest hour?”’, p. 140. 618.


Так у автора; на самом деле Б. Н. Ельцин был депутатом и членом президиума ВС СССР. Примеч. ред.


Stephen F. Frowen and Jens Hölscher (eds.), The German currency union of 1990. A critical assessment (Basingstoke, 1997).


16 сентября 1992 г. фунт стерлингов подешевел по отношению к доллару США сразу почти на 5 процентов. Примеч. ред.


Anthony Glees, ‘The diplomacy of Anglo-German relations: a study of the ERM crisis of September 1992’, German Politics, 3 (1994), pp. 75–90.


Ulrich Schlie, ‘Die ersten fünf Jahre der Wiedervereinigung: von außen betrachteteine Bücherauslese’, Die neue Ordnung, 49, 6 (1995), pp. 474–80; Manfred Görtemaker, Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Von der Gründung bis zur Gegenwart (Frankfurt am Main, 2004); Christian Hacke, Die Aussenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Von Konrad Adenauer bis Gerhard Schröder, 2nd edn (Berlin, 2004); and Eck – art Conze, Die Suche nach Sicherheit. Eine Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1949 bis in die Gegenwart (Munich, 2009).


Arthur Hertzberg, ‘Is anti-semitism dying out?’, New York Review of Books, 24.6.1993, pp. 51–7, especially p. 56.


Jan Müller, ‘The old questions and the German Revolution’, Contemporary European History, 7, 2 (1998), pp. 271–84.


Helmut Wiesenthal, ‘German unification and “Model Germany”: an adventure in institutional conservatism’, West European Politics, 26, 4 (2003), pp. 37–58.


Christopher Hill, ‘The European dimension of the debate on UN Security Council membership’, The International Spectator, XL, 4 (2005), pp. 31–2. О “внутренней культуре сдержанности” новой Германии вопреки ее “колоссальной структурной мощи”: Andrei S. Markovits and Simon Reich, The German predicament. Memory and power in the new Europe (Ithaca, 1997), pp. xiii and 3.


Gregor Schöllgen, Angst vor der Macht. Die Deutschen und ihre Aussenpolitik (Berlin, 1993).


RAND study in the summer of 1990: Ronald D. Asmus, German strategy and opinion after the Wall, 1990–1993 (Santa Monica, 1994), p. 61.


James Gow, The Serbian project and its adversaries. A strategy of war crimes (Montreal, 2003), and Gerard Toal and Carl T. Dahlman, Bosnia remade. Ethnic cleansing and its reversal (Oxford, 2011).


Leon Aron, Boris Yeltsin. A revolutionary life (London, 2000), pp. 440–93.


Karl Kaiser and Klaus Becher, ‘Germany and the Iraq con ict’, in Nicole Gnesotto and John Roper (eds.), Western Europe and the Gulf. A study of West European reactions to the Gulf War (Paris, 1992), pp. 39–69, especially pp. 39–43.


Lawrence Freedman and Efraim Karsh (eds.), The Gulf con ict 1990–1991. Diplomacy and war in the New World Order (London, 1993); Alex Danchev and Dan Keohane (eds.), International perspectives on the Gulf conflict, 1990–1991 (London, 1994).


Josef Joffe, ‘Collective security and the future of Europe: failed dreams and dead ends’, Survival, 34, 1 (1992), pp. 36–50.


Kori Schake, ‘NATO after the Cold War, 1991–1995: institutional competition and the collapse of the French alternative’, Contemporary European History, 7, 3 (1998), pp. 379–407 (p. 380).


D. Allen, ‘Wider but weaker or the more the merrier? Enlargement and foreign policy cooperation in the EC/EU’, in J. Redmond and G. G. Rosenthal (eds.), The expanding European Union. Past, present, future (Boulder, 1998).


Ludger Kühnhardt, ‘The fall of the Berlin Wall and European integration’, pp. 47–60; http://www.kas.de/upload/Publikationen/Panorama/2009/1/ kuehnhardt.pdf.


Helmut Kohl, Ich wollte Deutschlands Einheit (Berlin, 1996), pp. 194–201.


Schake, ‘NATO after the Cold War’, p. 387.


Jacques E. C. Hymans, ‘Judgment at Maastricht’, The Harvard Crimson, 4.12.1991.


James Gow, Triumph of the lack of will. International diplomacy and the Yugoslav war (London, 1997), and Josip Glaurdić, The hour of Europe. Western powers and the breakup of Yugoslavia (New Haven and London, 2011).


Brendan Simms, Un nest hour. Britain and the destruction of Bosnia (London, 2001).


Опираюсь на неопубликованную работу: Caoimhe ni Chonchuir, ‘French policy towards Bosnia, 1992–1995’ (Cambridge University M.Phil. dissertation, 2008).


Richard Caplan, ‘The European Community’s recognition of new states in Yugoslavia: the strategic implications’, Journal of Strategic Studies, 21, 3 (1998), pp. 24–45.


Takis Michas, Unholy alliance. Greece and Milošević’s Serbia (College Station, Texas, 2002).


Richard Bernstein and Ross Munro, The coming conflict with China (New York, 1997). О “восточной” ориентации Вашингтона и НАТО: Philip H. Gordon, ‘Recasting the Atlantic alliance’, Survival, 38, 1 (1996), pp. 32–57.


Smith, America’s mission, p. 325. Клинтон высказался в январе 1994 г.


Niall Ferguson and Brigitte Granville, ‘“Weimar on the Volga”. Causes and consequences of inflation in 1990s Russia compared with 1920s Germany’, Journal of Economic History, 60, 4 (2000), pp. 1061–87.


David Kerr, ‘The new Eurasianism: the rise of geopolitics in Russia’s foreign policy’, Europe – Asia Studies, 47, 6 (1995), p. 986.


Hans-Joachim Hoppe, ‘Moscow and the conflicts in former Yugoslavia’, Aussenpolitik, 43, 3 (1997), pp. 267–77, especially p. 277.


Yevgeny Primakov and Yeltsin in Peter Truscott, Russia First. Breaking with the west (London and New York, 1997), pp. 48–9.


John Dunlop and Anatol Lieven, Chechnya. Tombstone of Russian power (New Haven, 1998).


Ivo H. Daalder, Getting to Dayton. The making of America’s Bosnia policy (Washington, DC, 2000), p. 10.


Václav Havel, ‘A new European order?’ New York Review of Books, 2.3.1995, p. 43.


James Goldgeier, Not whether but when. The U. S. decision to enlarge NATO (Washington, DC, 1999), and Ronald D. Asmus, Opening NATO’s door. How the alliance remade itself for a new era (New York, 2002).


Автор умалчивает об американских солдатах в составе миротворческого контингента ООН. Примеч. ред.


John W. Young, Britain and European unity, 1945–1999, 2nd edn (Basingstoke, 2000), pp. 150–74.


Christopher Stevens, ‘Thatcherism, Majorism and the collapse of Tory statecraft’, Contemporary British History, 16, 1 (2002), pp. 119–50, especially p. 139.


Sonia Lucarelli, Europe and the breakup of Yugoslavia. A political failure in search of a scholarly explanation (The Hague and London, 2000).


A National Security Strategy of engagement and enlargement, The White House, February 1995, pp. 1, 2, 22, 25,27, 30 and passim.


Oliver Daddow, New Labour and the European Union. Blair and Brown’s logic of history (Manchester and New York, 2011), especially pp. 1 and 12.


Имеется в виду лидер СДПГ Р. Шарпинг. Примеч. ред.


Принятое обозначение союза Социал-демократической партии Германии и партии «зеленых». Примеч. ред.


Paul Gillespie, ‘History and geography rhyme for new Germany’, Irish Times, 8.11.1997.


Brendan Simms, ‘From the Kohl to the Fischer Doctrine: Germany and the Wars of the Yugoslav Succession, 1991–1999’, German History, 21, 3 (2003), pp. 393–414 (quotation p. 414).


Thomas Diez, ‘Europe’s others and the return of geopolitics’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 17, 2 (2004), pp. 319–35 (quotation p. 327).


Christopher Hill, ‘The capability – expectations gap, or conceptualizing Europe’s international role’, in Simon Bulmer and Andrew Scott (eds.), Economic and political integration in Europe. Internal dynamics and global context (Oxford, 1994), especially pp. 104 (о Боснии) and 116–117 (об обороне как ключевом условии существования ЕС в мире).


Henrik Larsen, ‘The EU: a global military actor?’, Cooperation and Conflict. Journal of the Nordic International Studies Association, 37, 3 (2002), pp. 283–302 (quotation p. 293).


Tariq Ramadan, Islam, the west and the challenges of modernity (Leicester, 2001), p. 277.


Gilles Kepel, Allah in the west. Islamic movements in America and Europe (Oxford, 1997).


Jonathan Bronitsky, British foreign policy and Bosnia. The rise of Islamism in Britain, 1992–1995, published by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (London, 2010), p. 9.


Улица в восточном Лондоне, олицетворение «азиатских» кварталов британской столицы. Примеч. ред.


Thus Ed Husain, The Islamist. Why I joined radical Islam in Britain, what I saw inside and why I left (London, 2007), pp. 74–81 and passim.


Osama bin Laden, ‘Declaration of Jihad against the Americans occupying the land of the two Holy Sanctuaries’, in Gilles Kepel and Jean-Pierre Milelli (eds.), Al Qaeda in its own words (Cambridge, Mass., 2008), pp. 47–50.


В академических исследованиях это ставится под сомнение; см.: Daniele Conversi, ‘Demo-skepticism and genocide’, Political Studies Review, 4 (2006), pp. 247–62, especially pp. 247 and 257.


Gregor Schöllgen in Wolf-Dieter Eberwein and Karl Kaiser (eds.), Deutschlands neue Aussenpolitik. Vol. IV: Institutionen und Ressourcen (Munich, 1998), p. 217.


Rudolf Scharping, Wir dürfen nicht wegsehen. Der Kosovo-Krieg und Europa (Munich, 2001), p. 114.


Simms, ‘From the Kohl to the Fischer Doctrine’.


Chris Patten, ‘No more roses’, The Times Literary Supplement, 1.6.2007, p. 13.


Catherine Ashton, speech to European parliament, 3.3.2010.


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Ныне Организация исламского сотрудничества. Примеч. ред.


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Аббревиатура составлена из первых букв названий стран-участниц и одновременно является пренебрежительной (англ. pig – свинья). Примеч. ред.


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